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Una sala llena de corazones rotos
Una historia de amor contemporánea, por la ganadora de los premios Pulitzer, National Book Critics Circle y PEN/Faulkner «Una nueva joya de Anne Tyler. [...] No hay otro escritor capaz de crear a hombres tan interesantes y polifacéticos. [...] Su mejor novela en mucho tiempo.» The Guardian Es inevitable preguntarse qué le pasa por la cabeza a un hombre como Micah Mortimer. Vive solo, es reservado, su rutina está grabada en piedra. Todas las mañanas a las siete y cuarto se le ve salir a correr. Alrededor de las diez o las diez y media pega el cartel magnético de TECNOERMITAÑO en el techo de su Kia. Pero esta vida plácida vuela por los aires cuando Cassia, su pareja —Micah se niega a llamar «novia» a alguien de treinta y muchos—, le anuncia que van a echarla de su casa y un adolescente se planta ante su puerta alegando ser su hijo. La nueva novela de Anne Tyler ofrece una mirada íntima al corazón y la mente de un hombre que se ve obligado a ver el mundo con nuevos ojos. La crítica ha dicho... «Otra joya de Anne Tyler. Se ha ganado tantos aplausos en los últimos cincuenta años que cuesta dar con nuevos elogios, pero leyendo esta extraordinaria novela —¡su vigesimotercera!— caí en la cuenta de que no hay otro escritor o escritora capaz de crear hombres tan interesantes y polifacéticos. [...] Esta es su mejor novela en mucho tiempo.» The Guardian «Una novela deslumbrante. [...] Tyler es una observadora afilada y tierna de la sociedad, una Vermeer estadounidense.» Hamilton Cain, The Oprah Magazine «La mejor novela de Anne Tyler: un poderoso recordatorio de hasta qué punto necesitamos la conexión humana.» BookPage «Anne Tyler tiene los dones que todo gran novelista necesita: observación profunda, empatía, y un lenguaje directo y sorprendente. La suya es una bondad sin complejos. En estos momentos de sarcasmo, pavoneo, retuiteo y personajes visiblemente atormentados, deberíamos leer más a Tyler.» Amy Bloom, The New York Times Book Review «Si siempre hay una buena razón para celebrar una nueva novela de Tyler, esta vez nos obliga a descorchar la botella de champán. [...] Nadie como ella para lograr que las palabras brillen con humor y ternura The Boston Globe «Conmovedora. [...] Tyler tiene la rara habilidad de evocar lo ordinario con particularidad.» The New Yorker «Una de las novelistas más influyentes de su generación. [...] Sus libros se devoran de modo irresistible, son una pura maravilla técnica.» The Daily Telegraph «Te atrapa al momento; es desgarradora, divertida y redentora.» Booklist «Roza la perfección. [...] Tyler está en pleno apogeo.» Washington City Paper «Anne Tyler es capaz de lograr que hasta la vida en cuarentena parezca maravillosa. [...] A pesar de haber reducido nuestros rituales a lo esencial, seguimos siendo tan grandes, afectuosos, asustadizos y frustrantemente humanos como antes de que el mundo se parase. Una sala llena de corazones rotos nos lo recuerda de una manera delicada y conmovedora.» Vanity Fair
Anne Tyler (Author), Jorge Durán (Narrator)
Redhead by the Side of the Road
Brought to you by Penguin. From the bestselling author of A Spool of Blue Thread: an offbeat love story about mis-steps, second chances and the elusive art of human connection Micah Mortimer isn’t the most polished person you’ll ever meet. His numerous sisters and in-laws regard him oddly but very fondly, but he has his ways and means of navigating the world. He measures out his days running errands for work – his TECH HERMIT sign cheerily displayed on the roof of his car – maintaining an impeccable cleaning regime and going for runs (7:15, every morning). He is content with the steady balance of his life. But then the order of things starts to tilt. His woman friend Cassia (he refuses to call anyone in her late thirties a ‘girlfriend’) tells him she’s facing eviction because of a cat. And when a teenager shows up at Micah’s door claiming to be his son, Micah is confronted with another surprise he seems poorly equipped to handle. Redhead by the Side of the Road is an intimate look into the heart and mind of a man who sometimes finds those around him just out of reach – and a love story about the differences that make us all unique. © Anne Tyler 2020 (P) Penguin Audio 2020
