The Philosophy of Film Noir
Mark T Conard
Not Available
The Philosophy of TV Noir
Steven Sanders and 1 more
Basketball and Philosophy
Jerry L Walls and 1 more
The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick
Jerold J Abrams
The Philosophy of Neo-Noir
The Philosophy of The X-Files
Dean A Kowalski
The Philosophy of Martin Scorsese
Football and Philosophy
Joe Posnanski
The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film
Steven Sanders
Tennis and Philosophy
David Baggett and 2 more
The Philosophy of the Western
Jennifer L McMahon and 1 more
Golf and Philosophy
Andy Wible
The Philosophy of Steven Soderbergh
R Barton Palmer
Steven Spielberg and Philosophy
The Philosophy of David Lynch
Robert Arp and 1 more
The Philosophy of Charlie Kaufman
David LaRocca
The Philosophy of Spike Lee
The Philosophy of Joss Whedon
David Baggett
The Philosophy of the Coen Brothers
The Philosophy of the Beats
F Scott Scribner and 2 more
The Philosophy of David Cronenberg
Colin McGinn and 2 more
The Philosophy of Horror
Phillip J Nickel and 2 more
The Olympics and Philosophy
Michael W Austin and 1 more
The Philosophy of Sherlock Holmes
Philip Tallon
The Philosophy of Ang Lee
Robert Arp
The Philosophy of Clint Eastwood
Richard T McClelland
The Philosophy of Michael Mann
The Philosophy of Tim Burton
Jennifer L McMahon
The Philosophy of J.J. Abrams
Patricia Brace
The Philosophy of War Films
David LaRocca and 2 more
The Philosophy of Documentary Film
The Philosophy of Christopher Nolan
George A Dunn and 1 more
Joss Whedon as Philosopher
Samuel A Chambers
David LaRocca and 8 more
Neil Young and Philosophy
Douglas L Berger
The Philosophy of Werner Herzog
M Blake Wilson and 1 more