Arming the Western Front
M J Lewis
Not Available
The French Army's Tank Force and Armoured Warfare in the Great War
Tim Gale
Early Trench Tactics in the French Army
Jonathan Krause
An Historian in Peace and War
TG Otte
British Generalship during the Great War
Simon Robbins
Britain, Russia and the Road to the First World War
Marina Soroka
The Ordeal of Peace
Adam R Seipp
The Clergy in Khaki
Edward Madigan
Doctrine and Reform in the British Cavalry 1880–1918
Stephen Badsey
'A Student in Arms'
Ross Davies
German Literature and the First World War: The Anti-War Tradition
Brian Murdoch
The Men Who Planned the War
Paul Harris
Roger LloydJones and 1 more
The Gallipoli Campaign
Metin Gürcan and 1 more
The Great War and the British Empire
Michael Walsh
Aerial Propaganda and the Wartime Occupation of France, 1914-18
Bernard Wilkin
War Time
War Time First World War Perspectives on Temporality Conference
Churches, Chaplains and the First World War
Hanneke Takken
Internment During the First World War
Stefan Manz and 2 more
The Great War in the Middle East
Robert Oxford University and 1 more
Veterans of the First World War
David Swift
The Royal Flying Corps, the Western Front and the Control of the Air, 1914–1918
James University of Birmingham and 1 more
Military Service Tribunals and Boards in the Great War
David Massey University and 1 more
Churches, Chaplains and the Great War
Internment during the First World War
Stefan Aston University and 1 more
New York and the First World War
Ross J Wilson
British Battle Planning in 1916 and the Battle of Fromelles
Roger Lee
British Infantry Battalion Commanders in the First World War
Peter E Hodgkinson
Louis Halewood
Eric Bogle, Music and the Great War
Michael J K Walsh
David Swift and 1 more
Burying America's World War Dead
Tracy Fisher
Robert Johnson and 1 more
Policing the Home Front in Britain, 1914-1918
Mary Fraser
Reflections on the Commemoration of the First World War
David Monger and 1 more
British Cyprus and the Long Great War, 1914-1925
Andrekos Flinders University of South Australia Varnava
After the Armistice
Michael J K Walsh and 1 more
Colonial, Refugee and Allied Civilians after the First World War
Jacqueline Jenkinson
Communication and the First World War
John Griffiths
An International Rediscovery of World War One
Robert B McCormick
David Monger
Museums, History and the Intimate Experience of the Great War
Joy Damousi and 2 more
The Ottoman Army and the First World War
Mesut Uyar
Spain and Argentina in the First World War
Maximiliano Fuentes Codera
Renegotiating First World War Memory
Ashley Garber
The Global First World War
Ana Paula Pires and 2 more
Michael J K Nanyang Technological University and 1 more
Colonial Encounters in a Time of Global Conflict, 1914–1918
Santanu All Souls College and 2 more
Creative Women of the “Lost Generation”
Kimberly Francis
Kitchener's Last Volunteers and Their World
Michael Durey
Creative Women of the "Lost Generation"
Kimberly Francis and 1 more