The Known World of Broadcast News
Roger Wallis and 1 more
Not Available
The Dynasty Years
Jostein Gripsrud
Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall and 2 more
KuanHsing Chen and 1 more
Television and Common Knowledge
Times of the Technoculture
Kevin Robins and 3 more
Black British Culture and Society
Kwesi Owusu
The Place of Media Power
Nick Couldry
Impossible Bodies
Chris Holmlund
A Game of Two Halves
Cornel Sandvoss
The Politics of Heritage
Jo Littler
Media Events in a Global Age
Relocating Television
Online File Sharing
Jonas Södertörn University and 1 more
The Photographic Image in Digital Culture
Martin Lister
Teletechnologies, Place, and Community
Rowan Wilken
Cut `n' Mix
Dick Hebdige
Hiding in the Light
The Museum Time Machine
Robert Lumley
Family Television
David Morley
Negotiating the Mediated City
Zlatan Krajina
Sean Cubitt
Advertising International
Armand Mattelart
Stanley Baran
The Consumerist Manifesto
Martin P Davidson
Jonas Andersson Schwarz
'Doing Nation' in a Digital Age
Sanja Vico
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