European Societies
Thomas Boje
Not Available
Will Europe Work?
Martin Kohli
Young Europeans, Work and Family
Julia Brannen
The Myth of Generational Conflict
Sara Arber
The End of the Welfare State?
Stefan Svallfors
Inclusions and Exclusions in European Societies
Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society
Partick University of Cambridge and 1 more
Social Class in Europe
David Rose
Europe and Asia Beyond East and West
Gerard Delanty
The Social Meaning of Children and Fertility Change in Europe
Anne Lise Ellingsaeter
Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads
Aili AarelaidTart
Mobilizing Regions, Mobilizing Europe
Sebastian M Buettner
The Road to Social Europe
JeanClaude Barbier
Internationalisation of Social Sciences in Central and Eastern Europe
Ilona Pálné University of PECS and 2 more
Cultural Overstretch?
Jurgen Freie Universitat Berlin and 1 more
Autobiographies of Transformation
Mike Indiana University and 1 more
Artistic Practices
Tasos Zembylas
Wage Distribution Fairness in Post-Socialist Countries
Zsófia S Ignácz
Collective Memories in War
Elena Rozhdestvenskaya
Green European
Audrone Telesiene and 1 more
Religion, Identity and Politics
Haldun Gülalp
Zsófia Ignácz
Richard McMahon
EU Social Inclusion Policies in Post-Socialist Countries
Ingrid Fylling
Anne Lise Ellingsaeter and 2 more