A Concise History of Britain, 1707–1975
W A University of Leeds Speck
Not Available
A Concise History of Bulgaria
R J Crampton
A Concise History of Brazil
Boris Fausto
A Concise History of Hungary
Miklós Molnár
Miklós Université de Lausanne and 1 more
A Concise History of India
Barbara Metcalf and 1 more
A Concise History of France
Roger Price
R J University of Oxford Crampton
A Concise History of Mexico
Brian R Hamnett
A Concise History of Finland
David University College London Kirby
A Concise History of Modern India
Barbara Daly Metcalf and 1 more
A Concise History of Austria
Steven Beller
A Concise History of Wales
Geraint H University of Wales and 1 more
A Concise History of Sweden
Neil University of Cambridge Kent
A Concise History of South Africa
Robert Ross
A Concise History of the Baltic States
Andrejs Iowa State University Plakans
A Concise History of Russia
Paul Yale University and 1 more
A Concise History of New Zealand
Philippa Mein Smith
A Concise History of the United States of America
SusanMary University of Newcastle upon Tyne Grant
Barbara D Professor Emerita and 4 more
A Concise History of Italy
Christopher Duggan
A Concise History of Switzerland
Clive H Church and 1 more
Clive H University of Kent and 3 more
Christopher University of Reading Duggan
Roger University of Wales and 1 more
A Concise History of Romania
Keith University of Illinois and 1 more
Boris Universidade de São Paulo Fausto and 1 more
Boris Fausto and 1 more
A Concise History of Japan
Brett L Walker
A Concise History of Bosnia
Cathie Dr and 1 more
A Concise History of the World
Merry University of Wisconsin and 1 more
A Concise History of Spain
William D Phillips and 1 more
Jr and 2 more
A Concise History of the Netherlands
James C University College Utrecht Kennedy
James C Kennedy
A Concise History of Portugal
David Birmingham
David University of Kent and 1 more
A Concise History of Germany
Mary Fulbrook
Mary University College London Fulbrook
A Concise History of Poland
Jerzy University of Birmingham Lukowski and 2 more
Jerzy Lukowski and 1 more
Brian R University of Essex Hamnett
A Concise History of Australia
Stuart Macintyre
A Concise History of Greece
Richard Clogg
A Concise History of the Caribbean
B W Australian National University and 1 more
B W Higman
A Concise History of Bolivia
Herbert S Columbia University and 1 more
Herbert S Klein
A Concise History of Canada
Margaret Conrad
A Concise History of Albania
Bernd J Fischer
Bernd J Fischer and 2 more
A Concise History of Serbia
Dejan DjokiÔc
A Concise History of Belgium
Guy Vanthemsche and 1 more
A Concise History of Jamaica
Kenneth Morgan
A Concise History of the Aztecs
Susan Kellogg