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Anthology of Classic Short Stories. Vol. 2 (Animals): Kashtanka by Anton Chekhov, Sredni Vashtar by
In these selections, an animal plays an important role in the action or plot of the story. The animals in these stories are real or are stand-ins for humans: Sredni Vashtar by Saki (H. H. Munro) Kholstomer, The Story of a Horse by Leo Tolstoy A Dark-Brown Dog by Stephen Crane Kashtanka by Anton Chekhov The Cat That Walked By Himself by Rudyard Kipling The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe The Fly by Katherine Mansfield The Boar-Pig by Saki (H. H. Munro) The Tiger Guest by Pu Songlbying Jackals and Arabs by Franz Kafka
Anton Chekhov, Edgar Allan Poe, Franz Kafka, Katherine Mansfield, Leo Tolstoy, Pu Songlbying, Rudyard Kipling, Saki, Stephen Crane (Author), Peter Coates (Narrator)
In that extraordinary time between childhood and adulthood are those years that most parents dread; The Teenage Years. Hormones rage, personalities can become belligerent, lives are lived in partial secrecy as their brains undergo re-wiring and their bodies shoot out in all sorts of places. How then to find stories they can engage with? There's an easy answer. The same way we as adults engage. Great stories told by great authors. In this volume we can tick both boxes with the bonus that the stories are actually about them. Our classic authors including Marjorie Bowen, Gustav Meyrink, Kenneth Grahame, Thomas Hardy and many others bring all facets of this genre into needle-sharp focus. 01 - Scary Stories for Teenagers - An Introduction 02 - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde - Part 1 by Robert Louis Stevenson 03 - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde - Part 2 by Robert Louis Stevenson 04 - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving 05 - The Signalman by Charles Dickens 06 - The Fall of the House of Usher - Part 1 by Edgar Allan Poe 07 - The Fall of the House of Usher - Part 2 by Edgar Allan Poe 08 - The Empty House by Algernon Blackwood 09 - The Cats of Ulthar by H P Lovecraft 10 - The Monkey's Paw by W W Jacobs 11 - Gabriel-Ernest by Saki 12 - The Boarded Window by Ambrose Bierce 13 - The Room in the Tower by E F Benson 14 - The Ash Tree by M R James.wav 15 - August Heat by W F Harvey 16 - The Vampyre. A Tale - Part 1 by John Willaim Polidori 17 - The Vampyre. A Tale - Part 2 by John Willaim Polidori
Algernon Blackwood, Charles Dickens, E F Benson, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, John Willaim Polidori, M R James, M.R. James, Robert Louis Stevenson, Saki, W F Harvey, W W Jacobs, Washington Irving (Author), David Shaw-Parker, Mark Rice-Oxley, William Dufris (Narrator)
Durante una reunión a la hora del té en casa de Lady Blemley, el señor Cornelius Appin anuncia que le ha enseñado a hablar al gato Tobermory. El felino, para asombro de la concurrencia, efectivamente habla. Pero, su hazaña comienza a generar más problemas que alegrías entre los invitados.
Saki (Author), Gladys Barriga, Mario Olguín, María Carolina Zerené, Maureen Herman, Roberto García, Sergio Aliaga (Narrator)
The Foundations of Fiction - Werewolves
A dog may be man's best friend. It is also one of his worst nightmares. The idea that humans could suddenly present themselves as demonic werewolves can only have come from the deepest, darkest and most diabolical recesses of an author's mind.In this volume we present a roll-call of classic authors including Rudyard Kipling, Saki, Arthur Conan Doyle, Catherine Crowe and many others who short story by short story establish the building blocks of this horrific yet thrilling genre. Here all manner of characters and narratives weave together to bring a unique yet intricate account of the beginnings of this most troubling of literary genres.1 - Foundations of Fiction - Werewolves - An Introduction2 - Mark of the Beast by Rudyard Kipling3 - A Pastoral Horror by Arthur Conan Doyle4 - Tarnhelm or The Death of My Uncle Robert by Hugh Walpole5 - Gabriel-Ernest by Saki6 - The She-Wolf by Saki7 - The Lame Priest by Susan Morrow writing as S Carleton8 - The Thing in the Forest by Bernard Capes9 - Vampirismus or Aurelia by E T A Hoffman10 - A Story of a Weir-Wolf by Catherine Crowe
Bernard Capes, Catherine Crowe, E T A Hoffman, Hugh Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Saki, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Author), Richard Mitchley (Narrator)
H.H. Munro (Saki) is one of the undisputed masters of the short story. In this complete compendium, the full gamut of his subjects and themes are experienced. His stories are imbued with humorous satire, biting irony and often the macabre, all of which have one target: the stupidities and hypocrisies of Edwardian upper-class society.
