Techniques and Environments for Big Data Analysis
Bhabani Shankar Prasad Mishra and 3 more
Not Available
Machine Intelligence and Big Data in Industry
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
Big Data Analytics
Francesco Corea
Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing and Big Data in the 5G Era
Constandinos X Mavromoustakis and 2 more
Internet of Things and Big Data Technologies for Next Generation Healthcare
Chintan M Bhatt and 2 more
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Big Data
Wesley W Chu
Granular Computing and Decision-Making
Witold Pedrycz and 1 more
Quality of Work-Life During Pandemic
Gitanjali Rahul Shinde and 3 more
The Autonomous Web
Herwig Unger and 1 more
Ahmed A Abd ElLatif
Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
Sheetal S Sonawane and 2 more
Blockchain and Deep Learning
Khaled R Ahmed
AI-empowered Knowledge Management
Soumi Majumder and 1 more
Multimedia Technologies in the Internet of Things Environment. Volume 3
Raghvendra Kumar and 2 more
Multimedia Technologies in the Internet of Things Environment, Volume 3
Raghvendra Kumar
Transparent Data Mining for Big and Small Data
Tania Cerquitelli and 2 more
Big Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity
Mariya Ouaissa
Computational Life Sciences
Jens Dörpinghaus and 3 more
Deep Learning for Social Media Data Analytics
TzungPei Hong
Data Science in Societal Applications
Siddharth Swarup Rautaray and 2 more
A Practical Hands-on Approach to Database Forensics
NhienAn LeKhac and 1 more
The Power of Data: Driving Climate Change with Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Innovations
Aboul Ella Hassanien
The Power of Data
Aboul Ella Hassanien and 1 more
Blockchain and its Applications in Industry 4.0
Suyel Namasudra
Blockchain and Its Applications in Industry 4.0
Suyel Namasudra and 1 more
mHealth and Human-Centered Design Towards Enhanced Health, Care and Well-Being
Sofia Scataglini and 2 more
Digital Ecosystem for Innovation in Agriculture
Sañjaya Caudhari and 3 more
Supply Chain Performance Evaluation
Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi and 3 more
The Future of Metaverse in the Virtual Era and Physical World
Aboul Ella Hassanien and 2 more
Big Data in Information Society and Digital Economy
A V Bogoviz
Applied Data Science
Douglas G Woolford and 2 more
Introduction to Bayesian Tracking and Particle Filters
Lawrence D Stone and 2 more
Analysing Web Traffic
Agnieszka Jastrzebska
Data and AI Driving Smart Cities
Pedro Ponce
Deep Learning Applications in Image Analysis
Sanjiban Sekhar Roy and 2 more
Rule Based Systems for Big Data
Han Liu and 2 more
AI to Improve E-Governance and Eminence of Life
Somnath Mukhopadhyay and 3 more
Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence
Gilberto Rivera and 3 more
Innovations in Machine and Deep Learning
Hypothesis Generation and Interpretation
Hiroshi Ishikawa
Intelligent Agents in Data-Intensive Computing
Joanna Kolodziej and 2 more
Space Data Management
Agostino Cortesi
Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Pushpa Singh and 2 more
Advanced Techniques of Artificial Intelligence in IT Security Systems
Marcin Korytkowski
Operations Research and Big Data
João Luis Miranda and 1 more
Resource Management in Distributed Systems
Anwesha Mukherjee and 2 more
Big Data Analysis
Nathalie Japkowicz and 1 more
Pocket Data Mining
Mohamed Medhat Gaber and 2 more
Machine Learning for Evolution Strategies
Oliver Kramer
Data Science and Big Data
Internet of Things
D P Acharjya and 1 more
Guide to Big Data Applications
S Srinivasan
Highlighting the Importance of Big Data Management and Analysis for Various Applications
Mohammad Moshirpour and 2 more
Towards Analytical Techniques for Optimizing Knowledge Acquisition, Processing, Propagation, and Use in Cyberinfrastructure and Big Data
L Octavio Lerma and 1 more
Data Mining for Service
Katsutoshi Yada
Granular Computing Based Machine Learning
Han Liu and 1 more
Modeling and Simulation in HPC and Cloud Systems
Nonparametric Kernel Density Estimation and Its Computational Aspects
Artur Gramacki
Cloud Computing for Optimization
Molecular Computing
WengLong Chang and 1 more
Intelligent Methods and Big Data in Industrial Applications
Robert Bembenik and 4 more
Robert Bembenik
Learning from Data Streams in Evolving Environments
Moamar SayedMouchaweh
Big Data for the Greater Good
Ali Emrouznejad
Big Data Processing Using Spark in Cloud
Mamta Mittal and 3 more
Mamta Mittal
Text Mining
Taeho Jo
Data Science in Practice
Alan Said and 1 more
Alan Said
Ubiquitous Computing and Computing Security of IoT
N Jeyanthi and 2 more
N Jeyanthi
Deep Learning and Missing Data in Engineering Systems
Collins Achepsah Leke and 1 more
Cloud Computing for Geospatial Big Data Analytics
Himansu Das and 3 more
Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making
Nikos Karacapilidis
An Introduction to Data
High-Utility Pattern Mining
Philippe FournierViger and 4 more
Security and Data Storage Aspect in Cloud Computing
Prachi S Deshpande and 2 more
Big Data and Smart Digital Environment
Yousef Farhaoui
Environmental Modeling Using Satellite Imaging and Dataset Re-processing
Moses Eterigho Emetere
Recommender System for Improving Customer Loyalty
Katarzyna Tarnowska and 2 more
Stream Data Mining
Leszek Rutkowski and 2 more
Advances in Deep Learning
M Arif Wani and 3 more
Big Data
Michael Z Zgurovsky and 1 more
Astronomy and Big Data
Kieran Jay Edwards and 1 more
Advanced Applications of Blockchain Technology
Shiho Kim and 1 more
Digital Forensic Education
Xiaolu Zhang and 1 more
IoT and Analytics for Agriculture
Prasant Kumar Pattnaik and 3 more
Classification Methods for Internet Applications
Martin Holea and 2 more
Machine Learning for Adaptive Many-Core Machines - A Practical Approach
Noel Lopes and 1 more
Multimedia Technologies in the Internet of Things Environment
Information Granularity, Big Data, and Computational Intelligence
Advanced Soft Computing Techniques in Data Science, IoT and Cloud Computing
Sujata Dash
Smart Sensor Networks
Umang Singh
Security and Privacy Preserving for IoT and 5G Networks
Data Science in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
G P Obi Reddy
Total Journalism
Jorge VázquezHerrero
Big Data and Blockchain for Service Operations Management
Internet of Things and Analytics for Agriculture, Volume 3
Prasant Kumar Pattnaik