Ideas in the Medieval West
Valerie I J Flint
Not Available
Latin Learning in Mediaeval Ireland
Mario Esposito and 1 more
The Monarchy, the Estates and the Aristocracy in Renaissance France
J Russell Major
Studies in Later Greek Philosophy and Gnosticism
Jaap Mansfeld
Reappraisals in Renaissance Thought
Charles B Schmitt and 1 more
Politics and Institutions in Capetian France
Elizabeth A R Brown
Etudes Sur La France Capétienne
RobertHenri Bautier
Commerce Mediterraneen Et Banquiers Italiens Au Moyen Age
The City and the Realm
Teofilo F Ruiz
Science Médiévale d'Espagne Et D'alentour
Guy Beaujouan
Society and Government in Colonial Brazil, 1500-1822
A J R RussellWood
Soul and Intellect
H J Blumenthal
Science and Society
A Rupert Hall
Etat Et Société Dans L'empire Ottoman, XVIe-XVIIIe Siècles
Gilles Veinstein
Studies in Armenian Literature and Christianity
Robert W Thomson
The Limits of Absolutism in Ancien Regime France
Richard Bonney
Money, Prices and Power in Poland, 16Th-17Th Centuries
Antoni Maczak
Public Science and Public Policy in Victorian England
Roy M MacLeod
Renaissance Cardinals and Their Worldly Problems
David Chambers
Status, Authority and Regional Power
Jane Martindale
Studies in the Medieval History of the Yemen and South Arabia
G Rex Smith
Chemistry and the Chemical Industry in the 19th Century
Wilfred Vernon Farrar and 2 more
Studies in Medieval Music Theory and the Early Sequence
Richard L Crocker
Barisa KrekiÔc
Medieval Folk Astronomy and Agriculture in Arabia and the Yemen
Daniel Martin Varisco
Scientific Culture and Urbanisation in Industrialising Britain
Ian Inkster
Géographie Et Culture. La Représentation De L'espace Du VIe Au XIIe Siècle
Patrick Gautier Dalché
Church and Faith in the Patristic Tradition
Gerald Bonner
Chinese Literature in Transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
Donald Holzman
Society, the City and Industry in the Balkans, 15Th-19Th Centuries
Nikolai Todorov
Gospel Books and Early Latin Manuscripts
P McGurk
Technology and Industrialisation
Sciences of the Earth
David Oldroyd
England and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance
Rodney M Thomson
The English Revolution
Perez Zagorin
Individuals and Institutions in Renaissance Italy
European Approaches to North America, 1450-1640
David B Quinn
The Structure of Being and the Search for Good
Dominic J OMeara
Science, Politics and Universities in Europe, 1600-1800
John Gascoigne
Pristina Medicamenta
Jerry Stannard and 2 more
Ibn Khaldun and the Medieval Maghrib
Michael Brett
English Church Polyphony
Roger Bowers
Labour History and the Labour Movement in Britain
Sidney Pollard
Venetian Music in the Age of Vivaldi
Michael Talbot
The Hospitaller State on Rhodes and Its Western Provinces 1306-1462
Anthony Luttrell
Studies in Gregorian Chant
Ruth Steiner
Church and Culture in Early Medieval Armenia
Nina G Garsoïan
Conquerors and Churchmen in Norman Italy
G A Loud
The Prophetic Sense of History in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
Marjorie Reeves
East European Nationalism, Politics and Religion
Peter F Sugar
Form, Style and Meaning in Byzantine Church Architecture
Hans H Buchwald
Structure in Architecture
Rowland Mainstone
Renaissance Transformations of Late Medieval Thought
Charles Trinkaus
History and Family Traditions in England and the Continent, 1000-1200
Elisabeth M C Van Houts
Clerics in the Early Middle Ages
Roger E Reynolds
Kinship and Justice in Byzantium, 11Th-15Th Centuries
R J Macrides
