Feminine Figurae
Rebecca L R Garber
Not Available
Consuming Passions
Merrall Llewelyn Price
The Medieval Tradition of Thebes
Dominique Battles
Maps and Monsters in Medieval England
Asa Simon Mittman
Crafting the Witch
Heidi California State University at San Marcos and 2 more
The King's Two Maps
Daniel Birkholz
Women of the Humiliati
Sally Brasher
Body and Sacred Place in Medieval Europe, 1100-1389
Dawn Marie Hayes
Illuminating the Border of French and Flemish Manuscripts, 1270-1310
Lisa Moore University of Wyoming and 1 more
Rooted in the Earth, Rooted in the Sky
Victoria Sweet
Heidi Breuer
Race and Ethnicity in Anglo-Saxon Literature
Stephen Harris
Literary Hybrids
Erika E Hess
Worlds Made Flesh
Lauryn Mayer
Aspects of Love in John Gower's Confessio Amantis
Ellen S Bakalian
Bodies of Pain
Scott E Pincikowski
Between Courtly Literature and Al-Andalus
Michelle Reichert
The Contested Theological Authority of Thomas Aquinas
Elizabeth Lowe
Speculative Grammar and Stoic Language Theory in Medieval Allegorical Narrative
Jeffrey Bardzell
Pestilence in Medieval and Early Modern English Literature
Byron Lee Grigsby
Empowering Collaborations
Kimberley Benedict
Conflict and Compromise in the Late Medieval Countryside
Peter L Larson
The Mystical Language of Sensation in the Later Middle Ages
Gordon Rudy
Where Troubadours were Bishops
Nicole M Schulman
The Epistemology of the Monstrous in the Middle Ages
Lisa Verner
The Preaching Fox
Warren E Edminster
Desiring Truth
Jeremy Lowe
Marriage Fictions in Old French Secular Narratives, 1170-1250
Keith Nickolaus
The Literal Sense and the Gospel of John in Late Medieval Commentary and Literature
MArk Hazard
John Cassian and the Reading of Egyptian Monastic Culture
Steven D Driver
And Then the End Will Come
Douglas W Lumsden
The Water Supply System of Siena, Italy
Michael P Kucher
Justice and the Social Context of Early Middle High German Literature
Robert G Sullivan
The Reproductive Unconscious in Late Medieval and Early Modern England
Jennifer Wynne Hellwarth
Topographies of Gender in Middle High German Arthurian Romance
Alexandra SterlingHellenbrand
Merrall L Price
Word Outward
Corey J Marvin
Travel, Pilgrimage and Social Interaction from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
Jenni Kuuliala
Traveling Through Text
Elka Weber
Warfare and the Making of Early Medieval Italy (568-652)
Eduardo Fabbro
Rethinking Medieval Margins and Marginality
Ann E Zimo and 3 more
From Justinian to Branimir
Danijel Džino
Jews and Converts in Late Medieval Castile
Cecil Reid
In Stock
£121.50 £135.00
Church, Society and University
Deborah Grice
The Death Penalty in Late-Medieval Catalonia
Flocel Sabaté
The Sense of Smell in the Middle Ages
Katelynn Robinson
The Charisma of Distant Places
Courtney Luckhardt
Jenni Kuuliala and 1 more
Margaret's Monsters
Michael E Heyes
Supernatural Encounters
Stephen Gordon
Warfare and the Making of Early Medieval Italy (568–652)
Ancestor Worship and the Elite in Late Iron Age Scandinavia
Triin Laidoner
Ann Zimo
The Experience of Neighbourhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Bronach Christina Kane and 1 more
English Readers of Catholic Saints
Judy Ann Ford
Albertino Mussato
Aislinn McCabe
Authorship, Worldview, and Identity in Medieval Europe
Christian Raffensperger
Heresy and Citizenship
Eugene Smelyansky
Early Medieval Venice
Luigi Andrea Berto
Danijel Dzino
The Triumph of an Accursed Lineage
Fernando Arias Guillén
Franks and Lombards in Italian Carolingian Texts
Mobile Saints
Kate M Craig
People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages
W M Ormrod
Monetisation and Commercialisation in the Baltic Sea, 1050-1450
Dariusz Adamczyk and 1 more
The Cursed Carolers in Context
Lynneth Miller Renberg and 1 more
The Bible and Jews in Medieval Spain
Norman Roth
Women in the Medieval Common Law C.1200-1500
Gwen Seabourne
Networking in Late Medieval Central Europe
Beata University of Gdask and 1 more
Communicating Papal Authority in the Middle Ages
Minoru Ozawa
Bronach C Kane
The Fluctuating Sea
Saygin Salgirli
The Cultural Power of Medieval Monarchy
Manuel Alejandro Rodríguez de la Peña
Christian Wittenberg University and 1 more
Albertino Mussato: The Making of a Poet Laureate
Women and Violence in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, ca. 1100-1500
Lidia L Zanetti Domingues
The Myths and Realities of the Viking Berserkr
Roderick Dale
Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in High Medieval Europe
S Lebouteiller and 1 more
Cardinal Bessarion (1403–1472)
Michael MaloneLee
Food Consumption in Medieval Iberia
Juan Vicente García Marsilla
Fragmented Nature
Mattia Cipriani and 1 more
Marian Devotion in the Late Middle Ages
AndreaBianka Znorovszky
Adam of Bremen's Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum
Grzegorz Bartusik and 2 more
New Approaches to the Archive in the Middle Ages
Emily N Savage
The Friar and the Philosopher
Pieter Beullens
The ‘Other’, Identity, and Memory in Early Medieval Italy
Making Miracles in Medieval England
Tom Lynch
The Travels of Cristoforo Buondelmonti and Ciriaco d'Ancona in the Aegean Sea
Eleni Tounta
Beata Mozejko and 2 more
Minoru Ozawa and 2 more
Light, Privacy, and Neighbors
Janet Senderowitz Loengard
Medieval Iceland
Sverrir Jakobsson
Early Medieval Hum and Bosnia, C.450-1200
The Door of the Caliph
Elsa Cardoso
Continuity and Change in Medieval East Central Europe
Dusan Zupka
Medieval Work, Worship, and Power
Sharon A Farmer
Remembering England
Matthew Firth
Christian, Saracen and Genre in Medieval French Literature
Lynn Tarte Ramey