Soviet Cinema in the Silent Era, 1918–1935
Denise J Youngblood
Not Available
The Cult Film Experience
J P Telotte
Glasnost—Soviet Cinema Responds
Nicholas Galichenko
The Euro-American Cinema
Peter Lev
The New Latin American Cinema
Zuzana M Pick
National Identity in Indian Popular Cinema, 1947-1987
Sumita S Chakravarty
Hollywood TV
Christopher Anderson
The Unruly Woman
Kathleen Rowe Karlyn
High Concept
Justin Wyatt
Living Room Lectures
Nina C Leibman
Selznick's Vision
Alan David Vertrees and 1 more
Veni, Vidi, Video
Frederick Wasser
Television Talk
Bernard M Timberg and 2 more
Latino Images in Film
Charles Ramírez Berg
The Rise of Cable Programming in the United States
Megan Mullen
Cinema and the Sandinistas
Jonathan Buchsbaum
Coming Attractions
Lisa Kernan
Cinema of Solitude
Indie, Inc
Alisa Perren
The Dread of Difference
Barry Keith Grant
Selling the Silver Bullet
Avi Santo
The Classical Mexican Cinema
Independent Stardom
Emily Carman
Connecting The Wire
Stanley Corkin
Hollywood in San Francisco
Joshua Gleich
The Value Gap
Courtney Brannon Donoghue