Essays on Iberian History and Literature, from the Roman Empire to the Renaissance
Harold Livermore
The "Creed of Science" in Victorian England
Ancients and Moderns in the Medical Sciences
R K French
Eschatology and Christian Nurture
Milton McC Gatch
Politics, Law and Counsel in Tudor and Early Stuart England
J A Guy
Figures in the Landscape
Margaret Spufford
Doctrine and Philosophy in Early Christianity
G C Stead
Ideas and Contexts in France and England from the Renaissance to the Romantics
J H M Salmon
Essays on the Industrial Revolution
Sidney Pollard and 1 more
Monteverdi and His Contemporaries
Tim Carter
Religious Enthusiasm in the Medieval West
Gary Dickson
Mediterranean Encounters
David Abulafia
Venice and the Veneto in the Early Renaissance
John E Law
Essays on Tang and Pre-Tang History
Edwin G Pulleyblank
Concord and Reform
Morimichi Watanabe and 2 more
Pharmacopeias and Related Literature in Britain and America 1618-1847
David L Cowen
Migration and Mortality in Africa and the Atlantic World, 1700-1900
Philip D Curtin
Byzantium, Latin Romania and the Mediterranean
David Jacoby
Urban and Religious Spaces in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium
JeanMichel Spieser
Divine Liturgies
Robert F Taft
Naturalists and Society
David Elliston Allen
Women and Religious Life in Byzantium
AliceMary Talbot
Culture and Politics in Early Renaissance Padua
Benjamin G Kohl
Studies on Portuguese Asia, 1495-1689
George Davison Winius
Science in the Public Sphere
Richard R Yeo
Limits of Thought and Power in Medieval Europe
Edward Peters
Art in the Medieval West and Its Audience
Madeline Harrison Caviness
Italian Humanism and Medieval Rhetoric
Ronald G Witt
Painting Music in the Sixteenth Century
H Colin Slim
Arab Cities in the Ottoman Period
André Raymond
The Practice of British Geology, 1750-1850
H S Torrens
Warfare and Military Organization in Pre-Crusade Europe
Bernard S Bachrach
Studies on Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century
T Iván Berend and 1 more
Patronage in Sixteenth- And Seventeenth-Century France
Sharon Kettering
The Post-Byzantine Monuments of the Pontos
Anthony Bryer and 3 more
Court Culture and Literature in Early China
David R Knechtges
History, Religion, and Violence
Clifford Davidson
Classical Traditions in Renaissance Philosophy
Jill Kraye
The Processes of Politics and the Rule of Law
Peter Linehan
Reason and Belief in the Age of Roscelin and Abelard
Constant J Mews
Byzantium - Rus - Russia
Simon Franklin
Orthodoxy, Paganism and Dissent in the Early Christian Centuries
W H C Frend
Warriors and Their Weapons Around the Time of the Crusades
David Nicolle
Galen and Galenism
Luis García Ballester and 1 more
Later Roman Egypt
Roger S Bagnall
Seafaring, Sailors and Trade, 1450-1750
G V Scammell
Church, State and Community
Antony Black
Spain and the Mediterranean in the Later Middle Ages
J N Hillgarth
Renaissance Astrolabes and Their Makers
Gerard LE Turner
Between France and England
Michael Jones
Theodulf of Orléans
Ann Freeman
Studies in Italian Sacred and Instrumental Music in the 17th Century
Stephen Bonta
Sacred Images and Sacred Power in Byzantium
Gary Vikan
Grammarians and Grammatical Theory in the Medieval Arabic Tradition
Ramzi Balabakki
China, the Portuguese, and the Nanyang
Roderich Ptak
Re-Enacting the Past
Joseph M Levine
Greater Britain, 1516-1776
David Armitage
Universities, Medicine and Science in the Medieval West
Vern L Bullough
The Profession and Practice of Medieval Canon Law
James A Brundage
Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Mathematical Astronomy
