Marked Women
Russell Campbell
Not Available
I Thought We Were Making Movies, Not History
Walter Mirisch
Escape Artist
Glenn Lovell
The Foreign Film Renaissance on American Screens, 1946-1973
Tino Balio
Tough as Nails
Douglass K Daniel
Glenn Ford
Peter Ford
Luis Buñuel
Román Gubern and 1 more
Screen Nazis
Sabine Hake
Dark Laughter
Juan F Egea
The Cinema of Sergei Parajanov
James Steffen
The Many Lives of Cy Endfield
Brian Neve
Six Turkish Filmmakers
Laurence Raw
A Cinema of Obsession
Mariah Larsson
The Film Music of John Williams
Emilio Audissino
French Film History, 1895-1946
Richard John Neupert
Continental Films
Christine Leteux
Colonial Tactics and Everyday Life
Yuxin Ma
Jean-Luc Godard
Bert Rebhandl
Somerset Maugham and the Cinema
Robert Calder