Throughout the decades, The Shadow has served as a timeless agent ofjustice, bringing death and disaster to tyrants and criminals alike. During thedecadent 1980s, this mysterious Master of Men faced perhaps his deadliestopponents yet: the Seven Deadly Finns, a crime family gripping New York City ina stranglehold. When The Shadow's network applies pressure to their vastoperations, the Finn brothers push back, enlisting serial killers and terroristsinto their ranks. The violence escalates, leading to an explosive confrontationatop the Empire State Building and a shock ending which no one - not evenThe Shadow - could know!
This second volume of The Shadow Master Series collects thecritically acclaimed "Seven Deadly Finns" storyline by Andrew Helfer and KyleBaker, as well as Helfer and Marshall Rogers' prologue "Harold Goes toWashington," in which The Shadow races to save President Reagan from a mostunlikely assassin!