This delightful book presents the history and development of the Auricula to both the casual reader and enthusiast. It sets out both traditional and more recent methods of cultivation, how to exhibit the plants, how they are judged, breeding new varieties and how to deal with pests and diseases. More than 200 varieties both old and new are discussed in some detail and numerous coloured illustrations are included.
In writing the book, Allan Guest has drawn on over thirty years experience of growing, showing, breeding and judging the plants. Having known and exchanged views with many of the leading personalities of the time, he is able to provide insights into both plants and breeders. He currently sits on the committees of both the Midlands and West and the Northern Sections of the National Auricula and Primula Society.
"If you want to grow, show or know the great range of auriculas now available you have to have Guest's fine book."Robin Lane Fox, Financial Times