The Police in Occupation Japan
Christopher Aldous
Not Available
The Australia-Japan Political Alignment
Alan Rix
Hong Kong in Transition
Robert Ash
The United States and Cambodia, 1870-1969
Kenton Clymer
Japanese-German Relations, 1895-1945
RolfHarald Sophia University and 1 more
Ending the Vietnam War
Ang Cheng Guan
Rural Economic Development in Japan
Penelope Francks
Japanese-American Civilian Prisoner Exchanges and Detention Camps, 1941-45
Bruce Elleman
The Quest for Gentility in China
Daria Berg and 1 more
Forgotten Captives in Japanese-Occupied Asia
Kevin Blackburn
Christian W Spang and 1 more
On the Borders of State Power
Martin Gainsborough
Corruption and Good Governance in Asia
Nicholas Tarling
Intra-Asian Trade and the World Market
AJH University of Wales and 2 more
Colonial Cambodia's 'Bad Frenchmen'
Gregor Muller
The Rise and Decline of Thai Absolutism
Kullada Kesboonchoo Mead
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 1902-1922
Phillips OBrien
Daria Berg
The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War
Rotem University of Haifa and 1 more
Women, Work and the Japanese Economic Miracle
Helen Macnaughtan
Russian Views of Japan, 1792-1913
David N Wells
The International History of East Asia, 1900–1968
Antony London School of Economics and 1 more
India's Princely States
Waltraud University of Southampton and 2 more
Moscow and the Emergence of Communist Power in China, 1925-30
Changing Visions of East Asia, 1943-93
RB Smith
Colonialism, Violence and Muslims in Southeast Asia
Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied
Journalism and Politics in Indonesia
David T Hill
Atrocity and American Military Justice in Southeast Asia
Louise Barnett
Provincial Life and the Military in Imperial Japan
Stewart Lone
Japanese Diplomacy in the 1950s
Makoto National Defence Academy of Japan Kobe University and 1 more
Southeast Asia and the Vietnam War
Cheng Guan National Institute of Education and 1 more
Japanese and Hong Kong Film Industries
Kinnia and 1 more
Regionalism in Southeast Asia
Colonial Armies in Southeast Asia
Tobias School of Oriental and African Studies and 1 more
Kevin Blackburn and 1 more
The Limits of British Colonial Control in South Asia
Ashwini Tambe
Reforming Public Health in Occupied Japan, 1945-52
Christopher Aldous and 2 more
The Development of the Japanese Nursing Profession
Aya Takahashi
The Cold War and National Assertion in Southeast Asia
Matthew Overseas Development Institute and 1 more
National Pasts in Europe and East Asia
Peter W University of Manchester and 1 more
Port Cities in Asia and Europe
Arndt Graf
On The Borders of State Power
Martin University of Bristol and 1 more
Business-Government Relations in Prewar Japan
Peter von Staden
The British Empire and Tibet 1900-1922
Wendy Palace
US-China Cold War Collaboration
S Mahmud Independent Scholar and 1 more
British Business in Post-Colonial Malaysia, 1957-70
Nicholas J White
A Vietnamese Royal Exile in Japan
Tran MyVan
Capitalist Restructuring and the Pacific Rim
Ravi Arvind Palat
Modern China's Ethnic Frontiers
Hsiaoting Lin
Communist Indochina
R B Smith
Lee Kuan Yew's Strategic Thought
Russo-Japanese Relations, 1905-17
Peter Professor Emeritus and 2 more
The Japanese Occupation of Borneo, 1941-45
Keat Gin Ooi
A Colonial Economy in Crisis
Ian Brown
Ito Hirobumi - Japan's First Prime Minister and Father of the Meiji Constitution
Kazuhiro Takii
The Internment of Western Civilians Under the Japanese 1941-1945
Bernice Archer
Food Culture in Colonial Asia
Cecilia University of Western Australia LeongSalobir
China's Political Economy in Modern Times
Kent G Deng
Rethinking Gandhi and Nonviolent Relationality
Debjani Ganguly
Colonial Counterinsurgency and Mass Violence
Bart European University Institute and 1 more
Science, Public Health and the State in Modern Asia
Liping Alma College and 1 more
The Pacific War
Christina Twomey
Malaysia's Defeat of Armed Communism
Weichong Ong
The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State
Hironori Sasada
The Triads as Business
Yiukong University of Hong Kong Chu
Government, Imperialism and Nationalism in China
Chihyun Shanghai Jiao Tong University Chang
China and the First Vietnam War, 1947-54
Laura M Dr Calkins
China and Japan in the Russian Imagination, 1685-1922
Susanna Soojung Lim
Museums in China
Tracey Lu
Martial Arts and the Body Politic in Meiji Japan
Denis Gainty
Post-War Borneo, 1945-1950
Ooi Keat Gin
Gambling, the State and Society in Thailand, c.1800-1945
James A Warren
