Truth and Reality
Otto Rank
Not Available
Medieval Romance
John E Stevens
Mythology and the Romantic Tradition in English Poetry
Douglas Bush
Carole Satyamurti
Oedipus Tyrannos
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Writings
Robert Louis Stevenson
The Marrow of Tradition
Charles W Chesnutt
The Sun Also Rises
Ernest Hemingway
Karl Marx's Interpretation of History
Mandell Morton Bober
The Science of Folklore
Alexander Haggerty Krappe
Life in Lesu;
Hortense Powdermaker
Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism
Rudolf Wittkower
Therapeutic Communication
Jurgen Ruesch
The Ring of Words;
Philip Lieson Miller
The Semblance of Peace;
John Wheeler WheelerBennett and 1 more
Peaceable Kingdoms
Michael Zuckerman
The Age of Innocence (The Norton Library)
Edith Wharton
The Jungle (The Norton Library)
Upton Sinclair
The Great Gatsby (The Norton Library)
F Scott Fitzgerald
Pride and Prejudice (The Norton Library)
Jane Austen
Selected Tales (The Norton Library)
Nikolai Gogol and 1 more
The Pilgrim's Progress (The Norton Library)
John Bunyan
A Farewell to Arms (The Norton Library)
Great Expectations (The Norton Library)
Charles Dickens
The Iliad (The Norton Library)
The United States and the Independence of Latin America, 1800-1830
Arthur Preston Whitaker