Aspects of Language and Learning
M A K Halliday
Not Available
Understanding Verbal Art
Jonathan Webster
Absolute Clauses in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective
Qingshun He and 1 more
MAK Halliday
War and Its Ideologies
Annabelle Lukin
Specialized Discourses and Their Readerships
David Banks and 1 more
Grammar West to East
Edward McDonald
David Banks
A Corpus-Based Approach to Clause Combining in English from the Systemic Functional Perspective
Qingshun He
Discourses of Southeast Asia
Kumaran Rajandran
A Critical Public Relations Approach to Crisis Communication and Management
Huabin Wang
A Systemic Functional Study of Modality in Modern Chinese
Shu Yang
Systemic Functional Insights on Language and Linguistics
Christian MIM Matthiessen and 3 more
A Systemic Functional Grammar of Chinese Nominal Groups
Jing Fang
A Systemic Functional Typology of Mood
Dongqi Li