Anne Tyler (Author), Macleod Andrews (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. The audio edition of The Clock Winder by Anne Tyler. 'Her brilliance in capturing the ripples on the surface of family life gives her a claim to be the Jane Austen of our age' - Allison Pearson, Daily Mail Having sacked her handyman, newly-widowed Mrs Emerson finds a replacement in Elizabeth, a lanky, awkward girl. The Emersons - there are seven grown-up children - have a reputation for craziness and Elizabeth finds herself drawn into their disorderly lives against her will. But in the end it is hard to tell whether she is a victim of the needy Emersons, or the de facto ruler of the family. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Suzanne Pirret (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. The audio edition of Searching for Caleb by Anne Tyler. Ranging from the ragtime era to small-town America in the seventies, Searching for Caleb is a moving quest for a family's deepest roots - and a haunting story of growing up and breaking away, acceptance and rebellion. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Amy Finegan (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. The audio edition of Morgan's Passing by Anne Tyler. Morgan Gower has an outsize hairy beard, an array of peculiar costumes and fantastic headwear, and a serious smoking habit. He likes to pretend to be other people - a jockey, a shipping magnate, a foreign art dealer - and he likes to do this more and more since his massive brood of daughters are all growing up, getting married and finding him embarrassing. Then comes his first dramatic encounter with Emily and Leon Meredith, and the start of an extraordinary obsession. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Nathan Osgood (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. Jeremy is a child-like, painfully shy batchelor who has never left home. He lives on the third floor of his mother's boarding house and spends his days cutting up coloured paper to make mosaic sculptures - until the day his mother dies and the beautiful Mary Tell arrives to turn his world upside down. From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Amateur Marriage and Digging to America. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Amy Finegan, Barbara Barnes, Francine Brodie, Francine Brody, Julie Rogers, Tara Ward (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. For thirty-five year old Charlotte Emory, leaving her husband seems to offer the only way out from the mundaneness of every day life's earthly possessions and emotional complications. In the bank, she withdraws enough money to escape a life and a marriage gone sour. But Charlotte is about to escape in a way she never expected, as a young bank robber takes her hostage, and they head south for Florida in a stolen car. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Kate Handford (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. The audio edition of A Slipping Down Life by Anne Tyler. In a small Southern town teenager Evie Decker becomes obsessed with local rock singer Bertram 'Drumstrings' Casey, and decides to take her life into her own hands. When she carves his name on her forehead their two lives become unforgettably entwined in this remarkable novel. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Deborah Mcbride (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. The audio edition of If Morning Ever Comes by Anne Tyler. Ben Joe is the only boy in a family of six sisters, Mama and Gram. He is studying for a law degree in New York when he hears his eldest sister Joanne has left her husband and returned home with her baby girl. Out of a mixture of homesickness and duty Ben Joe returns to the home in which he has always felt like an outsider. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Debora Weston (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. The audio edition of The Tin Can Tree by Anne Tyler. When young Janie Pike dies in a tragic accident, she leaves behind a family numbed with grief and torn with guilt and recrimination. In this compassionate and haunting novel Anne Tyler explores how each member of the family learns to face the future in their own way. OVER A MILLION ANNE TYLER BOOKS SOLD 'She's changed my perception on life' Anna Chancellor 'One of my favourite authors ' Liane Moriarty 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve 'My favourite writer, and the best line-and-length novelist in the world' Nick Hornby 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks 'Tyler is not merely good, she is wickedly good' John Updike 'I love Anne Tyler' Anita Brookner 'Her fiction has strength of vision, originality, freshness, unconquerable humour' Eudora Welty