Raymond Mercier
Britain, Canada and the North Pacific
Barry M Gough
Social and Economic Life in Byzantium
Nicolas Oikonomides and 1 more
Related Worlds
Moshe Gil
Science in the Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Traditions
Gad Freudenthal
The Low Countries in the Sixteenth Century
James D Tracy
The World of the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800
M N Pearson
Latin Rhetoric and Education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
James Jerome Murphy
Merchant Families, Banking and Money in Medieval Lucca
Thomas W Blomquist
Feuding and Peace-Making in Eleventh-Century France
Stephen D White
Latin Christian Writers in Late Antiquity and Their Texts
Mark Vessey
Studies in the Printing, Publishing and Performance of Music in the 16th Century
S C Boorman
Society, Culture, and Politics in Byzantium
Nicolas Oikonomidès and 1 more
The Development of Mathematics in Medieval Europe
Menso Folkerts
Towns and Local Communities in Medieval and Early Modern England
D M Palliser
Military Orders in the Early Modern Portuguese World
Francis A Dutra
Studies in Scholasticism
Marcia L Colish
Studies in Hiberno-Latin Literature
Decline and Change in Late Antiquity
J H W G Liebeschuetz
Gender, Family and the Legitimation of Power
Pauline Stafford
Reorientations of Western Thought from Antiquity to the Renaissance
F Edward Cranz and 1 more
Hellenistic and Roman Egypt
East Rome, Sasanian Persia and the End of Antiquity
J D HowardJohnston
Music in Renaissance Florence
Frank A DAccone
Dante's Enigmas
Richard Kay
Masters of Learned Ignorance
Donald F Duclow
Studies in Medieval Astronomy and Optics
J L Mancha
Interpretation and Jurisprudence in Medieval Islam
Norman Calder and 2 more
Franks, Muslims and Oriental Christians in the Latin Levant
B Z Kedar
Carolingian Coinage and the Vikings
Simon Coupland
War, Government, and Society in the Medieval Crown of Aragon
Donald J Kagay
Later Byzantine Painting
Robert S Nelson
Popes, Church, and Jews in the Middle Ages
Kenneth R Stow
Thomas Becket
Anne Duggan
Islam in Africa and the Middle East
Nehemia Levtzion and 2 more
Studies on the Hospitallers After 1306
Courts, Elites, and Gendered Power in the Early Middle Ages
Janet L Nelson
Richard Newhauser
The Mongols in the Islamic Lands
Reuven Amitai
Studies on the History and Topography of Byzantine Constantinople
Paul Magdalino
Travellers and Cosmographers
Joan Pau Rubiés
An Orthodox Commonwealth
Paschalis Kitromilides
Studies in Pre-Ottoman Turkey and the Ottomans
Elisavet A Zachariadou
Councils of the Catholic Reformation
Nelson H Minnich
Fatimid History and Ismaili Doctrine
Paul Ernest Walker
The Earth Sciences in the Enlightenment
Kenneth L Taylor
Essays on the Performance of Baroque Music
Mary Cyr
Bishops, Saints, and Historians
Robert Brentano and 1 more
Venice Besieged
Robert Finlay
Before and After Darwin
M J S Hodge
From Byzantium to Modern Greece
Roderick Beaton
Enamels, Crowns, Relics, and Icons
Paul Hetherington
Field Systems and Farming Systems in Late Medieval England
B M S Campbell
Literacy and Identity in Pre-Islamic Arabia
M C A Macdonald
The Painter Angelos and Icon-Painting in Venetian Crete
Maria Vasilake
Guilds, Price Formation and Market Structures in Byzantium
George C Maniatis
Darwin Studies
Image Making in Byzantium, Sasanian Persia, and the Early Muslim World / By Anthony Cutler
Anthony Cutler
The Ottoman Economy and Its Institutions
Sevket Pamuk
Land and People in Late Medieval England
