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Charlie la Tortue : A la rescousse de Cookie le Bichon: Une histoire inspirante d'entraide, de coura
Les aventures de Charlie la Tortue : à la rescousse de Cookie le Bichon ! Un livre pour enfant inspirant sur l'entraide, le courage, la persévérance, la confiance en soi et la tolérance Catastrophe ! Cookie le Bichon s'est fait voler le doudou de son maitre par les mouettes ! Il doit retrouver le doudou de son petit maître avant qu'il aille au lit ! Charlie la gentille tortue vient à son aide. Mais arrivera t-elle à retrouver le doudou avant la nuit ? Pour ça, elle va devoir affronter ses peurs et ses préjugés et faire preuve de persévérance et de courage ! Va-t-elle y arriver ? Laissez vous entraîner dans ce conte des fonds marins. Une tortue, des sirènes, un dauphin, des poissons bavards, un nerval, un hippocampe, un crabe, une méduse, une pieuvre, un bichon maladroit, un doudou perdu et... un blob. Une histoire pour enfants, mais surtout une leçon de vie et une épopée fantastique sous l'océan ! Idéale pour apprendre la confiance en soi, les valeurs d'amitié, d'entraide et de tolérance. Vous allez aimer : - Les musiques d'accompagnement - Le style d'écriture simple - Une histoire engageante - Pour les petits et les plus grands, dès 2 ans
Cissy Editions Kid (Author), Yasmine Cissokho (Narrator)
Active Minds Explorers Baby Animals
Young readers will enjoy learning about baby animals in this exciting new series. Presented with interesting facts, children will enjoy reading about how baby animals eat, spend their day, and how they grow.
Ellen Lawrence (Author), Kevin Connolly (Narrator)
The Funny Friends and Faces of Henry P. Gruber
Ms. Carrie’s PB&J Farm is one very special place. It is a home for lost animals – for ALL lost animals. Everyone is welcome at PB&J Farm. Ms. Carrie ensures everyone’s needs are met. They all live as one big happy family. It doesn’t matter if you are a fish or a dog, a cat or a frog, a bird or a ferret, a horse or a cow. No one is a stranger in this animal haven. Ms. Carrie is a hero. One Saturday morning, everyone is frisking and frolicking about. All the animals are thrilled knowing this Saturday is going to be one special day. The dogs are barking, the cockatoos are singing, even the fish is dancing in circles in the bowl. Someone new is arriving. The animals don’t know who. But one thing for certain, someone is joining the family. Ms. Carrie arrives and introduces the newbie to the group as Henry P. Gruber gives an oink to say hello followed by one big smile. Yes, this pig can smile. Everyone welcomes him as they bark, whistle, whinny, moo, meow and snort as Ms. Carrie just laughs and laughs. Follow the whimsically illustrated tale of Henry P. Gruber, the smallest, cross-eyes pig you are about to meet in The Funny Friends and Faces of Henry P. Gruber. This adorable, needle-witted hog with his extravagant name and middle initial, will paint smiles on the faces of young readers as he goes about life on the PB&J Farm.
Tass Sweeney (Author), Kathi Martin (Narrator)
Come and sit on the log. I have a story to tell you. There was a mischievous duck who grew up in the swamps of Louisiana area. This was very special duck. His name was Blue. The story goes like this: he turned blue when he swam in the cold pond one morning. His home was under the old wooden cabin. Blue loved to waddle over to the barn and listen to the sounds of the farm engines. His mother would often scold him. “You’ll get hurt over there,” she would say. However, the smell of motor oil and the sounds of the noise of the engines would thrill him. He would sit by the hour watching people working on the engines. Blue knew when they made the right decisions to make the engines run better.
John Wallace (Author), Hazel Wood (Narrator)
Marcus le Diplodocus, Mikou le microraptor, Pablo le parasaurolophe... Tous ont beau être dinosaures, cela ne les empêche pas d'être confrontés à des difficultés et d'avoir des envies difficilement réalisables ! Mais grâce à leurs amis et à leur famille, rien n'est insurmontable ! Sept histoires à écouter chaque soir, du lundi au dimanche, pour partir à la découverte du monde des dinosaures et de ces personnages facétieux et attachants !
Coralie Saudo (Author), Julia Faure, Julie Pilod, Olivier Peigné (Narrator)
Learn at home with help from The Wonder Years/Hallmark actress, math whiz, and New York Times bestselling author Danica McKellar using her acclaimed McKellar Math books! Fairies, butterflies, and magic help to make this math-focused picture book positively enchanting! Join ten flower friends for a night of excitement that mixes a little math with a lot of magic. As each flower turns into a butterfly, children will discover different ways to group numbers to create ten, an essential building block of math, all while watching each flower's dream come true. (And keep an eye out for the adorable caterpillar who wishes he could fly, too!) In this, the second book in the McKellar Math line, actress, math whiz, and New York Times bestselling author Danica McKellar once again sneaks in secret addition and subtraction concepts to help make your child smarter and uses her proven math success to show children that loving numbers is as easy as a wave of a wand and a BING BANG BOO! '[Danica McKellar's] bringing her love of numbers to children everywhere.' --Brightly on Goodnight, Numbers 'Danica McKellar is now on a mission to make math fun for even the youngest of kids.' --L.A. Parent Magazine
Danica Mckellar (Author), Danica Mckellar (Narrator)
The newest math-focused picture book from New York Times bestselling author Danica McKellar is full of puppy-fueled chaos and a message of gratitude, with a double helping of fun! Moxie Jo always wanted MORE. But soon she'd get MORE than she bargained for! Spunky and energetic, Moxie is just like any other girl--aside from the fact that she has to have the MOST of everything! If she doesn't have the most toys, the most A's on tests, or the most time on the swing, then she makes the MOST noise! So when Moxie finds a magic stick that can double anything, she doesn't hesitate to use it--but when the button gets stuck, she may start to realize that less really is more! Teach the power of doubling through this playful puppy romp!
