Toronto's Girl Problem
Allen M Maslove
Not Available
The Trouble With Normal
Mary Louise Adams
Paddling Her Own Canoe
Professor of English Carole Gerson and 1 more
Women Without Men
Michael Palmer
Roughing It in the Suburbs
Valerie Korinek
Giving Birth in Canada, 1900-1950
Paul R Magocsi
Women, Gender, and Transnational Lives
Donna R Gabaccia and 1 more
Donna Gabaccia and 1 more
Viola Florence Barnes, 1885-1979
HE Adelman
Household Politics
Magdalena Fahrni
Jailed for Possession
Pat Armstrong and 2 more
Agents of Empire
Jennifer J Nelson and 2 more
Strangers in Our Midst
Peter H Russell
Elise Rose Chenier
Documenting First Wave Feminisms
Nancy M Forestell and 1 more
Maureen Moynagh and 1 more
Sisters or Strangers?
Marlene Epp and 1 more
Prairie Fairies
Reading Canadian Women's and Gender History
Nancy Janovicek and 1 more
The Viking Immigrants
LK Bertram
Before Official Multiculturalism
Franca Iacovetta
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Marriage of Minds
Terence Allan Crowley
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