What Happens When Nothing Happens
Greice Schneider and 2 more
Not Available
Sugar, Spice, and the Not So Nice
Dona Pursall and 1 more
The Belgian Photonovel, 1954-1985
Clarissa Colangelo
Superhero Comics and Scottish Identity
David John Boyd and 1 more
The French Comics Theory Reader
Ann Miller and 1 more
The Clear Line in Comics and Cinema
David Pinho Barros
Sfar So Far
Fabrice Leroy
Remembered Reading
Mel Gibson
Transforming Anthony Trollope
Simon Grennan and 1 more
French Cartoon Art in the 1960s and 1970s
Wendy Michallat
Comics of the New Europe
Martha B Kuhlman and 1 more
Postcolonialism and Migration in French Comics
Mark McKinney
Visualising Small Traumas
Pedro Moura