Dr. Mara Einstein is a powerhouse marketing critic. After working for a decade in corporate marketing for some of the biggest names in the business (hello, MTV), she left to become an academic. . She is a tenured professor and former chair in the department of media studies at Queens College (CUNY). . She is a tenured professor and former chair in the department of media studies at Queens College (CUNY).
Mara will be featured in a Netflix documentary on greenwashing being produced by Grain Media. Principal shooting is in March 2023 and the film will start streaming in 2024. Mara is regularly quoted in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and The Wall Street Journal, among many others, and has appeared on HuffPost Live, The Brian Lehrer Show, NPR's Marketplace (multiple times) and popular podcasts, such as The Majority Report with Sam Seder. She has also written for Advertising Age, Harvard Business Review, Newsday, and Fastcoexist, and given talks from Brazil to the UK on t