Clinical Values
Sandra William Alanson White Institute and 2 more
Not Available
The Fallacy of Understanding & The Ambiguity of Change
Edgar A Edgar Levenson and 2 more
Making a Difference in Patients' Lives
Sandra Buechler
The Consulting Room and Beyond
Therese New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and 2 more
Therese Ragen
Heterosexual Masculinities
Bruce Reis
Sex Changes
Mark William Alanson White Institute and 2 more
Bruno Cardoso Reis and 1 more
Money Talks
Brenda Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research and 3 more
Brenda Berger and 1 more
Still Practicing
Imagination from Fantasy to Delusion
Lois Montclair State University and 2 more
Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Legacy of the Third Reich
Emily A William Alanson White Institute and 2 more
Cupid's Knife: Women's Anger and Agency in Violent Relationships
Abby Stein
Mended by the Muse: Creative Transformations of Trauma
Sophia supervisor at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and 1 more
Wounded By Reality
Ghislaine Psychologist and psychoanalyst and 4 more
Prologue to Violence
Abby Stein and 1 more
The One and the Many
Robert is in private practice in New York City and teaches at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies and 1 more
Robert Grossmark and 1 more
Body-States:Interpersonal and Relational Perspectives on the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Jean Petrucelli
What Do Mothers Want?
Sheila F Brown
The Interpersonal Tradition
Irwin New York University Postdoctoral Program and 1 more
Understanding and Treating Patients in Clinical Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis and the Artistic Endeavor
Relational Freedom
Donnel William Alanson White Institute and New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Stern
Entering Night Country
Stephanie Brody
On the Lyricism of the Mind
Dana Faculty Member and 2 more
Edgar A Levenson and 1 more
The Purloined Self
Edgar A Levenson
Trauma and Countertrauma, Resilience and Counterresilience
Richard B Gartner
Unknowable, Unspeakable and Unsprung
Jean Petrucelli and 1 more
Unknowable, Unspeakable, and Unsprung
The Age of Perversion
Danielle Knafo and 1 more
Needed Relationships and Psychoanalytic Healing
Steven Stern
The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960s-1990s
Donnel B William Alanson White Institute and New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanaly Stern
The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960S-1990S
Donnel B Stern and 1 more
A Beholder's Share
Dodi Goldman
The Organizational Life of Psychoanalysis
Kenneth Eisold
Kenneth William Alanson White Institute and 2 more
Healing Sexually Betrayed Men and Boys
Understanding the Sexual Betrayal of Boys and Men
Further Developments in Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, 1980s-2010s
The Mindbrain and Dreams
Mark J William Alanson White Institute and 2 more
Mark J Blechner
The Infinity of the Unsaid
Donnel B Stern
Bearing Witness to the Witness
The Critique of Regression
Gregory S Rizzolo
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Asylum Seekers and the Asylum-Seeking Process
Barbara K Cardozo School of Law and 2 more
The Emergence of Analytic Oneness
Ofra Eshel
Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Psychoanalysis and Traditional Judaism
Alan William Alanson White Institute and 2 more
Ofra Tel Aviv University and 1 more
Psychoanalytic Approaches to Problems in Living
Formulated Experiences
Peter L Rudnytsky
Peter L Professor of English and 1 more
What Happens When the Analyst Dies
Claudia Heilbrunn
Psychoanalysts, Psychologists and Psychiatrists Discuss Psychopathy and Human Evil
Sheldon Itzkowitz and 1 more
Intersectionality and Relational Psychoanalysis
Max Belkin and 1 more
Max Belkin
The Role of the Patient-Analyst Match in the Process and Outcome of Psychoanalysis
Judy Kantrowitz
Bodies and Social Rhythms
Steven H Knoblauch
Steven New York University and 1 more
The Unconscious
Pascal Sauvayre
Pascal Sauvayre and 1 more
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Intense Involvement in Sports
Irwin Hirsch and 2 more
In Stock
£29.69 £32.99
Psychoanalytic Perspectives On Intense Involvement in Sports
Irwin Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis William Alanson White Institute Hirsch
Blooming in December
Amy Schaffer
The Analyst's Vulnerability
Karen J Maroda
The Analyst’s Vulnerability
Exigent Psychoanalysis
Gila Ashtor
Psychoanalysis on the Verge of Language
Dana Amir
Clinical Spinoza
Ian S Miller
Ian Miller
Breaking Boundaries
Roger Frie and 1 more
Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis
Roger Simon Fraser University and 2 more
Early Relational Trauma and the Development of the Self
Tomás CasadoFrankel and 1 more
From Budapest to Psychoanalysis
Veronica Csillag
The Trauma of Racism
Beverly J Stoute
Patriarchy and Its Discontents
White Privilege
Neil Altman
Clara M. Thompson’s Professional Evolution and Legacy
Ann DErcole
Breakdown to Breakthrough
From Breakdown to Breakthrough
Psychoanalysis as Radical Hospitality
Psychoanalysis and the Unspoken
Joyce Anne Slochower
On Coming Into Possession of Oneself
"Nasty Women"
Janet Rivkin Zuckerman
Passion, Shame, and the Freedom to Become
Peter C Shabad
Psychoanalysis and the University
Max Cavitch
Field Perspectives in Clinical Practice
Gianni Francesetti and 2 more
Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and the Enigma of Consciousness
The Voice of the Analyst
Linda Harbaugh Hillman and 1 more