The Russian General Staff and Asia, 1860-1917
Alex Marshall
Not Available
The History of Siberia
Igor V Irkutsk State Technical University and 1 more
Tiny Revolutions in Russia
Bruce Adams
The Many Deaths of Tsar Nicholas II
Wendy Slater
Popular Religion in Russia
Stella The Open University and 1 more
Cossacks and the Russian Empire, 1598–1725
Christoph Witzenrath
Igor V Naumov
Stella Rock
Eastern Christianity and the Cold War, 1945-91
Lucian Leustean
The Russian General Staff and Asia, 1800-1917
The Caucasus Under Soviet Rule
Russian Military Intelligence in the War with Japan, 1904-05
Evgeny Russian Academy of Sciences and 2 more
The USA in the Making of the USSR
Paul Dukes
Soviet Eastern Policy and Turkey, 1920-1991
Bulent Keele University and 1 more
Reassessing Cold War Europe
Sari University of Helsinki and 1 more
Life Stories of Soviet Women
Melanie Ilic
Modernizing Muscovy
Jarmo Kotilaine
Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union
Rina Lapidus
Brezhnev and the Decline of the Soviet Union
Thomas University of Amsterdam and 1 more
Women and Transformation in Russia
Aino Saarinen
Governing Post-Imperial Siberia and Mongolia, 1911-1924
Ivan National Research University Higher School of Economics and 2 more
The Warsaw Pact Reconsidered
Laurien Crump
Reassessing Orientalism
Michael Kemper
The Soviet Union - Federation or Empire?
Tania Raffass
Women's Experiences of Repression in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Kelly Hignett and 4 more
Competition in Socialist Society
Katalin Miklóssy
Young Jewish Poets Who Fell as Soviet Soldiers in the Second World War
Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 1880-1950
Tomasz University of St Andrews and 1 more
The Vernaculars of Communism
Petre Petrov
The Politics of Culture in Soviet Azerbaijan, 1920-40
Audrey Altstadt
The Russian Liberals and the Revolution of 1905
Peter Enticott
Leadership and Nationalism in Azerbaijan
Jamil Formerly Baku State University and Khazar University and 1 more
Tourism and Travel during the Cold War
Sune Bechmann Pedersen
Kelly Hignett and 3 more
Late Tsarist Russia, 1881–1913
Beryl Williams
Jamil Hasanli
Everyday Soviet Utopias
Anna Alekseyeva
Tourism and Travel During the Cold War
Sune Bechmann Pedersen and 1 more
Soviet Women – Everyday Lives
Soviet and Post-Soviet Lithuania – Generational Experiences
Laima Zilinskiene
Late Tsarist Russia, 1881-1913
Duelling, the Russian Cultural Imagination, and Masculinity in Crisis
Amanda DiGioia
Russian Peasant Bride Theft
John Bushnell
The Warsaw Pact, 1985-1991
Matej BílÔy
The Soviet Union and Global Environmental Change
Jonathan D Oldfield
Medieval Rus’ and Early Modern Russia
Susana Torres Prieto
Russia in Manchuria
Soviet and Post-Soviet Lithuania
Laima Zilinskiene and 1 more
Russian Pogroms and Jewish Revolution, 1905
Gerald D Surh
The Polish Government in Exile, 1939-45
Bernadeta Tendyra
Muslim Reformers and the Bolsheviks
Naira E Sahakyan
The Warsaw Pact, 1985-1991- Disintegration and Dissolution
Matej Bily
Cultural Cold Wars and UNESCO in the Twentieth Century
W John Morgan
Medieval Rus' and Early Modern Russia
Torres Prieto and 1 more
Lithuanian Society in Transition
Laima Zilinskiene and 2 more
The Early Slavs
The Russian Radical Right in Exile, 1918-1945
Zbynek Vydra
Sari Autio and 1 more
Aino Saarinen and 2 more
Katalin Miklóssy and 1 more
Parliaments in the Late Russian Empire, Revolutionary Russia, and the Soviet Union
Ivan Sablin
Italy, Yugoslavia, and the Controversy Over the Adriatic Region, 1915-1920
S Bianchini