Women, Quotas and Politics
Drude Dahlerup
Not Available
Democratic Revolutions
Mark K Thompson
ude Department of Political Science and 1 more
Semi-Presidentialism Outside Europe
Robert Elgie
Social Democracy in Power
Wolfgang Merkel and 3 more
Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies
Jan W Van Deth
Democracy and Political Culture in Eastern Europe
HansDieter Free University Berlin and 1 more
Representing Women in Parliament
Marian Australian National University and 1 more
The Politics of Foundations
Helmut London School of Economics London School of Economics and 1 more
Citizenship and Ethnic Conflict
Haldun Gülalp
Social Capital and Associations in European Democracies
William A University of Newcastle upon Tyne and 2 more
Comparative Politics
JanErik Lane
How Political Parties Respond
Kay Lawson and 1 more
Sophia Moestrup and 1 more
Wolfgang Merkel
Women in Executive Power
Gretchen Bauer
The Politics of Charity
Kerry Queensland University of Technology and 2 more
The International Politics of Democratization
Nuno Severiano New University of Lisbon and 1 more
Consociational Theory
Rupert University of the Witwatersrand and 2 more
African Parliamentary Reform
Frederick The World Bank and 3 more
Climate Policy Changes in Germany and Japan
Rie University of Niigata Prefecture and 1 more
Political Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies
Mariano Torcal and 1 more
Post-communist Regime Change
Jørgen Møller
Party Politics in the Western Balkans
Vera Stojarová
Political Leadership, Parties and Citizens
Jean Blondel
The Rise of Regionalism
Rune Dahl Fitjar
The Politics of International Law and Compliance
Nikolas M Rajkovic
The Origin of Electoral Systems in the Postwar Era
Krister Åbo Akademi University and 1 more
New Challenger Parties in Western Europe
Airo Waseda University and 1 more
Determinants of the Death Penalty
Carsten Åbo Akademi University and 1 more
Government Accountability and Legislative Oversight
Riccardo Pelizzo and 4 more
The Politics of Public Sector Performance
Michael FriedrichEbertStiftung and 3 more
Global Perspectives on the Politics of Multiculturalism in the 21st Century
Fethi Mansouri
The Political Power of Business
Patrick Bernhagen
Parliamentary Oversight Tools
Riccardo Pelizzo and 2 more
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Liberal Competition State
Richard Münch
International Security, Conflict and Gender
Hakan Seckinelgin
European Governmentality
Russia's Regions and Comparative Subnational Politics
William M Reisinger
Democracy and Famine
Olivier University of Copenhagen and 1 more
The Globalization of Motherhood
Wendy Chavkin
Democratization and Market Reform in Developing and Transitional Countries
James G McGann
Young People and Politics
Aaron Martin
Parties, Elections, and Policy Reforms in Western Europe
Kerstin Hamann and 1 more
Rewards for High Public Office in Europe and North America
Marleen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and 1 more
Gender Equality, Citizenship and Human Rights
Pauline Stoltz
Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies
Gary P Freeman
Sub-State Nationalism
Helen Catt and 1 more
Protecting Immigrant Rights in Mexico
Laura Valeria GonzálezMurphy
The Organization of Political Interest Groups
Darren Halpin
Michael Roll
Comparative Metropolitan Policy
Jen Nelles
Democratization and the European Union
Leonardo Morlino
Fethi Mansouri and 1 more
Electoral Systems and Governance
Salomon Orellana
The Politics of Think Tanks in Europe
Jesper Dahl Roskilde University and 1 more
Civil Society and Activism in Europe
The Politics of Women's Interests
Louise Chappell
Politics of Religion and Nationalism
Ferran Requejo
The Statecraft of Consensus Democracies in a Turbulent World
José Magone
Party Organization and Electoral Volatility in Central and Eastern Europe
Sergiu Gherghina
Drivers of Integration and Regionalism in Europe and Asia
Louis Trinity College and 2 more
Deficits and Debt in Industrialized Democracies
Eisaku Keio University and 1 more
Growth, Crisis, Democracy
Hideko Magara and 1 more
Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis
Thomas Dusseldorf University and 1 more
Generations, Political Participation and Social Change in Western Europe
Maria University of London and 1 more
Jesper Dahl Kelstrup
Theorizing Cultures of Political Violence in Times of Austerity
Joanna Adam Mickiewicz University and 1 more
Interest Group Organisation in the European Union
Michelle University of Bremen and 1 more
Reward for High Public Office
Barbara Nunberg and 1 more
The Funding of Political Parties
Keith Kings College London and 1 more
José M Magone
Policy Change under New Democratic Capitalism
Hideko Tokai University and 1 more
Corruption and Legislatures
Institutions, Partisanship and Credibility in Global Financial Markets
Hye Jee Cho
Health and Political Engagement
Mikko University of Helsinki and 4 more
Rampage Shootings and Gun Control
Steffen LudwigMaximiliansUniversity and 1 more
Think Tanks in the US and EU
Christopher Rastrick
Michelle Hollman
Joanna Rak
Transparency and Secrecy in European Democracies
Dorota Mokrosinska
Electoral Participation in Newly Consolidated Democracies
Elvis Bisong Tambe
Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making
Michael Dobbins and 1 more
Michael University of Konstanz and 1 more
Coalition Government as a Reflection of a Nation's Politics and Society
Matt Evans
The Power of Opposition
Simone University of Potsdam Wegmann
Regulators as Agenda-Setters
Edoardo University of Lausanne and 1 more
Elvis Linnaeus University and 1 more
Dorota Leiden University and 1 more
Climate Governance Across the Globe
Rüdiger Wurzel and 2 more
The Future of Political Leadership in the Digital Age
Agnieszka KasiÔnskaMetryka and 1 more
Minimum Wage Regimes
Irene University of Bremen and 1 more
Differentiated Integration Beyond Brexit
Alexander GIZ and 3 more
Coalition Politics in Central Eastern Europe
Torbjörn Bergman and 2 more
Simone Wegmann
Collegial Democracy Versus Personal Democracy
Chen Friedberg and 1 more
Edoardo Guaschino
British and American Electoral Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism
Gerald Sussman
Pandemic-Era Civil Disorder in Post-Communist EU Member States
Women and Representation in Local Government
Barbara Pini
Gretchen Bauer and 1 more
Rie Watanabe
Kerry OHalloran
Climate Agendas and Instability
Frank Wendler
Constitutionalization of Politics in Comparative Perspective
Pawel Laidler and 3 more
Minority Integration and State-Building
AdaCharlotte Regelmann
Equal Pay for Women
Gillian Whitehouse
Fomenting Friendship
Andrea M Chandler
Louise A Chappell and 1 more
Marian Sawer and 2 more
HansDieter Klingemann and 2 more
Party Policy in Modern Democracies
Kenneth Benoit and 1 more
Women's Movements
Sandra Grey and 1 more
Riccardo Pelizzo and 1 more