Saki (Author), Rupert Degas (Narrator)
Mitternachtsstories von Saki, H.G. Wells, W.F. Harvey, Dickens, Yeats - Nur für starke Nerven, Folge
Von 1973 bis 1990 strahlte Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) die beliebte Hörfunksendung 'Nur für starke Nerven' (ab 1987 unter dem Namen 'Die Mitternachtsstory') aus. Der Schauspieler Friedrich Schoenfelder las darin Grusel- und Kriminalgeschichten für Erwachsene zur guten Nacht vor. Bezeichnenderweise schlug er selbst 1972 der Unterhaltungsabteilung des SFB vor, eine Sendereihe zu starten, in der von ihm redaktionell ausgewählte Gruselgeschichten zu Gehör kommen sollten. Namhafte Autoren, von denen Geschichten zum Vortrag kamen, waren Ray Bradbury, H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Bloch, E. A. Poe oder auch zeitgenössische deutschsprachige AutorInnen. Die Sendereihe umfasste mehr als 500 Folgen. Friedrich Schoenfelder konnte in mehr als 140 TV- und Kinofilmen, in mehr als 50 Hörspielen und als Synchronsprecher seine schauspielerische Leistung als distinguierter Gentleman aber auch als Charakterdarsteller unter Beweis stellen. In dieser Folge liest Friedrich Schoenfelder die Geschichten 'Augusthitze' und 'Nacht über dem Moor' von W. F. Harvey, 'Schicksal' von Saki, 'Der schöne Anzug' von H.G. Wells, 'Der Bahnwärter' von Charles Dickens und 'Der Fluch der Feuer und Schatten' von William Butler Yeats.
Charles Dickens, H. G. Wells, Saki, W. F. Harvey, William Butler Yeats (Author), Friedrich Schoenfelder (Narrator)
Selected Short Stories by Saki
Here are 12 specially selected tales by one of the masters of this miniature art, Saki (H.H Munro). They range from the comic deception of 'The Schartz Metterklume Method' to 'The Cobweb', a subtle meditation on life, change and death. Also included is Munro's short essay 'Birds on the Western Front', a poignant description of some of Nature's response to the devastation of war: written in the very place where Munro would tragically lose his life to a sniper's bullet in 1916. Beautifully narrated by Simon Hester, with specially composed music.
Saki (Author), Simon Hester (Narrator)
Classic Short Stories - Volume 1
Stories are one of mankind’s greatest artistic achievements. Whether written down or spoken they have an ability to capture our imagination and thoughts, and take us on incredible journeys in the space of a phrase and the turn of a page.Within a few words of text or speech, new worlds and characters form, propelling a narrative to a conclusion with intricate ease. Finely crafted, perfectly formed these Miniature Masterpieces, at first thought, seem remarkably easy to conjure up. But ask any writer and they will tell you that distilling the essence of narrative and characters into a short story is one of the hardest acts of their literary craft. Many attempt, but few achieve.
Daniel Defoe, Rudyard Kipling, Saki (Author), Ghizela Rowe, Richard Mitchley (Narrator)
The Toys of Peace: and Other Papers
THE TOYS OF PEACE AND OTHER PAPERS by "Saki" (H. H. Munro) is a collection of 33 "papers" or short stories, which were originally published separately in various journals and later issued in one volume in 1919, three years after the writer's death in the Great War. They are some of the most delightful of literary miniatures. They are: The Toys of Peace Louise Tea The Disappearance of Chrispina Umberleigh The Wolves of Cernogratz Louis The Guests The Penance The Phantom Luncheon A Bread and Butter Miss Bertie's Christmas Eve Forewarned The Interlopers Quail Seed Canossa The Threat Excepting Mrs. Pentherby Mark The Hedgehog The Mappined Life Fate The Bull Morlvera Shock Tactics The Seven Cream Jugs The Occasional Garden The Sheep The Oversight Hyacinth The Image of the Lost Soul The Purple of the Balkan Kings The Cupboard of the Yesterdays For the Duration of the War Note: A number of these stories are contained in "The Best of Saki" (3 volumes) narrated by Roy Macready.
