Browse Danish audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Learn Danish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners
Brand new to Danish? If you’re looking for the easiest way to start learning and speaking Danish… You’ve made a smart choice. Why? Because Danish can be EASY or HARD, depending on HOW you start. - Start the hard way (reading grammar and memorizing words), and you’ll quickly think, “Languages are just not my thing.” - Start easy, and you’ll be shocked by how much Danish you’ll learn. Yes, just like in life, introductions and first impressions matter. And that’s exactly why we’ve created… Learn Danish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners This 3-in-1 Audiobook bundle is a fast and easy introduction to Danish for Absolute Beginners. About Learn Danish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners - Contains 3 DanishClass101 Audiobooks (Absolute Beginner Season 1, 3-Minute Danish, and Top 25 Danish Questions You Need to Know + Bonus: Basic Bootcamp) - Learn with 5-minute audio lessons - Over 8 hours and 30 minutes of lessons - Includes a 340-page PDF for reading along - Aligned with level A1 of the CEFR So, if you want an easy introduction to Danish… Get Learn Danish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners and start speaking Danish today! Download the PDF and read along:
Danishclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc (Author), Danishclass101.Com (Narrator)
Conversational Phrases Danish Audiobook: Level 1 - Absolute Beginner
Are you trying to learn Danish…but having trouble speaking? Do you struggle coming up with your own Danish sentences? Are you tired of not understanding how Danish grammar works? If you answered yes to any of these questions, … ...then the Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner is for you! In this beginner-level Audiobook, you will master over 25 common sentence patterns across 25 simple lessons. By the end, you’ll be able to ask common questions and answer them in your own way, all while acquiring over 100 Danish words. Most importantly, you’ll be able to have real conversations in various social situations. How, you may ask? Each lesson introduces a new conversation reflecting a real-world situation, including casual chats between friends as well as dialogues in more formal settings. Learning is made easy with three simple steps: 1. Get familiar: First, you get a sample conversation and its translation. 2. Understand: Then, we explain an underlying sentence pattern, so you can grasp the grammar and actually understand how the Danish works. 3. Practice: Lastly, you create your own responses… and start speaking Danish! Lessons in this audiobook include: - Going Sightseeing - Going to a Restaurant - Giving Directions - Going to the Movies - Renting an Apartment And much more! Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner contains: - 25 Lessons - 4 Hours+ of Content - 1 Core Pattern Per Lesson - 100+ Danish Vocabulary Words - 28 Page Accompanying PDF eBook Download the PDF and read along:
Danishclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc (Author), Danishclass101.Com (Narrator)
Danés Fácil - Aprende Sin Esfuerzo - Principiante inicial - Volumen 1 de 3
Hemos dividido nuestros libros para aprender danés en diferentes niveles de aprendizaje. Empieza por el libro “Principiante inicial” y continúa con los libros “Principiante” y “Principiante avanzado”. A continuación, sigue con la serie “Intermedio”. Por último, pon a prueba tus conocimientos y consolídalos con la serie “Diálogos”. En la Unidad 1 escucharás el danés desglosado en sílabas que serán recitadas repetidamente de manera muy lenta y clara. Justo antes de que se recite cada frase escucharás la traducción, así siempre entenderás lo que se está diciendo. La Unidad 2 se centra exclusivamente en aumentar tu capacidad de escucha, lo que mejorará tus habilidades para entablar una conversación con un hablante nativo de danés. Este capítulo requiere que escuches detenidamente los matices del idioma. En la Unidad 3 ya