Ayfer Bartu and 2 more
Not Available
The Mongols at China's Edge
Uradyn E Bulag
Woman, Man, Bangkok
Scot Barme
Politics and the Past
John C Torpey
Water Frontier
Nola Cooke and 1 more
Empire to Nation
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Masters of Terror
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The Politics of Greed
Andrew Schwartz
Perilous Passage
Amiya Kumar Bagchi
Anarchy as Order
Mohammed A Bamyeh
The Economic Aspect of the Abolition of the West Indian Slave Trade and Slavery
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The Origins of the Modern World
Robert Marks
Engaging Adversaries
Melvin Gurtov
America in Retreat
Eric Williams
Ecstatic Pessimist
Peter Dale Scott
War Is Hell
Charles Douglas Lummis
Robert B Marks
Reading the Dream