The EU's Transformative Power
Heather Grabbe
Not Available
A Responsible Europe?
H Mayer
Multilevel Union Administration
M Egeberg
The European Union at the United Nations
K Laatikainen
The European Union and Party Politics in Central and Eastern Europe
Paul G Lewis and 1 more
Leadership in the Big Bangs of European Integration
D Beach
Derek Beach and 1 more
New Governance in European Social Policy
Milena Büchs
Constitutional Politics in the European Union
D Castiglione and 3 more
European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System
N Casarini
The Changing Politics of European Security
S Gänzle
Economic Government of the EU
C Meyer
The Protection of Minorities in the Wider Europe
M Weller
Europe and Asia
P Murray
The Europeanization of Cyprus
A Sepos
The Limits of Europeanization
K Featherstone and 1 more
Reflections on European Integration
D Phinnemore
Agenda-Setting in the European Union
Sebastiaan Princen
The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy
E Gross
Eva Gross
Coping With Accession to the European Union
Tanja A Börzel
Research Agendas in EU Studies
Michelle P Egan and 2 more
M Egan
Pursuing Effective Multilateralism
Robert Kissack
The European Union as a Small Power
A Toje
European Union Policy Towards the Arab-Israeli Peace Process
Costanza Musu
The European Neighbourhood Policy in Perspective
Richard G Whitman and 1 more
R Whitman
The 'Community Method'
R Dehousse
The EU Comitology System in Theory and Practice
Jens BlomHansen
New Modes of Governance in Europe
A Héritier
Reforming the European Commission
E SchönQuinlivan
The Influence of International Institutions on the EU
O Costa
The EU's Lisbon Strategy
P Copeland
The European Minority Rights Regime
David J Galbreath and 1 more
Explaining the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy
X Kurowska
The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union's Internal Security
S Wolff
The European Union in Global Security
R Ginsberg and 1 more
H Grabbe
Cultural Governance and the European Union
Evangelia Psychogiopoulou
Social Policy and the Eurocrisis
Georg Menz and 1 more
The EU as a Global Security Actor
C Kaunert and 1 more
EU Cohesion Policy After Enlargement
M Baun and 1 more
Institutional and Policy Change in the European Parliament
Nordic States and European Integration
Malin Stegmann McCallion and 1 more
Small States and EU Governance
Jean Micallef Grimaud
Preparing for Brexit
Lee McGowan
The Principal Agent Model and the European Union
Tom Delreux and 1 more
Brexit and Internal Security
Helena Carrapico and 2 more
The EU’s Policy on the Integration of Migrants
Pierre Georges Van Wolleghem
Shaping Parliamentary Democracy
Alfredo De Feo
The European Union as International Mediator
Julian Bergmann
The European Union and the Northern Ireland Peace Process
Giada Lagana
Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe
Astrid Lorenz and 1 more
Leadership in the Eurozone
Magnus G Schoeller
How Referendums Challenge European Democracy
Richard Rose
The Impact of European Integration on West European Politics
Luca Carrieri
One Belt, One Road, One Story?
Alister Miskimmon and 2 more
Framing Climate Change in the EU and US After the Paris Agreement
Frank Wendler
European Parliament's Political Groups in Turbulent Times
Petra Ahrens and 2 more
Personnel Turnover and the Legitimacy of the EU
John A Scherpereel
The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy
Mechthild Roos
The EU Political System After the 2019 European Elections
Olivier Costa and 1 more
Nationalism in Internationalism
Michael Holmes and 1 more
The Politics of the Rule of Law in the EU Polity
Ramona Coman
The Impact of EU Politicisation on Voting Behaviour in Europe
Marina Costa Lobo
The EU in International Negotiations
Magdalena Frennhoff Larsén
The EU's Response to Brexit
Brigid Laffan and 1 more
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