Danica Mckellar (Author), Danica Mckellar (Narrator)
Enduringly popular since its publication over forty years ago, celebrate the enchanting miniature world of the hedgerow with these four charming stories read by John Moffatt and Harriet Carmichael. The mice of Brambly Hedge have many adventures but they always have time for fun too. All through the year, they mark the seasons with feasts and festivities and, of course, the mice never miss an opportunity to meet and celebrate. These four classic stories, read by John Moffatt and Harriet Carmichael, follow the mice’s adventures throughout the year. In THE HIGH HILLS, Wilfred goes on an exciting expedition. There is a wonderful surprise for a growing family of mice in POPPY’S BABIES. The mice celebrate Midwinter’s Eve in style in THE SECRET STAIRCASE, and in SEA STORY, the mice set sail for Sandy Bay on an important mission.
Jill Barklem (Author), Harriet Carmichael, John Moffatt (Narrator)
Fireside Reading of Black Beauty
Experiencing a story read out loud is one of the oldest forms of entertainment there is. Fireside Reading is a way to slow down, reconnect with the timeless wisdom of great books and rediscover the simple pleasure of being read to. Join Gildart Jackson in front of a cozy fire as he reads Black Beauty by Anna Sewell to you and your family from beginning to end.
Anna Sewell (Author), Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
Nacho the Cat: He’s One Picky Cat . . .
Meet Nacho, the pickiest cat in the whole world. He thinks all food is gross unless it’s kibble and plain milk. That is, until one day when he goes to a restaurant with his friends and meets a persuasive waitress that changes his taste buds forever. After a lot of wacky drama and super funny scenarios, might Nacho turn out not to be so picky after all? Might he be open to change? This is a purrfect story for children of all ages. About the Authors: Kiara Shankar is a talented fourteen-year-old author/songwriter from San Francisco, California, USA. Apart from writing books and songs, she loves reading and artwork. Her recent books, Primrose's Curse and Avocado the Turtle, have been published in fourteen different languages including English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Chinese, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and more. Vinay Shankar is a software professional who found himself inspired by his daughter's idea of writing books and songs and who decided to co-write them with her. The duo's collaborative effort is helping to bring great ideas to life! The pop hits penned by the father-daughter duo-sung by singers Primrose Fernetise, Francesca Shankar, Vin Cooper, Marla Malvins, and SpotZ the Frenchie-are now streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, and more digital music streaming platforms.
Kiara Shankar, Vinay Shankar (Author), Laura K Welsh (Narrator)
Tales From the Tank: Season 1 Episode 2: Meeting Melinda's Father
Telling Melinda he could talk, was his choice. Melinda telling her father that he could talk, wasn't. Trapped in a cup, Teensie has to speak up for himself and demand respect from the people who care for him. A message from Teensie: Being in a tank has its advantages. Primarily, people forget that I’m there. I mean, let’s be realistic for a moment, even when they do remember I’m around, they don’t see me as a threat. I’m just a harmless goldfish. But that’s not my full story. See, I’m more than just a goldfish. I can talk - and the people I talk to can understand me. I live with an amazing family, Melinda and her father, who are doing everything they can do to keep me safe and give me the life I dream about. Melinda has her books, and I have mine. This is my side of the story. In Tales From the Tank you’ll hear about what actually goes on in the Longers' home, and out in the community! Come with me, and let me take you underwater to experience the adventure my way! From Porsche Ray: This short story is Season 1: Episode 1 of Tales From the Tank - short stories that take place within the full-size novels. Season 1 matches up with Book 1 of the MELINDA series, “Melinda and Her Father Go Scuba Diving'. These stories contain bonus content NOT included in the novels, but the storyline does run parallel to what you will see in the larger books. Like all books in the MELINDA series, the content is safe, fun, and absolutely age-appropriate.
Porsche Ray (Author), Mallorie Peters (Narrator)
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Erziehung, Training, Charakter und vieles mehr über den Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgeback - Der Löwenhund aus Afrika Wow… was für ein schöner Hund. Das werden wohl viele Personen sagen, wenn sie einen Rhodesian Ridgeback sehen. Und das ist er tatsächlich… schön und besonders noch dazu, denn er wird auch Löwenhund genannt. Warum? Das erfahren Sie in diesem Ratgeber. So viel sei gesagt: Dieser äußerst schöne Hund stammt aus Afrika, aus Südafrika, um genau zu sein. Heute heißt das dortige Bundesland Simbabwe, früher wurde es Südrhodesien genannt, deshalb auch die Rassebezeichnung dieses Hundes. Und weil es sich bei dem Rhodesian Ridgeback um eine doch etwas außergewöhnliche Hunderasse handelt, erfahren Sie hier ebenso, wie ein solcher erzogen und gehalten wird, wie seine Ernährung aussieht und welche Krankheiten er bekommen könnte. Zudem werden Sie erfahren, wie ein Rhodesian Ridgeback beschäftigt werden möchte und was Sie alles mit ihm machen können. Und zu guter Letzt erhalten Sie einen Einblick in seine Geschichte und warum er so ist, wie er ist, und so heißt, wie er heißt. Der Inhalt des Hörbuchs lautet: - Merkmale und Charakter - Hundetraining - Welpenerziehung - Ernährung - Hundezubehör und Ausrüstung - Hundepflege - und vieles mehr Heute ist er überall in der Welt anzutreffen und im Übrigen ist es die einzige Hunderasse aus Südafrika, die vom FCI anerkannt wird. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Stöbern.
M. Müller (Author), Mario Kunze (Narrator)
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