The third in this best-selling series, Lies is a dark, thrilling and thought-provoking adventure. It is set in a dystopian future where food is scarce and life is fragile; all those over fifteen have been annihilated leaving children to rule in gangs that become increasingly feral and destructive. As conditions deteriorate tensions mount. Sam is meant to be in charge but he knows that he no longer has any control over what happens next as his fragile world collapses into absolute chaos. The strong and clearly delineated characters each of whom reacts in a different way to the disasters around them gives Lies a powerful sense of the fragility of human nature.
Gone series:
1. Gone
2. Hunger
3. Lies
4. Plague
5. Fear
6. Light
Review by Hugh, a 15 yr old fan:
Lies is the latest installment to the Gone series, in which relationships are tested and new measures are resorted to in order to stay alive. The balance of power has become more important than ever as the characters struggle with each other, and fear drives them to do things that they would never normally do: but their lives are far from normal. The plot is gripping and although it is a long book, I found myself reading for hours at a time. It is also more complex than the first two, as the line between right and wrong becomes ever more hazy, but this makes it more intriguing, and the reader has to think more. There are unpredictable twists in the plot, which increase the drama and the thrill of the story. It is a relentless high tempo plot with new events and situations introducing interesting elements to the story.
Many questions are left unanswered, and it ends with a brilliant twist which leaves the reader eagerly anticipating the next in the series, Plague.
A small number of teenagers were lucky enough to be invited to review the first in the series - Gone. Here's a taster....'This underrated, terrifyingly good book is a brilliant what-if book. We have discovered a better series than The Hunger Games. Teen reading simply doesn’t get better than this.'.... Click here to read more reviews.
Primary Genre | Young Adult Fiction |
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