Anne Tyler (Author), Tara Ward (Narrator)
Anne Tyler: Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, Ladder of Years & The Amateur Marriage: Three BBC Rad
Captivating BBC radio adaptations of three of Anne Tyler's bestselling novels Award-winning author Anne Tyler is loved worldwide for her fiction exploring the intricacies of marriage and domesticity. These three acclaimed books, each set in Baltimore, describe the small triumphs and tragedies of everyday American family life, as relationships are made and broken, and families come together, drift apart, hurt and heal each other. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (Tracks 1 and 2) Abandoned by her salesman husband, Pearl Tull attempts to keep her family together - but her anger and fierce maternal energy has damaging effects on her three children. Ladder of Years (Tracks 3 and 4) An unexpected romantic encounter in the grocery aisle is the beginning of a new adventure for homely Delia Grinstead, leading her to make a sudden, impulsive change in her life. The Amateur Marriage (Tracks 5 and 6) We follow the turbulent relationship of Michael and Pauline Anton over sixty years, from their whirlwind romance in 1941, to marriage, parenthood and beyond. Multi-layered and universal, with details that ring sharply true and characters that are both recognisable and entertaining, these three dramatisations feature a distinguished cast including Barbara Barnes, Lorelei King and Nathan Osgood. Dramatised by Rebecca Lenkiewicz Produced and directed by David Hunter Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Pearl...Barbara Barnes Narrator...Lorelei King Beck...Nathan Osgood Young Cody...Max Baldry Young Ezra...Richard Linnell Young Jenny/Jane...Eloise Webb Cody...Ben Crowe Ezra...Simon Lee Phillips Jenny...Fenella Woolgar Josiah...Matthew Watson Harley...David Seddon Mrs Payson/Mrs Scarlatti...Joanna Brookes Ruth...Amaka Okafor Slevin...Will Howard Joe/Driver...David Seddon Priest/Driver/Dr Vincent...Paul Stonehouse Teacher/Driver...Philippa Stanton Mr Murphy...Sean Murray The Ladder of Years Delia...Nancy Crane Adrian...Ian Conningham Sam...Nathan Osgood Eliza...Jessica Turner Narrator/Woman...Barbara Barnes Rosemary/Debbie/Mother/Binky...Rhiannon Neads Skipper...David Acton Carroll/Clerk...Sam Valentine Driscoll/Ramsay/Vernon/Assistant...Mark Edel-Hunt Susie...Roslyn Hill Mr Maxwell/Nat...David Hounslow Linda/Belle...Jane Slavin Eliza...Jessica Turner Eleanor...Carol MacReady Mr Pomfret....Stephen Critchlow Noah...Sean McCrystal Joel...Sam Dale Rick Rack/Telephone Voice...Jude Akuwudike The Amateur Marriage Pauline/Young Pauline...Julianna Jennings Michael/George/Pagan...Tom Forrister Narrator...Barbara Barnes Mrs Anton...Pandora Colin Wanda/Lindy/Gina...Sarah Ridgeway Mrs Brunek/Mrs Serge/Mrs Barclay/Donna/Marilyn...Sanchia McCormack Katie/Karen...Maeve Bluebell Wells Mrs Golka/Destiny/Karen...Chetna Pandya Mrs Kowalski/Anna/Katie...Georgie Glen Officer/Policeman...John Bowler John Piazy/Alex/Policeman/Becoming....Finlay Robertson Eustace/Dun...David Sterne Lindy...Kayla Gal George/Pagan...Finn Monteath Michael...Ian Porter Cabbie...Nicholas Murchie Pauline...Sara Stewart Pagan...Noel Brooke George...David Sturzaker Lindy...Jane Slavin Pauline...Sara Stewart
Anne Tyler (Author), , Barbara Barnes, Julianna Jennings, Lorelei King, Nancy Crane, Nathan Osgood, Tom Forrister (Narrator)
NATIONAL BEST SELLER! A charming new novel of self-discovery and second chances from the best-selling, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of A Spool of Blue Thread. Willa Drake can count on one hand the defining moments of her life. In 1967, she is a schoolgirl coping with her mother's sudden disappearance. In 1977, she is a college coed considering a marriage proposal. In 1997, she is a young widow trying to piece her life back together. And in 2017, she yearns to be a grandmother but isn't sure she ever will be. Then, one day, Willa receives a startling phone call from a stranger. Without fully understanding why, she flies across the country to Baltimore to look after a young woman she's never met, her nine-year-old daughter, and their dog, Airplane. This impulsive decision will lead Willa into uncharted territory--surrounded by eccentric neighbors who treat each other like family, she finds solace and fulfillment in unexpected places. A bewitching novel of hope and transformation, Clock Dance gives us Anne Tyler at the height of her powers.
Anne Tyler (Author), Kimberly Farr (Narrator)
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