The Jesuit Missions to China and Peru, 1570-1610
Ana Carolina European University Institute and 1 more
Macao - The Formation of a Global City
CX George Wei
Constitution-making in Asia
H Max Planck Institute of European Legal History and 1 more
Military Force and Elite Power in the Formation of Modern China
Edward Allen McCord
Japan’s Household Registration System and Citizenship
David Chapman
Women in Modern Burma
Tharaphi Than
Japan's Postwar Economic Recovery and Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1948-1962
Noriko Yokoi
It? Hirobumi – Japan's First Prime Minister and Father of the Meiji Constitution
Takii International Research Center for Japanese Studies and 1 more
The Philosophy of Japanese Wartime Resistance
David Williams
The Dismantling of Japan's Empire in East Asia
Barak Kushner
The Transformation of the International Order of Asia
Shigeru Akita
Xinjiang and the Expansion of Chinese Communist Power
Michael Lancaster University and 1 more
New Perspectives on the History and Historiography of Southeast Asia
Michael Arthur AungThwin
Christina Twomey and 1 more
Trans-Colonial Modernities in South Asia
Michael S Dodson
Voices from the Shifting Russo-Japanese Border
Svetlana Paichadze
Mobilizing Shanghai Youth
Kristin Kansas State University and 1 more
Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Modern Japanese Empire
David G Wittner and 1 more
Status and Security in Southeast Asian State Systems
Beijing - A Concise History
Stephen Haw
Macao – Cultural Interaction and Literary Representations
Katrine K Wong
The Non-Aligned Movement and the Cold War
Natasa University of Basel and 1 more
Ong Weichong
Public Health and National Reconstruction in Post-War Asia
Local History and War Memories in Hokkaido
Philip A Seaton
Health Policy and Disease in Colonial and Post-Colonial Hong Kong, 1841-2003
Kache Yip and 2 more
Britain's Retreat from Empire in East Asia, 1905-1980
Antony Best
The Post-war Roots of Japanese Political Malaise
Dagfinn Japan Womens University and 1 more
Street Performers and Society in Urban Japan, 1600-1900
Gerald Yamanashi University and 2 more
Treaty Ports in Modern China
Robert Bickers
International Competition in China, 1899-1991
Bruce A Elleman
Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1350-1800
Thailand in the Cold War
Matthew Phillips
Managing Famine, Flood and Earthquake in China
Lauri University of Turku and 1 more
Cultural Encounters and Homoeroticism in Sri Lanka
Robert Aldrich
Barak Kushner and 1 more
Britain and China, 1840-1970
Civil Society and Postwar Pacific Basin Reconciliation
Yasuko Claremont
Suicide in Twentieth-Century Japan
Francesca USA Di Marco
Chinese Complaint Systems
Qiang Fang
Transcultural Encounters between Germany and India
Joanne Cho
Constitution-Making in Asia
H Kumarasingham
Newspapers and the Journalistic Public in Republican China
Qiliang Illinois State University and 1 more
The United States and Southeast Asian Regionalism
Sue J Thompson
Chinese Workers
Jackie Sheehan
Kyoto Visual Culture in the Early Edo and Meiji Periods
Morgan Pitelka
The Russian Discovery of Japan, 1670-1800
International Rivalry and Secret Diplomacy in East Asia, 1896-1950
World War Two Legacies in East Asia
Chan Yang
Chinese Middlemen in Hong Kong's Colonial Economy, 1830-1890
Kaori Abe
Neutrality in Southeast Asia
The Economy of Colonial Malaya
Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja
Secularism, Decolonisation, and the Cold War in South and Southeast Asia
Clemens Six
Women Warriors in Southeast Asia
Vina University of HawaiiMnoa and 1 more
Malaysia and the Cold War Era
The Colonisation and Settlement of Taiwan, 1684-1945
Ruiping Ye
Qiliang He
Sue National Security College and 2 more
Japan's "New Deal" for China
June Boston University and 1 more
Britain's Imperial Retreat from China, 1900-1931
Phoebe Chow
English Language Teaching during Japan's Post-war Occupation
Mayumi Ohara and 1 more
Voices of the Korean Minority in Postwar Japan
Erik Ropers
Germany's Colony in China
Fion Wai Ling So
China and Southeast Asia
Geoff Wade
Public Health and the Modernization of China, 1865-2015
Hagi - A Feudal Capital in Tokugawa Japan
Peter Armstrong
Ulysses S. Grant and Meiji Japan, 1869-1885
Ian Patrick Austin
The Russian Discovery of Japan, 1670–1800
Yasuko University of Sydney and 1 more
Borneo in the Cold War, 1950-1990
International Society in the Early Twentieth Century Asia-Pacific
Hiroo Osaka University and 1 more
Hiroo Nakajima
A History of the Modern Chinese Navy, 1840-2020
