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Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble - Part 1: Mandarin Chinese made easy with your personal langu
Collins bestselling Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble combines an exciting, new non-traditional approach to language learning with the easy, relaxed appeal of an audio-only product. Ideal for beginners and those with little formal language learning experience. No books. No rote memorisation. No chance of failure. This download contains Part 1 of 3. Paul Noble struggled with language learning at school. He found himself feeling 'confused, incapable and unable to really say anything'. As a result of his negative early experiences, Paul has come up with a ground-breaking method of language teaching that removes the need for months of study. With Paul Noble, everyone really can speak a language. A native-speaking Mandarin Chinese expert helps Paul to deliver the course and to perfect your pronunciation. No complicated grammatical explanations, no rote memorisation, no writing - no stress. Learn to speak Mandarin Chinese in no time at all and - most importantly - learn how to make your new vocabulary work for you. A downloadable booklet is also included to use as a reference and revision tool. Which Paul Noble product is right for me? I need a basic audio course for use on holiday or a business trip - choose The Essential Paul Noble Course. I am a beginner or near-beginner and need an in-depth audio course - choose The Paul Noble Complete Course or move at your own pace through Parts 1 to 3 of the Complete Course. I have listened to a Complete Course and I would like to take my learning to the next level - choose The Paul Noble Next Steps Course. I have some understanding and have previously studied the language, I need a book to consolidate what I know and increase my conversational ability - choose The Paul Noble Unlocking Series.
Kai-Ti Noble, Paul Noble (Author), Paul Noble (Narrator)
Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble - Part 2: Mandarin Chinese made easy with your personal langu
Collins bestselling Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble combines an exciting, new non-traditional approach to language learning with the easy, relaxed appeal of an audio-only product. Ideal for beginners and those with little formal language learning experience. No books. No rote memorisation. No chance of failure. This download contains Part 2 of 3. Paul Noble struggled with language learning at school. He found himself feeling 'confused, incapable and unable to really say anything'. As a result of his negative early experiences, Paul has come up with a ground-breaking method of language teaching that removes the need for months of study. With Paul Noble, everyone really can speak a language. A native-speaking Mandarin Chinese expert helps Paul to deliver the course and to perfect your pronunciation. No complicated grammatical explanations, no rote memorisation, no writing - no stress. Learn to speak Mandarin Chinese in no time at all and - most importantly - learn how to make your new vocabulary work for you. A downloadable booklet is also included to use as a reference and revision tool. Which Paul Noble product is right for me? I need a basic audio course for use on holiday or a business trip - choose The Essential Paul Noble Course. I am a beginner or near-beginner and need an in-depth audio course - choose The Paul Noble Complete Course or move at your own pace through Parts 1 to 3 of the Complete Course. I have listened to a Complete Course and I would like to take my learning to the next level - choose The Paul Noble Next Steps Course. I have some understanding and have previously studied the language, I need a book to consolidate what I know and increase my conversational ability - choose The Paul Noble Unlocking Series.
Kai-Ti Noble, Paul Noble (Author), Paul Noble (Narrator)
Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble - Part 3: Mandarin Chinese made easy with your personal langu
Collins bestselling Learn Mandarin Chinese with Paul Noble combines an exciting, new non-traditional approach to language learning with the easy, relaxed appeal of an audio-only product. Ideal for beginners and those with little formal language learning experience. No books. No rote memorisation. No chance of failure. This download contains Part 3 of 3. Paul Noble struggled with language learning at school. He found himself feeling 'confused, incapable and unable to really say anything'. As a result of his negative early experiences, Paul has come up with a ground-breaking method of language teaching that removes the need for months of study. With Paul Noble, everyone really can speak a language. A native-speaking Mandarin Chinese expert helps Paul to deliver the course and to perfect your pronunciation. No complicated grammatical explanations, no rote memorisation, no writing - no stress. Learn to speak Mandarin Chinese in no time at all and - most importantly - learn how to make your new vocabulary work for you. A downloadable booklet is also included to use as a reference and revision tool. Which Paul Noble product is right for me? I need a basic audio course for use on holiday or a business trip - choose The Essential Paul Noble Course. I am a beginner or near-beginner and need an in-depth audio course - choose The Paul Noble Complete Course or move at your own pace through Parts 1 to 3 of the Complete Course. I have listened to a Complete Course and I would like to take my learning to the next level - choose The Paul Noble Next Steps Course. I have some understanding and have previously studied the language, I need a book to consolidate what I know and increase my conversational ability - choose The Paul Noble Unlocking Series.
