The Politics of Islamic Reassertion
Mohammed Ayoob
Not Available
Islam in the Modern World
Denis MacEoin and 1 more
Arabic Thought and Islamic Societies
Aziz Azmah
Islam and Power
Alexander S. Cudsi
Islamic Fundamentalism and Modernity
William Montgomery Watt
The Islamization of the Law in Pakistan
Rubya Mehdi
Islam and Politics in the Modern Middle East
Metin Heper
Islam in Perspective
Patrick Bannerman
Islamic Law
Aziz Al-Azmeh
Islam and the Politics of Meaning in Palestinian Nationalism
Nels Johnson
Philosophy and Science in the Islamic World
C.A. Qadir
Recognizing Islam
Michael (New York University) Gilsenan
Islam, Economics, and Society
Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi
Denis MacEoin