School Bullying and Mental Health
Helen University of Surrey and 1 more
Not Available
Mindfulness-based Interventions with Children and Adolescents
Nirbhay Georgia Regents University and 1 more
Mental Health and Academic Learning in Schools
Andrea Reupert
Mindfulness-Based Interventions With Children and Adolescents
Nirbhay N Singh and 1 more
Navigating Students’ Mental Health in the Wake of COVID-19
James M University of Virginia and 1 more
Multiperspectivity on School Bullying
Ken Rigby
Mental Health and Quality of Life of Adolescents with Physical, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Zenon University of Silesia and 4 more
Promoting Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing
Rebecca P Ang
Charting the Experience of Children and Adolescents Affected by Emotional Neglect
Ewa Wojtyna