A Haunt of Fears
Martin Barker
Not Available
The Lasting of the Mohicans
Martin Barker and 1 more
Seal of Approval
Amy Kiste Nyberg
Comic Book Culture
Matthew Pustz
The British Seaside
John K. Walton
Black Superheroes, Milestone Comics, and Their Fans
Jeffrey A. Brown
Scotland and the Music Hall, 1850-1914
Paul Maloney
Working-Class Organisations and Popular Tourism, 1840-1970
Susan Barton
From Silent Screen to Multi-Screen
Stuart Hanson
The Language of Comics
Robin Varnum and 1 more
Healthy Living in the Alps
Juke Box Britain
Adrian Horn
Darts in England, 1900-39
Patrick Chaplin
Leisure, Citizenship and Working–Class Men in Britain, 1850–1940
Brad Beaven
Songs of Protest, Songs of Love
Robin Ganev
The BBC and National Identity in Britain, 1922-53
Thomas Hajkowski
Popular Culture and Working-Class Taste in Britain, 1930-39
Robert James
Adrian Michael Horn
Holiday Camps in Twentieth-Century Britain
Sandra Trudgen Dawson
Working-Class Organisations and Popular Tourism, 1840–1970
Cricket and Broadcasting
Jack Williams
The Food Companions
Richard Farmer
Leisure and Cultural Conflict in Twentieth-Century Britain
Brett Bebber
Amateur Film
Heather Norris Nicholson
Darts in England, 1900–39
Hard Sell
Sean Nixon
Women Drinking out in Britain Since the Early Twentieth Century
David Gutzke
Popular Culture and Working–Class Taste in Britain, 1930–39
Time, Work and Leisure
Hugh Cunningham
British Railway Enthusiasm
Ian Carter
Heroes and Happy Endings
Christine Grandy
The Experience of Suburban Modernity
Michael John Law
Women Drinking Out in Britain Since the Early Twentieth Century
David W. Gutzke
History on British Television
Robert Dillon
Leisure Cultures in Urban Europe, C.1700-1870
Peter Borsay and 1 more
Politics, Performance and Popular Culture
Peter Yeandle and 2 more
Cinema and Radio in Britain and America, 1920–60
Jeffrey Richards
Cinemas and Cinemagoing in Wartime Britain, 1939–45
The BBC and National Identity in Britain, 1922–53
Dancing in the English Style
Allison Abra
Inventing the Cave Man
Andrew Horrall
Christmas in Nineteenth-Century England
Neil Armstrong
Picturing Home
Hollie Price
In Stock
£76.50 £85.00
Worlds of Social Dancing
James J. Nott and 1 more
Dangerous Amusements
Laura Harrison
London Calling Italy
Ester Lo Biundo
Fashioning Italian Youth
Cecilia Brioni
The Devil's Highway
Worlds of the Ring
Sabine Hanke
Growing Up and Going Out
Sarah Kenny