Markets, Trade and Economic Development in England and Europe, 1050-1550
R H Britnell
Studies in Medieval Taoism and the Poetry of Li Po
Paul W Kroll
Welsh History in the Early Middle Ages
Wendy Davies
Christian Politics and Religious Culture in Late Antiquity
Neil B McLynn
Essays in Naval History, from Medieval to Modern
N A M Rodger
Arabic Into Latin in the Middle Ages
Charles Burnett
Ritual, Ceremony and the Changing Monarchy in France, 1350-1789
Lawrence M Bryant
Humanist Biography in Renaissance Italy and Reformation Germany
James Michael Weiss
Mamluks and Crusaders
Robert Irwin
Studying Medieval Rulers and Their Subjects
János M Bak and 2 more
Manors and Maps in Rural England, from the Tenth Century to the Seventeenth
P D A Harvey
The Practice of Medieval Music
Thomas Forrest Kelly
Rhetoric and Philosophy from Greek Into Syriac
J W Watt
Biblical Interpretation from the Church Fathers to the Reformation
Karlfried Froehlich
Philip Melanchthon, Speaker of the Reformation
Timothy J Wengert
Mesopotamia, Iran and Arabia from the Seleucids to the Sasanians
Daniel T Potts
Turks and Khazars
Peter B Golden
Numerals and Arithmetic in the Middle Ages
From the Old Academy to Later Neo-Platonism
Harold Tarrant
Studies on the Reception of Plato and Greek Political Thought in Victorian Britain
Kyriakos N Demetriou
Learning and Culture in Carolingian Europe
John J Contreni
Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia
Uri Rubin
Byzantium and Venice, 1204-1453
Julian Chrysostomides and 2 more
Law and Religion Between Petra and Edessa
John F Healey
Magic, Memory and Natural Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Stephen Clucas
Chronicles, Consuls, and Coins
R W Burgess
Women, Family and Society in Byzantium
Angeliki E Laiou and 2 more
Hagiography in Byzantium
Stephanos Efthymiadis
Documenting Christianity in Egypt, Sixth to Fourteenth Centuries
Leslie S B MacCoull
Studies on Eighteenth-Century Geology
Rhoda Rappaport and 2 more
The Development of Islamic Law and Society in the Maghrib
David Stephan Powers
On the Military Orders in Medieval Europe
Jürgen Sarnowsky
Plotinus, Porphyry and Iamblichus
Andrew Smith
Pages from the Past
M B Parkes and 2 more
English Poets in the Late Middle Ages
J A Burrow
The Platonic Heritage
John M Dillon
The Almohad Revolution
Ma Isabel Fierro
Studies on the Melitian Schism in Egypt (AD 306-335)
Hans Hauben and 1 more
Astrology and Magic from the Medieval Latin and Islamic World to Renaissance Europe
Paola Zambelli
Byzantium and the Other
Christians, Gnostics and Philosophers in Late Antiquity
M J Edwards
Studies in Medieval Shi'ism
Wilferd Madelung and 1 more
Piety and Politics in Britain, 14Th-15Th Centuries
John A F Thomson and 1 more
Churches, Castles and Landscape in the Frankish East
Denys Pringle
The Celebration of the Saints in Byzantine Art and Liturgy
Nancy Patterson Sevcenko
Chaucer, Langland, and Fourteenth-Century Literary History
Anne Middleton and 1 more
Frankish History
Paul Fouracre
Studies in Medieval Muslim Thought and History
Approaches to Monteverdi
Jeffrey G Kurtzman
Witchcraft, Madness, Society, and Religion in Early Modern Germany
H C Erik Midelfort
Transformations of Religious Practices in Late Antiquity
Éric Rebillard
Economic Thought and Economic Life in Byzantium
Perception, Conscience and Will in Ancient Philosophy
Richard Sorabji
Reason, Faith and Otherness in Neoplatonic and Early Christian Thought
Kevin Corrigan
Late Byzantine and Early Ottoman Studies
Stephen W Reinert
Crusaders and Franks
Angeliki E Laiou