Kai-Ti Noble, Paul Noble (Author), Paul Noble (Narrator)
Mandarin audio en parallle - Facilement apprendre le mandarinavec 501 phrases en audio en parallle -
'Parlons Nous vous ferons parler le mandarin en un rien de temps ! La mthode audio d'apprentissage des langues de Lingo Jump facilite l'apprentissage du mandarin votre guise. Que vous vous dtendiez ou que vous soyez en dplacement, nos leons audio simples, claires et ludiques vous aident apprendre en imitant nos confrenciers. Plongez-vous dans la langue mandarine en toute confiance - nous sommes l pour vous aider parler mandarin en utilisant des phrases que vous apprendrez facilement grce l'audio en parallle. coutez et apprenez L'audio en parallle est la cl de la mthodologie d'apprentissage des langues de Lingo Jump. Grce la rptition de mots et de phrases clairement prononcs un rythme facile suivre, vous trouverez non seulement plus facile de comprendre et de parler le mandarin, mais aussi d'amliorer votre mmoire, d'amliorer vos capacits d'coute et de choisir le bon accent. Nos confrenciers suivent un modle de discours spcifique tout au long de l'audiobook, rendant les phrases prvisibles et vous aidant comprendre les mots et les phrases en contexte. Vous restez uniquement concentr sur le mandarin, sans aucune musique de fond distrayante. Parlez comme un local Nous savons que tout le monde ne parle pas de la mme manire. Les dialectes, les tempos et les accents peuvent varier selon les rgions d'un pays et mme entre les quartiers d'une ville. Ainsi, lorsque vous commencerez, vous entendrez nos narrateurs dans l'audiobook utiliser diffrentes intonations de phrases rptes, les ralentir, les acclrer et mettre l'accent sur diffrentes parties des phrases. Cela aide acclrer votre capacit comprendre et parler mandarin naturellement.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Mandarin audio en parallle - Facilement apprendre le mandarinavec 501 phrases en audio en parallle -
'Parlons Nous vous ferons parler le mandarin en un rien de temps ! La mthode audio d'apprentissage des langues de Lingo Jump facilite l'apprentissage du mandarin votre guise. Que vous vous dtendiez ou que vous soyez en dplacement, nos leons audio simples, claires et ludiques vous aident apprendre en imitant nos confrenciers. Plongez-vous dans la langue mandarine en toute confiance - nous sommes l pour vous aider parler mandarin en utilisant des phrases que vous apprendrez facilement grce l'audio en parallle. coutez et apprenez L'audio en parallle est la cl de la mthodologie d'apprentissage des langues de Lingo Jump. Grce la rptition de mots et de phrases clairement prononcs un rythme facile suivre, vous trouverez non seulement plus facile de comprendre et de parler le mandarin, mais aussi d'amliorer votre mmoire, d'amliorer vos capacits d'coute et de choisir le bon accent. Nos confrenciers suivent un modle de discours spcifique tout au long de l'audiobook, rendant les phrases prvisibles et vous aidant comprendre les mots et les phrases en contexte. Vous restez uniquement concentr sur le mandarin, sans aucune musique de fond distrayante. Parlez comme un local Nous savons que tout le monde ne parle pas de la mme manire. Les dialectes, les tempos et les accents peuvent varier selon les rgions d'un pays et mme entre les quartiers d'une ville. Ainsi, lorsque vous commencerez, vous entendrez nos narrateurs dans l'audiobook utiliser diffrentes intonations de phrases rptes, les ralentir, les acclrer et mettre l'accent sur diffrentes parties des phrases. Cela aide acclrer votre capacit comprendre et parler mandarin naturellement.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Audio Parallelo Cinese Mandarino - Impara il cinese mandarino con 501 Frasi utilizzando l'Audio Para
'Parliamo! Faremo in modo che impari il cinese mandarino in un attimo! Il sistema di apprendimento delle lingue tramite audio parallelo di Lingo Jump render semplice e comodo imparare una lingua. Sia che tu ti stia rilassando o sia in viaggio, le nostre lezioni audio facili, chiare e divertenti ti aiuteranno a imparare attraverso limitazione dei nostri narratori. Immergiti con fiducia in una nuova lingua siamo qui per farti parlare, utilizzando frasi che imparerai con facilit attraverso gli audio paralleli. Ascolta e impara Laudio parallelo la chiave della metodologia di apprendimento linguistico di Lingo Jump. Attraverso la ripetizione di parole e frasi pronunciate con chiarezza e a un ritmo facile da seguire, non solo per te sar pi semplice capire e parlare il cinese mandarino, ma migliorerai anche la tua memoria, aumenterai le tue capacit di ascolto e avrai un accento corretto. I nostri narratori seguono uno specifico schema vocale in tutto laudiolibro, rendendo le frasi prevedibili e aiutandoti a capire parole e frasi attraverso il contesto. Ti terremo concentrato esclusivamente sulla lingua, senza nessuna musica di sottofondo a distrarti. Parla come un abitante del posto Sappiamo che non tutti parlano allo stesso modo. Dialetti, tempi e accenti possono variare a seconda delle diverse regioni di un Paese e persino tra i quartieri di una stessa citt. Quindi, allinizio del corso, negli audiolibri ascolterai i nostri narratori utilizzare frasi ripetute con diverse intonazioni, rallentando, accelerando e ponendo laccento sulle varie parti delle frasi. Questo contribuir ad accelerare la tua capacit di comprendere e parlare la lingua in modo naturale.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Audio Paralelo em Chins - Aprender Chins com 501 Frases em udio Paralelo - Volume 1