notarás los progresos en tu capacidad de expresión y de comprensión del idioma danés. La traducción recitada irá seguida de dos repeticiones en danés a una velocidad totalmente natural. Mientras aprendes a procesar el danés hablado con fluidez, las Unidades 3 y 4 te ayudarán a memorizar vocabulario nuevo y frases completas. En la Unidad 5 podrás ponerte a prueba para ver lo que has aprendido. Si tienes dificultades, te recomendamos que repases el apartado de comprensión, expresión y memorización de las Unidades 1, 2, 3 o 4, dependiendo de lo que te suponga más problemas. Hemos creado nuestros audiolibros para que puedas aprender sin necesidad de ningún eBook. Temas que se tratan en este libro: - Saludo - Preguntar información personal - Preguntar sobre personas o cosas - Hablar de la hora y la fecha actuales - Hablar de la ubicación de las cosas - Describir cosas - Gustos y aversiones - Hablar de habilidades - Hablar de la apariencia - Hablar de la personalidad - Hablar del tiempo - Hablar de comida - Hablar de la casa (muebles y habitaciones)
Lingo Wave (Author), Lingo Wave (Narrator)
Can learning Danish be as simple as listening to music? And as easy as remembering song lyrics? Just think. You remember song lyrics because lyrics are catchy, repeated throughout the song, and go with the music, right? Now, if you stuck in Danish, you'd easily learn Danish words and phrases the same way! So, yes, learning Danish is as easy as listening to music' with the Learn Danish With Music Audiobook. Just press play, and you'll hear Danish words and phrases repeated to the beat of upbeat and cheerful music. And' follow along! You'll learn 180+ most common Danish words and phrases' while relaxing at home, or while driving to work. Learn Danish With Music is the easiest way to start learning Danish.. without getting overwhelmed by complicated explanations. Perfect for new learners with little to no language learning experience. What will you learn? 180+ Words & Phrases Including... - Basic Greetings - Numbers - Common Questions and Answers - Parts of the Body & Talking About Your Wellbeing - Common Hobbies - And much more Learn Danish With Music includes... - 15 Songs/Lessons Inside (Each is about 7 minutes long) - Fast-Paced Review Section at the End of Each Lesson - 1 Hour 50 Minutes in Total - Accompanying PDF eBook with the Words, Phrases and Translations Download the PDF and read along:
Danishclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc (Author), Danishclass101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Danish: Must-Know Danish Slang Words & Phrases (Extended Version)
Not Yet Available
Danishclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Danishclass101.Com (Narrator)
Can you learn while sleeping? Studies say that yes you can. Listening to a language while asleep can help supercharge your vocabulary. Learn Easily with the Power of Pleasant Repetition With the Learn Danish While Sleeping Audiobook, you'll absorb over 430 Danish words and phrases effortlessly. You can use this Beginner-Level Audiobook to Relax while listening to Danish phrases and translations Relieve stress. Just listen in No confusing grammar rules Wind down before bed to help you fall asleep And of course learn words passively in your sleep. How does it work? Just press play... and listen to the gentle voice of a native teacher. Our teacher repeats each word and phrase multiple times... so you'll retain them better whether you're awake or in bed. For best results, listen while awake first. Then, listen while falling asleep. What Will You Learn? You'll Master 430+ Beginner Words & Phrases Including Basic Greetings Numbers in Danish Common Questions and Answers Words for Introducing Yourself Basic Verbs & Adjectives And much more The Learn Danish While Sleeping Audiobook includes 13 Beginner-Level Audio Lessons 7.5+ Hours of Lessons in Total Accompanying PDF eBook with all of the words, phrases and translations Mark Alain et al. 'Implicit Vocabulary Learning during Sleep is Bound to Slow-Wave Peaks Current Biology. October 21, 2019.'
Danishclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Danishclass101.Com (Narrator)
Apprendre le danois (cours de langue pour débutants)
Apprenez les expressions les plus importantes en danois pour vos vacances ou votre voyage d'affaires. Vous pouvez écouter ce cours dans le train, au travail ou en vous endormant, pour vous aider à apprendre toutes les phrases importantes dont vous aurez besoin pendant vos voyages. Pratiquez pendant 20 minutes par jour et en peu de temps, vous parlerez bien danois - que ce soit dans un hôtel ou un restaurant, ou dans un magasin. Vous apprendrez à dire des mots et des phrases comme 'Bonjour' en danois, ou à prononcer correctement les nombres (un, deux, trois à dix). Et petit à petit, vous découvrirez des phrases courantes. Vous pourrez ainsi communiquer en danois. Avec ce cours de langue, vous serez prêt à gérer les situations les plus importantes que vous rencontrerez en vacances, dans la vie quotidienne et au travail. Aucune connaissance préalable ou manuel supplémentaire n'est requis. Table des matières: Salutations et vocabulaire de base Nombres Conversation Courses À l'hôtel Au restaurant Nourriture Boisson Payer Sur le pouce Dans la ville Voyager en bus et en train Appeler un taxi Louer une voiture Heure et date Au bureau Chez le médecin Pharmacie Destinations au Danemark Sites touristiques à Copenhague
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
Apprendre le danois (cours de langue pour débutants)
Apprenez les expressions les plus importantes en danois pour vos vacances ou votre voyage d'affaires. Vous pouvez écouter ce cours dans le train, au travail ou en vous endormant, pour vous aider à apprendre toutes les phrases importantes dont vous aurez besoin pendant vos voyages. Pratiquez pendant 20 minutes par jour et en peu de temps, vous parlerez bien danois - que ce soit dans un hôtel ou un restaurant, ou dans un magasin. Vous apprendrez à dire des mots et des phrases comme 'Bonjour' en danois, ou à prononcer correctement les nombres (un, deux, trois à dix). Et petit à petit, vous découvrirez des phrases courantes. Vous pourrez ainsi communiquer en danois. Avec ce cours de langue, vous serez prêt à gérer les situations les plus importantes que vous rencontrerez en vacances, dans la vie quotidienne et au travail. Aucune connaissance préalable ou manuel supplémentaire n'est requis. Table des matières: Salutations et vocabulaire de base Nombres Conversation Courses À l'hôtel Au restaurant Nourriture Boisson Payer Sur le pouce Dans la ville Voyager en bus et en train Appeler un taxi Louer une voiture Heure et date Au bureau Chez le médecin Pharmacie Destinations au Danemark Sites touristiques à Copenhague
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
Danca Öğrenin (Yeni Başlayanlar için Dil Kursu)
Tatiliniz veya iş seyahatiniz için Danca'daki en önemli ifadeleri öğrenin. Seyahatleriniz sırasında ihtiyaç duyacağınız tüm önemli ifadeleri öğrenmenize yardımcı olmak için trendeyken, çalışırken veya uyurken bu sesi dinleyebilirsiniz. Günde 20 dakika çalışmayla kısa bir süre içinde bir otelde veya restoranda ya da alışveriş yaparken iyi Danca konuşabileceksiniz. Danca'da 'Merhaba' gibi kelimeleri ve kelime öbeklerini nasıl söyleyeceğinizi veya sayıları (bir, iki, üç ila on) nasıl doğru telaffuz edeceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. Ve yavaş yavaş yaygın ifadelerle tanışacaksınız. Böylece Danca iletişim kurabileceksiniz. Bu dil kursu ile tatilde, günlük hayatta ve işte karşılaşabileceğiniz en önemli durumların üstesinden gelmeye hazır olacaksınız. Önceden bir bilgi veya ek ders kitabı gerekmez. İçindekiler: Karşılamalar ve temel kelimeler Sayılar Sohbet Alışveriş yapma Otelde Restoranda Yiyecek İçecek Ödeme yapma İyileşmekte Şehirde Otobüs ve Tren ile Seyahat Taksi Çağırma Araç Kiralama Zaman ve tarih Ofiste Doktorda Eczane Danimarka'da gidilecek yerler Kopenhag gezisi