Exegesis and Theology in Early Christianity
Frances M Young
M B Parkes
The Materials of Early Theatre
Meg Twycross
The Practicalities of Performance
Peter Meredith
The New Science of Geology
M J S Rudwick
Gratian and the Schools of Law, 1140-1234
Stephan Kuttner and 1 more
Music, Science, Philosophy
Jamie Croy Kassler
Early Medieval Text and Image. Volume 1 The Insular Gospel Books
Jennifer OReilly
The Religious Figural Imagery of Byzantine Lead Seals. II Studies on Images of the Saints and on Personal Piety
John A Cotsonis
The Religious Figural Imagery of Byzantine Lead Seals. Volume 1 Studies on the Image of Christ, the Virgin and Narrative Scenes
The Bayeux Tapestry
Gale R OwenCrocker
The Practices of Crusading
Christopher Tyerman
Studies on Sufism in Central Asia
Devin A DeWeese
The Aristotelian Tradition in Syriac
Cultures of Healing
Peregrine Horden
Domingo De Soto and the Early Galileo
William A Wallace
The Fatimids and Egypt
Staging, Playing, Pyrotechnics and Magic
Philip Butterworth
Administration and Organization of War in Thirteenth-Century England
David S Bachrach
Aspects of Recusant History
T A Birrell
Medieval Greece
Michael Emerson Heslop
Metaphysics and Hermeneutics in the Medieval Platonic Tradition
Stephen Gersh
Humanism and Religion in Early Modern Spain
Terence OReilly
Conciliarism and Church Law in the Fifteenth Century
Thomas E Morrissey
Law and History in the Latin East
P W Edbury
Studies in the Platonism of Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico
Michael J B Allen
Peter Abelard and Heloise
Peter Abelard and 1 more
Ideology and Evolution in Nineteenth Century Britain
Evelleen Richards
Mosaics, Empresses and Other Things in Byzantium
Liz James
Studies on Early Hungarian and Pontic History
C A Macartney and 2 more
Migrants, Servants and Slaves
Russell R Menard
Ideology and Royal Power in Medieval France
William C Jordan
Nomads and Their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe
"A Free Though Conquering People"
P J Marshall
History and Literature of Byzantium in the 9Th-10Th Centuries
A Markopoulos
Medieval Narbonne
Jacqueline Caille and 1 more
Rulership in France, 15Th-17Th Centuries
Ralph E Giesey
Cyprus and the Devotional Arts of Byzantium in the Era of the Crusades
Annemarie Weyl Carr
Reading Plato, Tracing Plato
Syriac Christianity Under Late Sasanian and Early Islamic Rule
G J Reinink
Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalam
Richard M Frank and 1 more
The Medieval Antecedents of English Agricultural Progress
Pharmacy and Drug Lore in Antiquity
John Scarborough
The Portuguese in India and Other Studies, 1500-1700
A R Disney
Studies on the Cult of Relics in Byzantium Up to 1204
John Wortley
From Atoms to Molecules
Colin Archibald Russell
China and the Birth of Globalization in the 16th Century
Dennis Owen Flynn and 1 more
Essays on Medieval Military History
Clifford J Rogers
Considering Medieval Women and Gender
Susan Mosher Stuard
Religion and Society in the Medieval West, 600-1200
Henry MayrHarting
Saints, Women and Humanists in Renaissance Venice
Patricia H Labalme and 1 more
Cultural Change Among the Jews of Early Modern Italy
Robert Bonfil
Science, Philosophy and Religion in the Age of the Enlightenment
Greeks, Latins, and the Church in Early Frankish Cyprus
Christopher David Schabel
Emergent Elites and Byzantium in the Balkans and East-Central Europe
Jonathan Shepard
Culture and Society in Medieval Occitania
Linda M Paterson
Astrolabes from Medieval Europe
David A King
Studies on Ottoman Palestine
Amnon Cohen