Browse audiobooks by Lao Tzu, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
The Ancient Wisdom Collection: Meditations, the Art of War, The Book of Five Rings, Tao Te Ching & M
What if you could draw from a vast reservoir of ancient wisdom to excel in leadership, strategy, and personal growth? This unparalleled anthology unites the most time-tested works on strategy, warfare, self-mastery, and the pursuit of power. Adapted for modern readers, each text provides unique perspectives—ranging from the peaceful introspection of Tao Te Ching to the calculated tactics of The Art of War. Together, they form a guidebook for overcoming challenges and fostering success in any arena. What You’ll Discover in This Comprehensive Collection: - The Art of War – Sun Tzu – A timeless masterpiece on strategic warfare and leadership. - Meditations – Marcus Aurelius – Stoic reflections on discipline, resilience, and self-mastery. - The Book of Five Rings – Miyamoto Musashi – Samurai wisdom on combat, strategy, and personal growth. - Tao Te Ching – Laozi – A foundational text on balance, leadership, and the power of non-action. - The Kybalion – Hermetic Philosophy – Esoteric teachings on universal laws and mental discipline. - Arthashastra – Kautilya – An ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economics, and military strategy. - The Maxims of War – Napoleon Bonaparte – Insights from one of - history’s greatest military commanders. - Instructions to His Generals – Frederick the Great – Tactical guidance from the Prussian king and military strategist. - The Commentaries of Julius Caesar – Firsthand accounts of war, leadership, and conquest. - History of the Peloponnesian War – Thucydides – A historical analysis of power, politics, and military conflict. Imagine having an entire library of proven wisdom at your fingertips, offering guidance on how to lead, strategize, and live with purpose. This collection is a timeless companion for those seeking mastery in life’s battles—both internal and external. Claim the power of the ages. Get your copy now and embark on an extraordinary journey through the best of ancient strategic thought.
Frederick the Great, Julius Caesar, Kautilya, Lao Tzu, Marcus Aurelius, Miyamoto Musashi, Napoleon Bonaparte, Sun Tzu, Thucydides, Tim Zengerink (Author), Zeek Ring (Narrator)
Tao Te Ching: The Ancient Chinese Philosophy for Peace, Harmony, and Balance - A Modern Translation
What if you could achieve harmony in life, find balance in chaos, and embrace the flow of existence with calm and clarity? Tao Te Ching: The Ancient Chinese Philosophy for Peace, Harmony, and Balance brings you the timeless wisdom of Laozi, now adapted for today’s listeners. Written over 2,500 years ago, the Tao Te Ching is a profound guide to understanding the Tao, or “The Way”—a path to inner peace, natural balance, and harmony with the world. This modern audiobook preserves the depth and beauty of Laozi’s original teachings while presenting them in clear, accessible language for contemporary life. This isn’t just an ancient text—it’s a practical philosophy for living with simplicity, wisdom, and purpose. Whether you want to reduce stress, cultivate mindfulness, or deepen your understanding of life’s natural rhythms, this audiobook offers principles that are as transformative today as they were centuries ago. What You’ll Discover: - Living in Harmony: Align with the natural flow of life to find peace and fulfillment. - Embracing Simplicity and Stillness: Unlock the power of patience, reflection, and simplicity in a fast-paced world. - Timeless Lessons on Balance: Navigate challenges, avoid extremes, and live with moderation and grace. - Modern, Accessible Language: Experience Laozi’s teachings in a style designed for today’s listener, making them easy to understand and apply. The wisdom of the Tao Te Ching transcends time and culture, guiding you to embrace the flow of life, let go of stress, and cultivate inner tranquility. Leaders, seekers, and individuals from all walks of life have found inspiration in its profound verses. Imagine letting go of stress, embracing simplicity, and living in harmony with life’s rhythms. Download your copy today and begin your journey toward a life of balance, peace, and purpose.
Lao Tzu, Tim Zengerink (Author), Enrik Zeng (Narrator)
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. Narración completa del Dàodé Jīng (道德經) de Laozi, también conocido como Tao Te King, una de las obras más influyentes y veneradas de la filosofía y espiritualidad china. Este libro constituye la base del taoísmo filosófico y tuvo una fuerte influencia sobre otras escuelas, como el legalismo y el neoconfucianismo. El texto se atribuye a Lao Tse, un sabio archivista de la corte de la dinastía Zhou (1046-256 a. C.), también conocido como Lao-Tse, Lao Tzu o Laozi (‘Viejo Maestro’). El texto original se encontró en antiguos manuscritos en bambú, seda y papel. La obra consta de 81 capítulos breves que abordan temas profundos y atemporales relacionados con la naturaleza del Tao (el camino o la realidad última), la virtud y la manera en que los individuos y gobernantes deben vivir y actuar. En China la filosofía de la naturaleza y la visión del mundo están impregnadas del pensamiento taoísta y así muchos artistas, pintores, calígrafos y hasta jardineros han usado este libro como fuente de inspiración. Su influencia se ha esparcido también más allá del Lejano Oriente, ayudada por las muchas traducciones diferentes del texto a lenguas occidentales.
