The Cambridge World History. Volume 7 Production, Destruction, and Connection, 1750 to the Present
John Robert McNeill and 1 more
Not Available
The Cambridge World History. Volume 3 Early Cities in Comparative Perspective, 4000 BCE-1200 CE
Norman Yoffee
The Cambridge World History. Volume 5 Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500CE-1500CE
B Z Kedar and 1 more
The Cambridge World History: Volume 1, Introducing World History, to 10,000 BCE
David Macquarie University and 1 more
The Cambridge World History: Volume 2, A World with Agriculture, 12,000 BCE–500 CE
Graeme University of Cambridge Barker
The Cambridge World History: Volume 4, A World with States, Empires and Networks 1200 BCE–900 CE
Craig Grand Valley State University and 1 more
The Cambridge World History: Volume 6, The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Part 1, Foundations
Jerry H University of Hawaii and 1 more
The Cambridge World History: Volume 6, The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Part 2, Patterns of Change
The Cambridge World History: Volume 7, Production, Destruction and Connection, 1750-Present, Part 1, Structures, Spaces, and Boundary Making
J R Georgetown University and 1 more
The Cambridge World History: Volume 7, Production, Destruction and Connection, 1750-Present, Part 2, Shared Transformations?
The Cambridge World History
Norman University of Michigan and 1 more