Laurence Edward Sigler
Not Available
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Tom M. Apostol
L. E. Sigler
Dynamic Topology
G. Whyburn and 1 more
Intermediate Real Analysis
E. Fischer
Primer of Modern Analysis
Kennan T. Smith
General Topology
J. Dixmier
From Fermat to Minkowski
Winfried Scharlau and 1 more
Calculus I
Jerrold E. Marsden and 1 more
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Serge Lang
A First Course in Calculus
Intermediate Calculus
Murray H. Protter and 1 more
Linear Algebra
Calculus of Several Variables
Functions of Several Variables
Wendell H. Fleming
Groups and Symmetry
Mark A. Armstrong
Mathematical Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
Louis Brickman
Linear Programming and Its Applications
James K. Strayer
A First Course in Real Analysis
Geometry, a Metric Approach With Models
Richard S. Millman and 1 more
The Mathematics of Nonlinear Programming
Anthony L. Peressini and 2 more
The Joy of Sets
Keith Devlin
Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces
Paul R. Halmos
Linear Algebra Through Geometry
Thomas Banchoff and 1 more
A First Course in Analysis
George Pedrick
Elements of Algebra
John Stillwell
Rational Points on Elliptic Curves
Joseph H. Silverman and 1 more
K. Jänich
Introduction to Coding and Information Theory
Steven Roman
Rings, Fields, and Vector Spaces
B. A. Sethuraman
Undergraduate Analysis
Basic Topology
M. A. Armstrong
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Benjamin Fine and 1 more
A Brief on Tensor Analysis
James G. Simmonds
Discrete Probability
Hugh Gordon
Topology of Surfaces
Christine L. Kinsey
Numbers and Geometry
Applied Abstract Algebra
Rudolf Lidl and 1 more
Geometric Constructions
George Edward Martin
The Foundations of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean Plane
G.E. Martin
Calculus II
Jerrold Marsden and 1 more
Calculus III
William McGowen Priestley
Basic Elements of Real Analysis
Murray H. Protter
Mathematical Expeditions
Reinhard Laubenbacher and 1 more
Robert J. Valenza
Inside Calculus
George R. Exner
The Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral
M. Carter and 1 more
Robin Hartshorne
A Course in Modern Geometries
Judith N. Cederberg
Vector Analysis
Klaus Jänich
Complex Analysis
Theodore W. Gamelin
An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra
Michael Frazier
Short Calculus
Beginning Functional Analysis
Karen Saxe
Elements of Number Theory
Topics in the Theory of Numbers
Paul Erdos and 2 more
Integers, Polynomials, and Rings
Ronald S. Irving
A Field Guide to Algebra
A. Chambert-Loir
Undergraduate Algebra
Difference Equations
Paul Cull and 2 more
Linearity, Symmetry, and Prediction in the Hydrogen Atom
Stephanie Frank Singer
Analysis by Its History
E. Hairer and 1 more
Naive Lie Theory
A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra
Lindsay Childs
Elementary Number Theory
William Stein
Introduction to Boolean Algebras
Steven R. Givant and 1 more
Explorations in Monte Carlo Methods
Ronald W. Shonkwiler and 1 more
Linear Optimization
Glenn H. Hurlbert
Real Analysis and Applications
Kenneth R. Davidson and 1 more
A Course in Multivariable Calculus and Analysis
Sudhir Ghorpade and 1 more
Mathematics and Its History
Joseph Bak and 1 more
Advanced Calculus
James Callahan
The Four Pillars of Geometry
W. Scharlau and 1 more
Reading, Writing, and Proving
Ulrich Daepp and 1 more
The Geometry of Spacetime
Methods of Mathematical Economics
Joel Franklin
Introduction to Cryptography
Johannes Buchmann
Geometry by Its History. Readings in Mathematics
Alexander Ostermann and 1 more
Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry
Gerald A. Edgar
Peter Petersen
Wendell Fleming
Ordinary Differential Equations
William A. Adkins and 1 more
Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry
I.M. Singer and 1 more
Janos Suranyi and 1 more
Real and Convex Analysis
E. Çnlar and 1 more
Elementary Analysis
Kenneth A. Ross and 1 more
First Steps in Differential Geometry
Andrew McInerney
Calculus With Applications
Peter D. Lax and 1 more
The Real Numbers
A Course in Point Set Topology
John B. Conway
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
Peter J. Olver
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography
Jeffrey Hoffstein and 2 more
Applied Partial Differential Equations
J. David Logan
Linear Algebra Done Right
Sheldon Jay Axler
Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms
David A. Cox and 2 more
Erhan Çinlar and 1 more
A First Course in Differential Equations
Real Mathematical Analysis
C. C. Pugh
Real Analysis
Miklós Laczkovich and 1 more
Computing the Continuous Discretely
Matthis Beck and 1 more
Introduction to Calculus and Classical Analysis
O. Hijab
Sheldon Axler
Matthias Beck and 1 more
More Calculus of a Single Variable
Peter R. Mercer
James J. Callahan
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Kristopher Tapp
Real Analysis Via Sequences and Series
Charles H.C. Little and 2 more
Charles Chapman Pugh
Understanding Analysis
Stephen Abbott
Calculus and Analysis in Euclidean Space
Jerry Shurman
Multivariable Calculus With Applications
Omar Hijab
Amazing and Aesthetic Aspects of Analysis
Paul Loya
Applied Linear Algebra
Peter J. Olver and 1 more
Algebraic Combinatorics
Richard P. Stanley
Complex Analysis With Applications
Nakhlé H. Asmar and 1 more
A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis
A Pythagorean Introduction to Number Theory
Ramin Takloo-Bighash
Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis
Thomas S. Shores
Inquiry-Based Enumerative Combinatorics
T. Kyle Petersen
Mathematics of Finance
D. Saari
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics Via Logic and Proof
Calvin Jongsma
Nam-Hoon Lee
A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics
Daniel Rosenthal and 2 more
Elements of Mathematics Readings in Mathematics
Gabor Toth
An Invitation to Abstract Mathematics
Béla Bajnok
Sudhir R. Ghorpade and 1 more
Abstract Algebra and Famous Impossibilities
Sidney A. Morris and 2 more
Explorations in Number Theory
Cam McLeman and 2 more
Excursions in Number Theory, Algebra, and Analysis
Kenneth F. Ireland and 1 more
Linear Fractional Transformations
Arseniy Sheydvasser
Excursions in Number Theory, Algebra, and Analysis. Readings in Mathematics
Kenneth Ireland and 1 more
Discrete Structures
Andreas Klappenecker and 1 more