Gallery Director Izzy Duncan is the kind of heroine to really relate to. In the glamourous world she moves around in she still manages to fall for the wrong men, argue with the wrong people and get blue ink all over her face the day her new boss arrives. Funny, delightful and romantic.
When Izzy Duncan meets two gorgeous guys in one week through her job at a glitzy uptown gallery, she has no hesitation which one to choose. Charming, well-mannered art dealer Avery wins over the scruffy, moody artist Grady any time. But then she discovers that Avery seems to have more than a few dark secrets – secrets that only Grady knows the answers to...
Zoë Rice grew up in Brooklyn and now lives in Manhattan. She graduated cum laude from Yale, where her friends thought she should have majored in art history. She then spent four years editing while her friends told her she should write. She hopes they’re happy now. Zöe Rice grew up in Brooklyn and now lives in Manhattan. She graduated cum laude from Yale, where her friends thought she should have majored in art history. She then spent four years editing while her friends told her she should write. She hopes they’re happy now.