Lao Tzu (Author), Voz Digital José Peña Coto E (Narrator)
The Sayings of Lao-Tzu: An accessible narrative prose translation of the Dao De Jing
A prose translation of the Tao that focuses on bringing out the subtlety and depth of the classic Way. Translations of the famous Way and Virtue (Dao De Jing/Tao Te Ching) focus on the poetics and depth of the original. In contrast, Giles’ translation focuses on telling stories with the text, drawing out the nuances in a way that is more familiar to Western audiences from philosophical and religious texts. “Few can help being struck by the similarity of tone between the sayings of Lao Tzu and the Gospel enunciated six centuries later by the Prince of Peace. There are two famous utterances in particular which secure to Lao Tzu the glory of having anticipated the lofty morality of the Sermon on the Mount. The cavilers who would rank the Golden Rule of Confucius below that of Christ will find it hard to get over the fact that Lao Tzu said, 'Requite injury with kindness,' and 'To the not-good I would be good in order to make them good.' It was a hundred and fifty years later that Plato reached the same conclusion in the first book of the Republic. It is interesting to observe certain points of contact between Lao Tzu and the early Greek philosophers. He may be compared both with Parmenides, who disparaged sense-knowledge and taught the existence of the One as opposed to the Many, and with Heraclitus, whose theory of the identity of contraries recalls some of our Sage's paradoxes. But it is when we come to Plato that the most striking parallels occur. It has not escaped notice that something like the Platonic doctrine of ideas is discoverable in the 'forms' which Lao Tzu conceives as residing in Tao. But, so far as I know, no one has yet pointed out what a close likeness Tao itself bears to that curious abstraction which Plato calls the Idea of the Good.”
Lao Tzu, Lionel Giles (translator) (Author), Chirag Patel (Narrator)
50+ Self-Help Classics Collection: Napoleon Hill James Allen Kahlil Gibran Sun Tzu Lao Tzu Confucius
Contents: Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1937) George Samuel Clason. The Richest Man In Babylon (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1920-1924) James Allen. As A Man Thinketh James Allen. Out from the Heart Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet Sun Tzu. The Art of War Lao Tzu. The Tao Te Ching Confucius. Analects Benjamin Franklin. The Way to Wealth Benjamin Franklin. The Autobiography Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. The Meditations Of The Emperor Russell H. Conwell Every Man His Own University Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self-reliance Florence Scovel Shinn. The Game of Life and How To Play It Charles F. Haanel. The Master Key System W. D. Wattles. The Science Of Getting Rich Wallace D. Wattles. How To Get What You Want Wallace D. Wattles. The Science Of Being Well Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Being Great Orison Swett Marden. An Iron Will Orison Swett Marden. He Can Who Thinks He Can Russell H. Conwell. Acres of Diamonds William Walker Atkinson. Thought Vibration: or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World P. T. Barnum. Art of Money Getting Or, Golden Rules for Making Money G.K. Chesterton. Orthodoxy Leo Tolstoy. A Confession
Benjamin Franklin, Charles F. Haanel, Confucius, Florence Scovel Shinn, G.K. Chesterton, George Samuel Clason, James Allen, Khalil Gibran, Lao Tzu, Leo Tolstoy, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Napoleon Hill, Orison Swett Marden, P. T. Barnum, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Russell H. Conwell, Sun Tzu, Wallace D. Wattles, William Walker Atkinson (Author), Alfred Costa, David J Miles, Joe Phoenix, Kenneth Elliot, Mark Bowen, Michael Goodrick, Peter Coates, Rick Walz, Simon Jackson, Stacey Patterson, Trevor O'Hare (Narrator)
25+ Self-Help Classics Collection: Napoleon Hill James Allen Kahlil Gibran Sun Tzu Lao Tzu Confucius
Contents: Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1937) George Samuel Clason. The Richest Man In Babylon (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1920-1924) James Allen. As A Man Thinketh James Allen. Out from the Heart Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet Sun Tzu. The Art of War Lao Tzu. The Tao Te Ching Confucius. Analects Benjamin Franklin. The Way to Wealth Benjamin Franklin. The Autobiography Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. The Meditations Of The Emperor Russell H. Conwell Every Man His Own University Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self-reliance Florence Scovel Shinn. The Game of Life and How To Play It Charles F. Haanel. The Master Key System W. D. Wattles. The Science Of Getting Rich Wallace D. Wattles. How To Get What You Want Wallace D. Wattles. The Science Of Being Well Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Being Great Orison Swett Marden. An Iron Will Orison Swett Marden. He Can Who Thinks He Can Russell H. Conwell. Acres of Diamonds William Walker Atkinson. Thought Vibration: or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World P. T. Barnum. Art of Money Getting Or, Golden Rules for Making Money G.K. Chesterton. Orthodoxy Leo Tolstoy. A Confession