A History of the Modern Chinese Navy, 1840–2020
Lord Salisbury and Nationality in the East
Shihtsung Wang
Tuberculosis – The Singapore Experience, 1867–2018
Kah Seng Loh and 1 more
China in Australasia
James Beattie
Singapore – Two Hundred Years of the Lion City
Anthony Webster
Memories of the Japanese Empire
Yuko Mio
Caste in Early Modern Japan
Timothy Amos
Borneo and Sulawesi
Performing the Politics of Translation in Modern Japan
Aragorn Quinn
Chineseness and the Cold War
Jeremy E University of Sheffield and 1 more
Korean National Identity under Japanese Colonial Rule
Michael Shin
Revisiting Japan's Restoration
Timothy D Amos and 1 more
Rice and Industrialisation in Asia
Chinese Hinterland Capitalism and Shanxi Piaohao
Luman Wang
Eisaku Sato, Japanese Prime Minister, 1964-72
Ryuji Hattori
British Engagement With Japan, 1854-1922
Britain, Japan and China, 1876-1895
Yu Suzuki
Japan’s Pan-Asian Empire
SeokWon Lee
Parties as Governments in Eurasia, 1913–1991
Ivan National Research University Higher School of Economics and 2 more
Vina A Lanzona and 1 more
Power and Politics at the Colonial Seaside
ShukWah The Chinese University of Hong Kong and 1 more
India after the 1857 Revolt
M Christhu Christ University and 2 more
Planting Parliaments in Eurasia, 1850–1950
Ivan Sablin
Women in Asia under the Japanese Empire
Tatsuya Keio University and 1 more
Reassessing Lee Kuan Yew's Strategic Thought
Cheng Guan Ang
End of Empire Migrants in East Asia
Svetlana Hokkaido University and 1 more
Chinese Theatre Troupes in Southeast Asia
Beiyu Zhang
Cold War Cities
Tzeki Hon
Yuko Keio University and 1 more
Alfred Raquez and the French Experience of the Far East, 1898-1906
William L Gibson
Neo-Confucianism and Science in Korea
Sangho Ro
Jeremy E Taylor and 1 more
Revisiting Colonialism and Colonial Labour
The Pacific War Between America and Japan
Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia
Aglaia Queens University Belfast and 1 more
A J H Latham
China-Japan Rapprochement and the United States
Nationalism and Decolonisation in Singapore
Thum University of Oxford and 1 more
Pandemics in Singapore, 1819–2022
Kah Seng Southeast Asian Studies on Sustainable Humanosphere and 3 more
Chinese Business in East Asia, 1850-1950
Zhixiang Cai
Post-War Repatriation to Defeated Japan
Beatrice Trefalt
Chinese Overseas Labour and Globalisation in the Early Twentieth Century
Paul John Bailey
Britain and Japan's Security, 1945-54
Tomoki Kuniyoshi
Japanese Diplomacy and East Asian International Politics, 1918–1931
Cultures of Memory in Asia
ChiehHsiang Wu
Japan in Upheaval
Coalition Navies during the Korean War
Ian Bowers
Histories of Children and Childhood in Meiji Japan
Christian Galan
Nation Building in Japan, 1945-1952
Peter K Frost
Shukwah Poon
Parties as Governments in Eurasia, 1913-1991
Ivan Sablin and 1 more
India After the 1857 Revolt
M Christhu Doss
Two-Way Knowledge Transfer in Nineteenth Century China
Ian Gow
The European Discovery of Confucian Revolution
Sino-Muslims, Networking, and Identity in Late Imperial China
Shaodan Zhang
Cultures of Modernity and the U.S.-Japan Cold War Alliance
Masami Kimura
Comfort Women of the Japanese Empire
Yuha Pak
Traditional Malay Monarchy
Asbol bin Haji Mail
Fighting Japan's Cold War
Svetlana Paichadze and 1 more
Beer in East Asia
Paul Chambers and 1 more
Bart Luttikhuis and 1 more
The Crafting of the Postwar Peace Treaty With Japan, 1945-1951
Seung Mo Kang
The Asia Pacific War
Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja and 1 more
The Rice Trade in Asia
Winning North Vietnam's Hearts and Minds During the Vietnam War (1954-1975)
HaiChung Pham
A History of the 1957 Federation of Malaya Constitution
Joseph M Fernando
Aglaia De Angeli and 4 more
Women in Asia Under the Japanese Empire
Tatsuya Kageki and 1 more
Pingtjin Thum
Okinawa in Postwar U.S.-Japan Relations, 1952-1972
Robert D Eldridge
Liping Bu and 1 more
The Post-War Roots of Japanese Political Malaise
Dagfinn Gatu
Southeast Asian Education in Modern History
Pia Jolliffe and 1 more
Conflict, Community, and the State in Late Imperial Sichuan
Quinn D Javers
The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia
Tai Yong Tan and 1 more
Karl Hack and 1 more
Australian National University
Japan and Singapore in the World Economy
Hiroshi Shimizu and 1 more
Yiu Kong Chu
The International History of East Asia, 1900-1968
Religion and Nationalism in India
Harnik Deol
A History of Alcohol and Drugs in Modern South Asia
Harald FischerTiné and 1 more