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
Leer Deens (taalcursus voor beginners)
Leer de belangrijkste uitdrukkingen in het Deens voor je vakantie of zakenreis. Je kunt naar deze audio luisteren in de trein, op werk, of voor het slapengaan, om alle belangrijke zinnen te leren die je nodig zult hebben tijdens je reizen. Oefen 20 minuten per dag, en in korte tijd zul je goed Deens kunnen spreken - in een hotel, restaurant, of tijdens het winkelen. Je leert hoe je woorden en zinnen als 'Hallo' in het Deens kunt zeggen, of hoe je getallen (één, twee, drie tot tien) correct kunt uitspreken. En beetje bij beetje word je geïntroduceerd tot veelgebruikte zinnen. Zo zul je in staat zijn om in het Deens te communiceren. Met deze taalcursus ben je klaar voor de belangrijkste situaties die je op vakantie, in het dagelijks leven en op het werk zult tegenkomen. Er is geen voorkennis of extra lesboek nodig. Inhoudstafel: Begroetingen en basisvocabulaire Getallen Gesprek Winkelen In een hotel In een restaurant Eten Drinken Betalen Onderweg In de stad Reizen in de bus en de trein Een taxi bellen Een auto huren Tijd en datum In het kantoor Bij de doctor Apotheek Bestemmingen in Denemarken Bezienswaardigheden in Kopenhagen
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
Danca Öğrenin (Yeni Başlayanlar için Dil Kursu)
Tatiliniz veya iş seyahatiniz için Danca'daki en önemli ifadeleri öğrenin. Seyahatleriniz sırasında ihtiyaç duyacağınız tüm önemli ifadeleri öğrenmenize yardımcı olmak için trendeyken, çalışırken veya uyurken bu sesi dinleyebilirsiniz. Günde 20 dakika çalışmayla kısa bir süre içinde bir otelde veya restoranda ya da alışveriş yaparken iyi Danca konuşabileceksiniz. Danca'da 'Merhaba' gibi kelimeleri ve kelime öbeklerini nasıl söyleyeceğinizi veya sayıları (bir, iki, üç ila on) nasıl doğru telaffuz edeceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. Ve yavaş yavaş yaygın ifadelerle tanışacaksınız. Böylece Danca iletişim kurabileceksiniz. Bu dil kursu ile tatilde, günlük hayatta ve işte karşılaşabileceğiniz en önemli durumların üstesinden gelmeye hazır olacaksınız. Önceden bir bilgi veya ek ders kitabı gerekmez. İçindekiler: Karşılamalar ve temel kelimeler Sayılar Sohbet Alışveriş yapma Otelde Restoranda Yiyecek İçecek Ödeme yapma İyileşmekte Şehirde Otobüs ve Tren ile Seyahat Taksi Çağırma Araç Kiralama Zaman ve tarih Ofiste Doktorda Eczane Danimarka'da gidilecek yerler Kopenhag gezisi
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
Nauka duńskiego (kurs językowy dla początkujących)
Naucz się najważniejszych wyrażeń po duńsku potrzebnych w podróży wakacyjnej lub służbowej. Słuchaj nagrań w pociągu, w pracy lub przed snem, aby łatwiej nauczyć się wszelkich ważnych zwrotów potrzebnych w podróży. Ćwicz codziennie przez 20 minut, a niedługo będziesz dobrze porozumiewać się po duńsku, w hotelu, restauracji czy na zakupach. Nauczysz się słów i zwrotów po duńsku, takich jak 'dzień dobry', a także prawidłowej wymowy liczb (do dziesięciu). Będziesz pomału poznawać popularne zwroty, aby móc porozumiewać się po duńsku. Dzięki temu kursowi językowemu poradzisz sobie w najważniejszych sytuacjach, jakie mogą zdarzyć się na wakacjach, na co dzień i w pracy. Nie są wymagane wcześniejsza znajomość języka ani dodatkowy podręcznik. Spis treści: Przywitanie i podstawowe słownictwo Liczby Rozmowa Zakupy W hotelu W restauracji Jedzenie Napoje Płacenie W drodze W mieście Podróżowanie autobusem i pociągiem Wzywanie taksówki Wypożyczanie auta Czas i data W biurze U lekarza Apteka Miejsca przeznaczenia w Danii Widoki w Kopenhadze
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
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