Actors and Activists
David Schlossman
Not Available
America's Fight Over Water
Kevin California State University Wehr
The Quiet Revolutionaries
Susan Hudson
The Gay Liberation Youth Movement in New York
Stephan L Cohen
My Pen and My Soul Have Ever Gone Together
Vikki Vickers
Language, Gender, and Citizenship in American Literature, 1789-1919
Amy Dunham Aquinas College and 1 more
Popular Culture and the Enduring Myth of Chicago, 1871-1968
Lisa Emmanuel College and 2 more
Stephan Cohen
Hollywood and Anticommunism
John J College of Charleston and 1 more
Negotiating Motherhood in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Mary McCartin Wearn
Gender and the American Temperance Movement of the Nineteenth Century
Holly Berkley Fletcher
Amy Dunham Strand
The Struggle for Free Speech in the United States, 1872-1915
Janice Ruth Wood
The Marketing of Edgar Allan Poe
Jonathan H Hartmann
The Making of the Primitive Baptists
James R Mathis
The First of Causes to Our Sex
Daniel S Wright
Kevin Wehr
US Textile Production in Historical Perspective
Susan Ouellette
Women Workers on Strike
Roxanne Newton
The Literature of Immigration and Racial Formation
Linda Joyce Brown
Susan Pearman Hudson
Narrative, Political Unconscious and Racial Violence in Wilmington, North Carolina
Leslie Hossfeld
Daughters of Eve
Else L Hambleton
John Brown and the Era of Literary Confrontation
Michael Stoneham
Black Women in New South Literature and Culture
Sherita L Johnson
Agents of Wrath, Sowers of Discord
Timothy L Wood
Validating Bachelorhood
Scott Western Michigan University and 1 more
Antebellum Slave Narratives
Jermaine O SUNY and 2 more
Performing American Identity in Anti-Mormon Melodrama
Megan Sanborn Jones
Fictions of Female Education in the Nineteenth Century
Jaime Osterman Alves
The Farm Press, Reform, and Rural Change, 1895-1920
John J Fry
Women and Comedy in Solo Performance
Suzanne Lavin
The Lyrics of Civility
Kenneth Bielen
Rethinking the Red Scare
Todd J Pfannestiel
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Michael Stancliff
Food in Film
Jane Ferry
Hollywood and the Rise of Physical Culture
Heather Addison
Reading Comics
Mila Bongco
Piety and Power
Leslie Lindenauer
The Factory Girl and the Seamstress
Amal Amireh
The Clubwomen's Daughters
Gwen Tarbox
Lolita in Peyton Place
Ruth Pirsig Wood
No Way of Knowing
Pamela Donovan
Understanding Elvis
Susan M Doll
First Do No Harm
Mary Ellen Knatterud
Lotteries in Colonial America
Neal Millikan