Her Hour Come Round at Last
Peter L Rudnytsky and 1 more
Not Available
Ferenczi for Our Time
Judit SzekacsWeisz and 1 more
Corresponding Lives
Patricia R Everett and 2 more
What Is This Professor Freud Like?
Anna Koellreuter and 1 more
Elizabeth Danto
Elizabeth Ann Danto and 1 more
Rediscovering Pierre Janet
Giuseppe Craparo
A Forgotten Freudian
Daniel Burston
Sandor Ferenczi - Ernest Jones
Sandor Ferenczi and 1 more
Patricia R Everett
Freud in Zion
Eran J Rolnik
Ferenczi and His World
Tom Keve and 1 more
Gillian Preston and 1 more
Freud and the Dora Case
Cesare Romano
The Milan Seminar
John Bowlby
Anna Koellreuter
The Skin-Ego
Didier Anzieu
The Life and Times of Franz Alexander
Ilonka Venier Alexander
Ferenczi and Beyond
Judit Meszaros
Karl Abraham
Anna Bentinck van Schoonheten
Looking Through Freud's Photos
Michael Molnar
The Clinic and the Context
Elisabeth YoungBruehl
The Abandonment Neurosis
Germaine Guex
The Freudian Orient
Frank F Scherer
Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud and Other Essays in Re-Vision
Peter L Rudnytsky
Reading Freud's Patients
Anat Tzur Mahalel
Reading Freud’s Patients
Reading Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Philippe van Haute and 1 more
Reading Freud’s Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Philippe Radboud University and 3 more
The Dreams of Mabel Dodge
Patricia Everett
Patricia R Everett and 1 more
The Life of Gregory Zilboorg. 1940-1959 Mind, Medicine and Man
Caroline Zilboorg
The Life of Gregory Zilboorg. 1890-1940 Psyche, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis
The Life of Gregory Zilboorg, 1890–1940
The Life of Gregory Zilboorg, 1940–1959
A Brief Apocalyptic History of Psychoanalysis
Carlo Institute of Psychoanalysis and 1 more
Theories and Practices of Psychoanalysis in Central Europe
Agnieszka Sobolewska
Michael Balint and his World: The Budapest Years
Judit SzekacsWeisz
Sigmund Freud and his Patient Margarethe Csonka
Michal Tel Aviv University and 1 more
Sigmund Freud and His Patient Margarethe Csonka
Michal Shapira
Michael Balint and His World
Judit SzekacsWeisz and 2 more
Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939
Christfried Toegel
The Marquis De Puysegur and Artificial Somnambulism
AMJ Chastenet de Puységur
Freud's British Family
Roger Willoughby
The Subversive Edge of Psychoanalysis
David James Fisher