Benjamin Franklin, Charles F. Haanel, Confucius, Florence Scovel Shinn, G.K. Chesterton, George Samuel Clason, James Allen, Khalil Gibran, Lao Tzu, Leo Tolstoy, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Napoleon Hill, Orison Swett Marden, P. T. Barnum, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Russell H. Conwell, Sun Tzu, Wallace D. Wattles, William Walker Atkinson (Author), Alfred Costa, David J Miles, Joe Phoenix, Kenneth Elliot, Mark Bowen, Michael Goodrick, Peter Coates, Rick Walz, Simon Jackson, Stacey Patterson, Trevor O'Hare (Narrator)
20+ Self-Help Classics Collection: Napoleon Hill James Allen Kahlil Gibran Sun Tzu Lao Tzu Confucius
20 Self-Help Classics Collection: classic books on how to successfully make money and influence relationships. This collection of titles encapsulates the greatest writings of all time on how to grow in wealth and prosperity. Featuring: Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich (illustrated) James Allen. As A Man Thinketh James Allen. Out from the Heart Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet Sun Tzu. The Art of War Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching Confucius. Analects Benjamin Franklin. The Way to Wealth Benjamin Franklin. The Autobiography Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. The Meditations Of The Emperor Russell H. Conwell Every Man His Own University Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self-reliance Florence Scovel Shinn. The Game of Life and How To Play It Charles F. Haanel. The Master Key System W. D. Wattles. The Science Of Getting Rich Wallace D. Wattles. How To Get What You Want Wallace D. Wattles. The Science Of Being Well Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Being Great Orison Swett Marden. An Iron Will Orison Swett Marden. He Can Who Thinks He Can Russell H. Conwell. Acres of Diamonds
Benjamin Franklin, Charles F. Haanel, Confucius, Florence Scovel Shinn, James Allen, Khalil Gibran, Lao Tzu, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Napoleon Hill, Orison Swett Marden, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Russell H. Conwell, Sun Tzu, Wallace D. Wattles (Author), Alfred Costa, David J Miles, Joe Phoenix, Kenneth Elliot, Mark Bowen, Michael Goodrick, Peter Coates, Rick Walz, Simon Jackson, Stacey Patterson, Trevor O'Hare (Narrator)
The philosophies of the East are both complex and enlightening. Their views on human nature, society, and morality have shaped the world for thousands of years. Now, we get a chance to delve deep into the primary texts which are held close to the hearts of millions. In this bundle, you’ll discover the Tao Te Ching, the world-renowned work first written in ancient China, along with the classic Siddhartha, a powerful and spiritually enlightening novel which tells the story of the Buddha. Both these texts have stood the test of time, and paved the way for philosophies which continue to have impact across the ages. From the life of the Buddha and his belief in Samsara and Nirvana, to the secrets of the Tao, this book is a must-listen for anyone interested in spiritual and philosophical enlightenment.
Herman Hesse, Lao Tzu (Author), John York (Narrator)
Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with 'Tao Te Ching' by Lao Tzu, available now as an enriching audiobook experience. This timeless classic offers profound insights into the nature of existence, human behavior, and the path to inner peace. Narrated with clarity and reverence, this audiobook invites listeners to explore the essence of Taoism, guiding them through verses that reveal the harmony of opposites, the power of simplicity, and the wisdom of living in accordance with the Tao, or the Way. Whether you're seeking guidance on leadership, personal growth, or spiritual fulfillment, 'Tao Te Ching' offers invaluable lessons that resonate across cultures and generations. Perfect for moments of reflection, meditation, or simply unwinding, this audiobook provides a serene oasis in the hustle and bustle of modern life. Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of Lao Tzu. Start listening to 'Tao Te Ching' today and embark on a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery.
