The Lure of the Transcendent
Dwayne Huebner
Not Available
Teaching As A Reflective Practice
Ian Westbury
Curriculum in a New Key
Ted T Aoki
Who Benefits From Special Education?
Ellen A Brantlinger
Cross-Cultural Studies in Curriculum
Claudia Eppert
Children's Books for Grown-Up Teachers
Peter Arcadia University Appelbaum
Curriculum Studies Handbook - The Next Moment
Erik Malewski
Handbook of Public Pedagogy
Jennifer A Sandlin
Engendering Curriculum History
Petra Louisiana State University and 1 more
Languages of Education
Daniel Tröhler
The Education of Eros
Dennis L Carlson
International Handbook of Curriculum Research
William F Pinar
Pragmatism, Post-modernism, and Complexity Theory
Donna Treuit
What Does Understanding Mathematics Mean for Teachers?
Yuichi California State University at Chico and 1 more
The "Reason" of Schooling
Thomas S Popkewitz
Schooling, the Puritan Imperative, and the Molding of an American National Identity
Douglas McKnight
Trajectories in the Development of Modern School Systems
Daniel University of Vienna and 1 more
Curriculum in Abundance
David W Jardine and 2 more
Curriculum as Institution and Practice
William A Reid
Disney, Culture, and Curriculum
The “Reason” of Schooling
Thomas Univ of Wisconsin Madison and 1 more
Expanding Curriculum Theory
William M Humboldt State University Reynolds
Curriculum and the Holocaust
Marla Morris
Social Efficiency and Instrumentalism in Education
James M Magrini
Nonviolence and Education
Hongyu Oklahoma State UniversityTulsa and 1 more
Daniel Tröhler and 1 more
Provoking Curriculum Studies
Nicholas University of Ottawa and 1 more
Contemplating Curriculum
Wanda Hurren
Reconceptualizing Curriculum Development
James Henderson
Arts Education and Curriculum Studies
Mindy R Carter
Curriculum Studies as an International Conversation
Daniel F Universidad Alberto Hurtado and 2 more
The Concept of Care in Curriculum Studies
JungHoon University of British Columbia and 1 more
Jennifer A Sandlin and 1 more
Education and Social Dynamics
ArndMichael Helmut SchmidtUniversität and 3 more
Place, Race, and Identity Formation
Ed Douglas McKnight
The Mythopoetics of Currere
Mary Aswell Doll
Mindy R Carter and 1 more
Christian Privilege in U.S. Education
Kevin J Burke and 1 more
Reconceptualizing Study in Educational Discourse and Practice
Claudia W University of British Columbia and 1 more
Sound Curriculum
Walter S Gershon
Storying the World
Rita Irwin
Reconceptualizing Plato’s Socrates at the Limit of Education
Provoking Curriculum Encounters Across Educational Experience
Teresa StrongWilson
Daniel F JohnsonMardones
Finding Hope in the Turbulent Classroom
Alan A Block
Epistemic Colonialism and the Transfer of Curriculum Knowledge across Borders
Weili Hangzhou Normal University and 1 more
The Syllabus as Curriculum
Samuel D University of British Columbia and 1 more
Tracing Ted Tetsuo Aoki’s Intellectual Formation
Patricia University of British Columbia and 1 more
Parental Experiences of Unschooling
Khara University of Maryland and 1 more
A Praxis of Presence in Curriculum Theory
William F University of British Columbia and 1 more
Curriculum, Environment, and the Work of C. A. Bowers
William Pinar
Teachers’ Ethical Self-Encounters with Counter-Stories in the Classroom
Theorizing Shadow Education and Academic Success in East Asia
Young Chun Chinju National University of Education and 3 more
Love in the Post-Reconceptualist Era of Curriculum Work
Allan Michel University of Toronto and 1 more
Engaging Currere Toward Decolonization
Shauna Associated Black Charities ABC and 3 more
South Korean Education and Learning Excellence as a Hallyu
Schooling, Human Capital and Civilization
Bruce University of British Columbia and 1 more
The Ethics of Becoming a Good Teacher
Ying Ma
Practicing Pragmatism through Progressive Pedagogies
Susan Jean Mayer
Curriculum and the Problem of Violence
James P Florida International University and 1 more
Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research
Ashwani Mount Saint Vincent University and 1 more
Curriculum Work and Social Justice Leadership in a Post-Reconceptualist Era
Education at the Edge of Experience
Currere from Apartheid to Inclusion
Shani Steyn
Curriculum Fragments
Thomas S Poetter
Ancient and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions in the Americas
Ehaab Abdou and 1 more
Ancient and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions in African and Euro-Asian Contexts
Curricular and Architectural Encounters With W.G. Sebald
Teresa StrongWilson and 3 more
Women Curriculum Theorists
Sandra Leaton Gray and 1 more
Postcritical Theory and Curriculum in Latin America
Silvia Morelli
Curriculum as Confession
Christopher M Cruz
Interrogating Nation-Statehood and the Citizen in Curriculum Development
Nicole Gotling
Exile as an Educative Engagement
Parmis Aslanimehr