'Vamos falar Vamos p-lo a falar Chins num instante! O sistema de aprendizagem de Chins baseado no udio paralelo do Lingo Jump facilita a aprendizagem do Chins enquanto descontrai. Quer esteja a relaxar ou de sada, as nossas lies udio so simples, claras e divertidas e ajudam-no a aprender atravs da imitao dos falantes. Mergulhe no Chins com confiana estamos aqui para p-lo a falar com frases que vai aprender facilmente atravs do udio paralelo. Oua e aprenda O udio em paralelo a chave da metodologia de aprendizagem de Chins da Lingo Jump. Atravs da repetio de palavras e de frases claras a um ritmo fcil de acompanhar, no s vai achar mais fcil aprender e falar o Chins, como tambm vai melhorar a sua memria, melhorar as capacidades de audio e interiorizar a pronncia correta. Os nossos falantes seguem um padro de discurso especfico ao longo do udio-livro o que torna as frases previsveis e ajuda a perceber palavras e frases atravs do contexto. Queremos que esteja concentrado no Chins, sem distraes como msica de fundo. Fale como um nativo Sabemos que nem toda a gente fala da mesma forma. Os dialectos, a entoao e a pronncia podem variar de regio para regio e at de freguesia para freguesia. Por isso, quando comear, vai ouvir os nossos narradores a dizer a mesma frase com entoaes diferentes, com um ritmo mais brando e outro mais rpido, a colocar nfase em diferentes partes da frase. Isto vai ajud-lo a perceber e a falar Chins naturalmente e em menos tempo. Rpido, divertido e sem grande esforo O sistema de aprendizagem de Chins baseado no udio paralelo do Lingo Jump combina repetio, ritmos diferentes, e padres previsveis de discurso. Ouvir as frases de forma repetida ajuda-o a aprender Chins instintivamente pois treina o seu crebro para captar os padres da lngua. como se estivessemos a atirar-lhe uma bola sempre da mesma forma, at ao ponto em que comea a apanhar a bola sem pensar.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Learn Mandarin: Mandarin Taiwanese Survival Phrases, Volume 1: Lessons 1-25
Learn Mandarin: Taiwanese Mandarin Survival Phrases, Volume 1 Start speaking Mandarin in minutes, and grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with Survival Phrases Mandarin, a completely new way to learn basic Mandarin fast! Are you about to travel to Taiwan? Do you need to know basic Mandarin and proper etiquette for business reasons? Do you have a Mandarin speaking partner, family or friends? Are you a fan of Mandarin films, culture, or history, and want to start learning the Mandarin language? Whatever your reasons are, we've designed Taiwanese Mandarin Survival Phrases, Volume 1 with you in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results fast. These 25 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to: Speak Mandarin before the end of your first lesson Use your newly learned Mandarin in everyday situations Understand the culture, customs, and people of Taiwan Order the food you want in restaurants Master manners, etiquette, customs so you don't embarrass yourself Shopping And much more! Learn to ask for help and avoid danger and tourist traps- learn travel tips and the 'do's' and 'don'ts' from an experienced host. This is not a vocabulary builder with just words and translations. Unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach Mandarin and Mandarin culture. Each lesson is taught by a professional, bilingual teacher! Download the PDF and read along:
Chineseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Chineseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Cantonese: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Cantonese (Deluxe Edition)
Want to learn Cantonese that's not taught in textbooks and schools?Then take your Cantonese to the next level with Learn Cantonese: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Cantonese.Learn how to communicate on social media just like Cantonese natives do on a daily basis.With this Audiobook, you'll learn how to make comments, post your reactions and ask questions on social media. You'll learn everything from catching up and asking what your friends are up to down to wishing them a happy birthday and much, much more.With this Audiobook, you get:25 Lessons in Total 2.5 Hours in Total Each Lesson Contains:One Example of a Post Four Reactions and Comments English Translations Slowed Down Pronunciations A Preview of Lessons Inside:How to post about having dinner with friends How to post about going shopping How to post about music or videos How to post Christmas greeting And much more!
Cantoneseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Cantoneseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Cantonese: Cantonese Survival Phrases, Volume 2: Lessons 26-50
Learn Cantonese: Cantonese Survival Phrases, Volume 2 Preparing for a trip to Hong Kong? The Survival Phrases, Volume 2 series is designed to provide world travelers with essential phrases in multiple languages and cultural insight you will not find in a textbook. Our experienced teachers possess the linguistic expertise to help you comprehend the fundamentals of the language and the experience to help you navigate the pitfalls and pleasantries of their respective countries. We pride ourselves on providing you with the tools and know-how to make your trip, vacation, or journey the most memorable yet! In this 25-lesson series, you'll learn vital Cantonese phrases in each lesson that will help prepare you for an upcoming trip. Topics covered include: Speak Cantonese before the end of your first lesson Use your newly learned Cantonese in everyday situations Understand the culture, customs, and people of Hong Kong Taking public transportation Asking for directions Checking in to a hotel Introduce yourself, friends and family And much more! If you have not studied Cantonese and simply want to master basic phrases useful for travel without getting into the details of grammar, this is the series for you. These short and effective audio lessons will also teach you travel tips and the 'dos' and 'don'ts' from our experienced host. This is not a vocabulary builder with just words and their translations. Unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach Cantonese and Hong Kong culture. Each lesson is taught by a professional bilingual teacher! Get the most out of your trip with Cantonese Survival Phrases! Download the PDF and read along:
Cantoneseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Cantoneseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Cantonese: Cantonese Survival Phrases, Volume 1: Lessons 1-25
Learn Cantonese: Cantonese Survival Phrases, Volume 1 Start speaking Cantonese in minutes, and grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with Survival Phrases Cantonese, a completely new way to learn basic Cantonese fast! Are you about to travel to Hong Kong? Do you need to know basic Cantonese and proper etiquette for business reasons? Do you have a Cantonese speaking partner, family or friends? Are you a fan of Cantonese films, culture, or history, and want to start learning the Cantonese language? Whatever your reasons are, we've designed Cantonese Survival Phrases, Volume 1 with you in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results fast. These 25 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to: Speak Cantonese before the end of your first lesson Use your newly learned Cantonese in everyday situations Understand the culture, customs, and people of Hong Kong Order the food you want in restaurants Master manners, etiquette, customs so you don't embarrass yourself Shopping And much more! Learn to ask for help and avoid danger and tourist traps- learn travel tips and the 'do's' and 'don'ts' from an experienced host. This is not a vocabulary builder with just words and translations. Unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach Cantonese and Cantonese culture. Each lesson is taught by a professional, bilingual teacher! Download the PDF and read along:
Cantoneseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Cantoneseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Chinese: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Chinese (Deluxe Edition)
Want to learn Chinese that's not taught in textbooks and schools? Then take your Chinese to the next level with Learn Chinese: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Chinese. Learn how to communicate on social media just like Chinese natives do on a daily basis.With this audiobook, you'll learn how to make comments, post your reactions and ask questions on social media. You'll learn everything from catching up and asking what your friends are up to down to wishing them a happy birthday and much, much more. With this audiobook, you get: - 25 Lessons in Total - 2.5 Hours in Total Each Lesson Contains: - One Example of a Post - Four Reactions and Comments - English Translations - Slowed Down Pronunciations A Preview of Lessons Inside: - How to post about having dinner with friends - How to post about going shopping - How to post about music or videos - How to post Christmas greeting - And much more!
Chineseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Chineseclass101.Com (Narrator)
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