The Conscious in Psychoanalysis
Antonio A Semi
Not Available
Psychosomatics Today
Marilia Aisenstein
Psychotic Organisation of the Personality
Antonio PérezSánchez
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Virtual Intimacy and Communication in Film
Andrea Private Practice and 2 more
Transformational Processes in Clinical Psychoanalysis
Lawrence J Boston Psychoanalytic Institute BPSI and Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis and 2 more
The Psychoanalyst and the Child
Michel Ody and 1 more
Michel Ody
Psychoanalytic Studies on Dysphoria
Marion Michel Oliner
Marion M Oliner
Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry
Cláudio Laks Eizirik and 1 more
Cláudio Laks Eizirik
Contemporary Perspectives on the Freudian Death Drive
Victor Blüml
Victor Blüml and 2 more
Psychoanalysis of the Psychoses
Riccardo Lombardi and 2 more
Riccardo Lombardi
Permanent Disquiet
Michel de MUzan
Freud and Culture
Eric Smadja
Finding the Body in the Mind
Marianne LeuzingerBohleber
Good Feelings
Salman Akhtar
Hostile and Malignant Prejudice
Cyril Levitt
Illusions and Disillusions of Psychoanalytic Work
Andre Green
Envy and Gratitude Revisited
Alessandra Lemma and 1 more
From Impression to Inquiry
Wilma Bucci
Escape from Selfhood
Ilany Kogan
Play, Gender, Therapy
Nellie L Thompson
Shame and Humiliation
Carlos Guillermo Bigliani
Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning
Howard B Levine and 2 more
Primitive Agony and Symbolization
René Roussillon
Psychic Reality in Context
The Ethical Seduction of the Analytic Situation
Viviane ChetritVatine
The Unconscious
Jose C Calich
Time for Change
Marina Altmann de Litvan
Talking About Supervision
Laura Elliot Rubinstein
In the Traces of Our Name
Juan Eduardo Tesone
The Work of Confluence
Madeleine Baranger and 1 more
The Analytical Process
Thierry Bokanowski
The Art of Interpretation
Wolfgang Loch
Antonio Alberto Semi
Psychopathology of Work
Christophe Dejours
The Future of Psychoanalysis
Peter Zagermann
Death and Identity
The Analyzing Situation
JeanLuc Donnet
Theory of Psychoanalytical Practice
Juan TubertOklander
Psychoanalytic Work With Families and Couples
Susana Kuras Mauer and 2 more
The Female Body
Ingrid MoesleinTeising and 1 more
Narcissistic Fantasies in Film and Fiction
Psychoanalytic Reflections on Writing, Cinema and the Arts
Paola Golinelli
Paola private practice and 2 more
Change Through Time in Psychoanalysis
Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick Hanly and 2 more
The Sound of the Unconscious
Ludovica Grassi
The Infantile in Psychoanalytic Practice Today
Florence Guignard
Clinical Research in Psychoanalysis
Affect, Representation and Language
Howard B Levine
Marilia Aisenstein and 1 more
What Nazism Did to Psychoanalysis
Laurence French Psychoanalytic Association and 1 more
The Infinite Infantile and the Psychoanalytic Task
Nilde Parada Franch and 3 more
Nilde Parada Franch
The Deconstruction of Narcissism and the Function of the Object
René University of Lyon and 1 more
A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Trauma
Joseph Fernando
The Poetry of the Word in Psychoanalysis
Pere Folch Mateu
The Freudian Matrix of ?André Green
The Freudian Matrix of André Green
The Astonishing Adolescent Upheaval in Psychoanalysis
Roosevelt M S Cassorla and 1 more
Roosevelt Full Professor and 4 more
Outsider Art and Psychoanalytic Psychiatry
Cosimo International Psychoanalytical Association and 1 more
Cosimo Schinaia
Trauma and Pain Without a Subject
Psychoanalytic Studies of Change
International PsychoAnalytical Association
Siri Gullestad and 2 more