Differential and Integral Calculus
Richard Courant
Not Available
Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume 2
Carl Ludwig Siegel
Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 1
Peter Henrici
Linear Operators
Nelson Dunford and 1 more
Introduction to Geometry
H S M Coxeter
Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications
Erwin Kreyszig
Simple Groups of Lie Type
Roger W Carter
A Course in Modern Algebra
Peter Hilton and 1 more
Methods of Mathematical Physics
Richard Courant and 1 more
Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume 3
Stochastic Processes
J L Doob
Sample Design in Business Research
W Edwards Deming
The Elements of Stochastic Processes With Applications to the Natural Sciences
Norman T J Bailey
Lectures on Applications-Oriented Mathematics
Bernard Friedman and 1 more
Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications
Emanuel Parzen
Experimental Designs
William G Cochran and 1 more
Planning of Experiments
D R Cox
Applied and Computational Complex Analysis
Mathematical Programming in Statistics
T S Arthanari and 1 more
Enzyme Kinetics
Irwin H Segel
Introduction to Perturbation Techniques
Ali H Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Yarmouk University and 2 more
Sample Survey Methods and Theory
Morris H Hansen and 2 more
Statistical Models in Engineering
Gerald J Hahn and 1 more
The Statistical Analysis of Time Series
T W Anderson
Statistics and the Law
Morris H DeGroot and 2 more
Survey Sampling
Leslie Kish
The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure
Robert Gardner Bartle
Nonlinear Oscillations
Ali Hasan Nayfeh and 1 more
Foundations of Differential Geometry
Shoshichi Kobayashi and 1 more
Introduction to Bayesian Inference in Economics
Arnold Zellner
Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, 3 Volume Set
Linear Models
S R Searle
Sampling Inspection Tables
Harold F Dodge and 1 more
Survival Analysis
Rupert G Miller and 2 more
Evolutionary Operation
George E P Box and 1 more
The Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments
Joseph L Fleiss
Survival Models and Data Analysis
Regina C ElandtJohnson and 1 more
Fitting Equations to Data
Cuthbert Daniel and 2 more
Applied Statistical Decision Theory
Howard Raiffa and 1 more
Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis
David C Hoaglin and 2 more
Perturbation Methods
Ali Hasan Nayfeh
Color Science
Günter Wyszecki and 1 more
Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Alan B Grebene
MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology
E H Nicollian and 1 more
The Principles of Nonlinear Optics
Y R Shen
Optical Waves in Crystals
Amnon Yariv and 1 more
Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory
Harry L Van Trees
Byron Wm Brown and 1 more
The Collected Works of Courant, Dunford, Henrici, and Kobayashi, Volume 2
Linear Operators, 3 Volume Set
Foundations of Differential Geometry, 2 Volume Set
Statistics for Spatial Data
Noel A C Cressie