Saki (Author), Roy Macready (Narrator)
Animal Terror - A Short Story Volume. Volume 1
The human race prides itself on being the most organised of animals. We manage the fate of all other species. All other animals bow to our control or suffer. In diminishing numbers we allow some to live in the wild but in increasing numbers we domesticate them and whether they become part of the family, a best friend or wonderfully decorative accessory we take their compliance for granted. Such a shame then when these creatures take umbrage and prepare their revenge on us they do so in ways designed to show that when the tables turn 'mercy' is just a word that we humans plead for, expect, but, of course, is always denied.
Bram Stoker, H. P. Lovecraft, Saki (Author), Ghizela Rowe, Patrick Barlow, Richard Mitchley (Narrator)
"Reginald in Russia and other sketches" was published in 1910 and was the second of Saki's collections of short stories following "Reginald" (1904). It consists of 15 stories or "sketches" as the author calls them and contains two of his most famous tales "Gabriel Ernest" and "The Reticence of Lady Anne." The stories are: Reginald in Russia The Reticence of Lady Anne The Lost Sanjak The Sex that Doesn't Shop The Blood-Feud of Toad-Water A Young Turkish Catastrophe Judkin of the Parcels Gabriel Ernest The Saint and the Goblin The Soul of Laploshka The Bag The Strategist Cross Currents The Baker's Dozen (A Playlet) The Mouse
Saki (Author), Roy Macready (Narrator)
This book contains the following works arranged alphabetically by authors last names The Mysterious Mansion [Honoré de Balzac] The Tomb of Heiri [Arthur Christopher Benson] Chickamauga [Ambrose Bierce] An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge [Ambrose Bierce] The Death of Halpin Frayser [Ambrose Bierce] A Halloween Wraith [William Black] The Goblin's Collection [Algernon Blackwood] The Wood of the Dead [Algernon Blackwood] Let Loose [Mary Cholmondeley] The Horror of the Heights [Arthur Conan Doyle] The Lift [Arthur Conan Doyle] The Terror of Blue John Gap [Arthur Conan Doyle] Captain Murderer [Charles Dickens] The Trial for Murder [Charles Dickens] Cold Ghost [Chester S. Geier] Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man [Nathaniel Hawthorne] The Devil in Manuscript [Nathaniel Hawthorne] The Adventure of the German Student [Washington Irving] Rip Van Winkle [Washington Irving] The Romance of Certain Old Clothes [Henry James] The City Of Dreadful Night [Rudyard Kipling] The Untold Sequel to the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [Frances Little] Hypnos [H.P Lovecraft] Nyarlathotep [H.P Lovecraft] The Tomb [H.P Lovecraft] Dagon [H.P Lovecraft] The Cats of Ulthar [H.P Lovecraft] The Devil [Guy de Maupassant] Who Knows? [Guy de Maupassant] When I was Dead [Vincent O'Sullivan] Doom of the House of Duryea [Earl Peirce] The Yellow Wallpaper [Charlotte Perkins Gilman] The Masqued Red Death [Edgar Allan Poe] The Black Cat [Edgar Allan Poe] Silence: A Fable [Edgar Allan Poe] The Tell Tale Heart [Edgar Allan Poe] The Room of Mirrors [Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch] The Mystery of Joseph Laquedem [Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch] The Wolves of Cernogratz [Saki] An account of some strange disturbances in Aungier Street [Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu] Dracula's Guest [Bram Stoker] The Squaw [Bram Stoker] The Dualists [Bram Stoker] The Valley of Spiders [H.G Wells] The Sea Raiders [H.G Wells] The Red Room [H.G Wells] Jimmy Goggles the God [H.G Wells] The Eyes [Edith Wharton] The Wind in the Rose-Bush [Mary E. Wilkins Freeman] The Substitute [Georgia Wood Pangborn]
Algernon Blackwood, Ambrose Bierce, Bram Stoker, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Allan Poe, H.G Wells, H.P Lovecraft, Henry James, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Rudyard Kipling, Saki, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Washington Irving (Author), Daniel Duffy, Grainne Regan, Josh Ryan, Luke Cardy, Sarah Jane Barry (Narrator)
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