Telling Silence
Charles Isenberg
Not Available
The Myth of A.S. Pushkin in Russia's Silver Age
Brian Horowitz and 1 more
Rilke's Russia
Anna A Tavis
The Life and Work of Fedor Abramov
David C Gillespie
Chekhov and Russian Religious Culture
Julie W De Sherbinin
The Popular Theatre Movement in Russia, 1862-1919
Gary Thurston
Tolstoy's Phoenix
George R Clay
The Familiar Letter as a Literary Genre in the Age of Pushkin
William Mills Todd
The Art of Writing Badly
Richard C Borden
A Double Garland
Thomas P Hodge
The Positive Hero in Russian Literature
Rufus W Mathewson
The Literature of Roguery in Seventeenth- And Eighteenth-Century Russia
Marcia A Morris
Prodigal Son
John Givens
Selected Essays
V I Ivanov and 2 more
The High Stakes of Identity
Ian M Helfant
The Organic Worldview of Nikolai Leskov
Irmhild Christina Sperrle
Viacheslav Ivanov
A New Word on The Brothers Karamazov
Robert Louis Jackson
Finding the Middle Ground
Jehanne M Gheith
Dimitry's Shade
J Douglas Clayton
Aesthetics of Alienation
Evgenii Dobrenko
The Stony Dance
Timothy Langen
Under the Sky of My Africa
Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy and 2 more
The Russian Memoir
Beth Holmgren
About Chekhov
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin and 1 more
Enemies from the East?
Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov and 1 more
The Writer in Petrograd and the House of Arts
Martha Wetizel Hickey
The Trace of Judaism
Val Vinokur and 1 more
Unattainable Bride Russia
Ellen Rutten
A Voltaire for Russia
Amanda Ewington
Multi-Mediated Dostoevsky
Alexander Burry
Becoming Mikhail Lermontov
David Powelstock
The Author as Hero
Justin Weir
Vasily Zhukovsky's Romanticism and the Emotional History of Russia
Ilya Vinitsky
Nabokov's Canon
Marijeta Bozovic
Nietzsche and Dostoevsky
Jeff Love
The Russian Revival of the Dithyramb
Katherine Lahti
Tolstoy and His Problems
Inessa Medzhibovskaya and 3 more
Only Among Women
Anne Eakin Moss
Reader as Accomplice
Alexander Spektor
Russia's Capitalist Realism
Vadim Shneyder
The Soviet Writers' Union and Its Leaders
Carol Any
Pelevin and Unfreedom
Sofya Khagi
Tsvetaeva's Orphic Journeys in the Worlds of the Word
Olga Peters Hasty
The Bilingual Muse
Adrian Wanner
Marina Balina and 2 more
Singing the Self
Rachel S Platonov
Mothers and Daughters
Barbara Alpern Engel
Dostoevsky and the Ethics of Narrative Form
Greta MatznerGore
The Novel in the Age of Disintegration
Kate Holland
Dostoevsky and Romantic Realism
Donald Fanger
Pushkin on Literature
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin and 2 more
When Russia Learned to Read
Jeffrey Brooks
Essays on Karolina Pavlova
Susanne Fusso and 1 more
The Life of Arseniev
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin and 2 more