Lao Tzu (Author), Arthur Grey (Narrator)
50+ Classic collection. Political science: The Art of War, The Republic, The Athenian Constitution,
Political science is the scientific study of politics. It is a social science dealing with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Contents: Sun Tzu. The Art of War Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching Plato. The Republic Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution Marcus Aurelius. Meditations Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince Thomas More. Utopia Tommaso Campanella. The City of the Sun Francis Bacon. The New Atlantis Thomas Paine. Common Sense Richard Henry Lee. Lee Resolution Thomas Jefferson. Declaration of Independence James Madison. - Virginia Plan - Constitution of the United States - Bill of Rights - Northwest Ordinance George Washington. President George Washington's First Inaugural Speech Great Historical Documents of the United States: - Federal Judiciary Act - Marbury v. Madison - Articles of Confederation - Treaty of Alliance with France - Treaty of Paris John Stuart Mil. Utilitarianism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto Vladimir Lenin: - The State and Revolution - The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism - Vladimir Lenin To the Citizens of Russia! - Vladimir Lenin To Workers, Soldiers, and Peasants! - Report on Peace - Report on Land - Decree on Abolishment of Capital Punishment - Decree on Transfer of Power to the Soviets - Decree on Establishment of the Workers' and Peasants' Government - Decree on Elections for the Constituent Assembly - Decree on Suppression of Hostile Newspapers - Decree on Transfer of Food Control to Municipalities - Decree on an Eight-Hour Working Day - Decree on the Right to Issue Laws - Resolution on the Right of Sovnarkom to Issue Decrees - Decree on Social Insurance - Declaration of the Rights of the People of Russia - Decree on Organization of Volost Land Committees - Decree on Transfer of Power and the Means of Production to the Toilers - Decree Proclaiming Advertising a State Monopoly - Decree Abolishing Classes and Civil Ranks - Decree on Workers' Control - Resolution on Relation of the Central Executive Committee to the Sovnarkom - Decree on the Right to Call for Re-Elections - Decree on Establishment of the Extraordinary Commission to Fight Counter-Revolution - V. I. Lenin Note To F. E. Dzerzhinsky with a Draft of A Decree On Fighting Counter-Revolutionaries And Saboteurs Rosa Luxemburg. Reform or Revolution Peter Kropotkin. The Conquest of Bread Emma Goldman. Anarchism: What It Really Stands For Leon Trotsky. Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It
Emma Goldman, Francis Bacon, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Lao Tzu, Leon Trotsky, Marcus Aurelius, Niccolo Machiavelli, Peter Kropotkin, Plato, Rosa Luxemburg, Sun Tzu, Thomas More, Thomas Paine, Tommaso Campanella, Vladimir Lenin (Author), Alfred Costa, Andrew Roberts, Douglass Scott, Jamey Lewis, Joe Phoenix, Jowanna Lewis, Kenneth Elliot, Mark Bowen, Peter Coates, Richard Williams (Narrator)
15+ Political Science. Classics Collection: The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, The Republic, Meditations,
What is Political Science? Within human society, it is customary to distinguish between the following spheres: economic, political, social, and spiritual. The political sphere is important in that it involves and determines the interactions of different political powers. This understanding lies at the foundation of any political analysis of public life. Politics as a specific sector within human society is as old as it is modern. Many famous statesmen and scientists are credited as the authors of laws and political systems. In today's global community, facing growing pressures of political extremism and radicalism, knowledge of basic political science principles should help students develop a democratic ethos and foster qualities, such as political tolerance, compromise, and cooperation, while learning to express and defend their interests in a civilized manner. The foundation of political science lies in the accumulated knowledge of mankind. Each included piece o this collection is required reading at some of the best universities on the planet including: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Columbia Universities, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, among others. Sun Tzu: The Art of War Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching Plato: The Republic Marcus Aurelius: Meditations Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince Thomas More: Utopia Tommaso Campanella: The City of the Sun Francis Bacon: The New Atlantis Thomas Paine: Common Sense John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto Vladimir Lenin: The State and Revolution Rosa Luxemburg: Reform or Revolution Peter Kropotkin: The Conquest of Bread Emma Goldman: Anarchism: What It Really Stands For Leon Trotsky: Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It
Emma Goldman, Francis Bacon, Friedrich Engels, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Lao Tzu, Leon Trotsky, Marcus Aurelius, Niccolo Machiavelli, Peter Kropotkin, Plato, Rosa Luxemburg, Sun Tzu, Thomas More, Thomas Paine, Tommaso Campanella, Vladimir Lenin (Author), Alfred Costa, Andrew Roberts, Douglass Scott, Jamey Lewis, Joe Phoenix, Jowanna Lewis, Kenneth Elliot, Mark Bowen, Peter Coates, Richard Williams (Narrator)
The Tao Te Ching is a Taoist philosophical treatise. Lao Tzu, a great Ancient Chinese philosopher and teacher, is considered to be the author of this book. We owe this book to an unnamed guardian who kept safe the far western borders of a country, Zhou in the fifth century BC. The legend says that exhausted from misunderstanding Teacher with a tired heart went on his last journey – to die in a dessert. The guardian recognized great Lao Tzu, called him by name and, nobody knows how, persuaded the wise man to tell a world about Dao and De. 'When you said Dao, you said nothing', the teacher replied. And you were wrong: five thousand words, that contains this book, have been existing for two and a half thousand years...
Lao Tzu (Author), Alfred Costa (Narrator)
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