The Law of International Trade
Hans van Houtte
Not Available
A Companion Guide to Mentally Disordered Offenders
Nigel Stone
Bernstein's Handbook of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Practice. Vol. 2 Appendices
Ronald Bernstein and 4 more
Contentious Probate Claims
Andrew Francis and 1 more
The Law of Photography and Digital Images
Christina Michalos
Cross on Principles of Local Government Law
S H Bailey and 2 more
European Administrative Law
Jürgen Schwarze and 1 more
Local Council Finance
Chris Richards
The Expert Witness
Catherine Bond
Competition Law
FranzJürgen Säcker and 2 more
Gambling and Gaming Licensing
Roger Butterfield
Human Rights
Jack Beatson
The Law of Allotments
Paul Clayden and 1 more
A Practitioner's Guide to European Leveraged Finance
Christopher Hall
Palmer on Bailment
Norman Palmer
Palmer's Company Law
David A Bennett and 1 more
Pre-Owned Assets and Estate Planning
Emma Chamberlain and 1 more
The Parish Councillor's Guide
Paul Clayden
David Price and 2 more
Trade Marks in Europe
Spyros M Maniatis and 1 more
Lender Claims
Hugh Tomlinson and 1 more
The Local Council Clerk's Guide
Design Law
Uma Suthersanen
Ridley's Law of the Carriage of Goods by Land, Sea and Air
Brian Harris and 1 more
The Dog Law Handbook
Godfrey SandysWinsch and 1 more
Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law
Royston Miles Goode
The Declaratory Judgment
Harry Woolf and 2 more
The Law of Waste Management
David Pocklington
The British Firearms Law Handbook
Laura Saunsbury and 3 more
Misuse of Drugs and Drug Trafficking Offences
Rudi Fortson
Brice on Maritime Law of Salvage
Geoffrey Brice and 1 more
Practical Company Law and Corporate Transactions
Mark Stamp and 1 more
Free Movement of Persons in the Enlarged European Union
Nicola Rogers and 2 more
Human Rights and Criminal Justice
Ben Emmerson and 4 more
Practitioner's Guide to Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry
Rob Helm and 2 more
Handbook of Investment Arbitration
Thomas H Webster
Kerse & Khan on EU Antitrust Procedure
Nicholas Khan and 1 more
Outsourcing and Services Contracts
Amanda Lewis
Analytical Commentary to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
Peter Binder
Lewison's Drafting Business Leases
Janet Bignell and 1 more
A-Z of Civil Litigation
James Pyke
Modern GATT Law
Raj Bhala
Plc - The Smarter Legal Model
Project Finance
Graham D Vinter and 2 more
Retail Mortgages
Malcolm Waters and 2 more
Solicitors' Claims
Anna Crew
Pensions on Divorce
Fiona Hay and 2 more
Partnership Disputes
Michael Reynolds and 1 more
Index to Legal Citations and Abbreviations
Donald Raistrick
Securities Law
Alastair Hudson
Advising a Suspect in the Police Station
Anthony Edwards
A Practitioner's Guide to Financial Services Investigations and Enforcement
Angela Hayes and 1 more
A Practical Guide to Corporate Governance
Mark Cardale
A Practitioner's Guide to the AIM Rules
Tom Nicholls
Deferred Prosecution Agreements
Polly Sprenger
A Commentary on the LCIA Arbitration Rules 2014
Shai Wade and 5 more
Police and Constabulary Almanac 2015
The Probation Directory 2015
Owen Wells
Joint Ventures
Gianmatteo Nunziante
Distribution and Marketing of Drugs
Eric Stupp and 2 more
Commercialisation of Healthcare
Jeffrey S Graham and 1 more
Law of Guarantees
Geraldine Mary Andrews and 1 more
Celebrity and Royal Privacy, the Media and the Law
Robin Callender Smith
Sterling on World Copyright Law
J A L Sterling
David Hodge
An Introduction to Arbitration in Africa
John Miles and 2 more
Investment Funds
Samuel Kay
International Relocation of Children
Anna Worwood
Patent Litigation
Thierry J Calame and 1 more
Mergers & Acquisitions
Andrew J Nussbaum and 2 more
Tax Litigation
David Wallen Chodikoff
Life Sciences
Stuart Fellows
Business Immigration
Laura Devine
A Practitioner's Guide to Individual Conduct and Accountability in Financial Services Firms
Peter Snowdon and 2 more
Acquisition Finance
Johannes Tieves
Aviation Finance
Roger Whipp
Commercial Mortgage Loans and CMBS
Andrew V Petersen
Cohabitation and Trusts of Land
Stephen Wildblood and 2 more
Offshore Civil Procedure
Richard Holden
Residential Possession Proceedings
Gary Webber and 1 more
Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation
Rosemary Jay
Mental Health Law
Brenda Hale and 3 more
Listed Buildings and Other Heritage Assets
Charles Mynors and 1 more
Major Projects: Environmental Risks
Louise Moore
Passmore: Privilege E4
International Corruption
Paul Cohen and 1 more
Domain Names
Jeanette Söderlund Sause and 1 more
An Introduction to Highway Law
Michael Orlik
A Practitioner's Guide to the Law and Regulation of Financial Crime
Arun Srivastava
Mental Capacity Act Manual
Richard M Jones and 1 more
Accidents Abroad
Bernard Doherty and 4 more
Data Protection Strategy
Richard Morgan and 1 more
A Practitioner's Guide to Directors' Duties and Responsibilities
Tim Boxell
Court of Appeal Criminal Division
Susan Holdham and 1 more
Goldrein: Commercial Litigation Intl E3
Goode on Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law
A Practitioner's Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights
Karen Reid
Rook & Ward on Sexual Offences Supplement to the Fifth Edition
Peter F G Rook and 1 more
Telecommunications Law
Ian J Lloyd and 1 more
Rook Sexual Offences Set
Brown & Marriott's ADR Principles and Practice
Shirley Shipman and 3 more
Freedom of Information in the UK
Sue Cullen
Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts
James Kessler and 1 more
Law and Regulation of Investment Management
Dick Frase
On Your Feet
Clare Elliott and 3 more
Other book format
Social Security Legis
In Stock
£107.10 £119.00
Contaminated Land
Stephen Tromans
The European Private International Law of Obligations
Richard Plender and 1 more
Toulson: Confidentiality E4
C+F Listing Regime 2019/2020
Goode on Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions
Royston Miles Goode and 1 more
Dealing With Delay-Construction Projects