Quantum Mechanics in the Geometry of Space-Time
Roger Boudet
Not Available
Super-Resolved Imaging
Zeev Zalevsky
Open Quantum Systems
Ángel Rivas and 1 more
Bell's Theorem and Quantum Realism
Douglas L. Hemmick and 1 more
Plasma Turbulence in the Solar System
Yasuhito Narita
The Geometry of Special Relativity - A Concise Course
Norbert Dragon
Niels Bohr and Complementarity
Arkady Plotnitsky
Effective Theories in Physics
James D. Wells
A Superintense Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory Primer
Andrea Macchi
Medical Imaging Technology
Mark A. Haidekker
Renormalization Group and Fixed Points
Timothy J Hollowood
Photo-Excited Charge Collection Spectroscopy
Seongil Im and 2 more
Hadron Therapy Physics and Simulations
Marcos d' Ávila Nunes
Quantum Potential
Ignazio Licata and 1 more
Quantum Black Holes
Xavier Calmet and 2 more
The Application of Biofluid Mechanics
Po-Yuan Chen
A Practical Guide to Handling Laser Diode Beams
Haiyin Sun
Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors
Leiva Casemiro Oliveira and 3 more
Black Holes
Robert B. Mann
Model-Based Processing for Underwater Acoustic Arrays
Edmund J. Sullivan
Schwinger's Quantum Action Principle
Kimball A. Milton
Quantum Physics, Fuzzy Sets and Logic
Jaroslaw Pykacz
Diffractive Optics and Nanophotonics
I. V. Minin and 1 more
Skyrmions in Magnetic Materials
Shinichiro Seki and 1 more
A Primer on Quantum Fluids
Carlo F. Barenghi and 1 more
EPFL Lectures on Conformal Field Theory in D = 3 Dimensions
Slava Rychkov
The C and A-Theorems and the Local Renormalisation Group
Graham Shore
Mathematical Methods of Classical Physics
Vicente Cortés and 1 more
Compact Representations for the Design of Quantum Logic
Philipp Niemann and 1 more
Coherent Structures in Granular Crystals
Christopher Chong and 1 more
Fibre Bragg Grating and No-Core Fibre Sensors
Suzairi Daud and 1 more
The Selected Models of the Mesostructure of Composites
Alexander Herega
Quantum Chromodynamics Sum Rules
Cesareo A. Dominguez
Phonon Thermal Transport in Silicon-Based Nanomaterials
Hai-Peng Li and 1 more
Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
Masa-aki Hashimoto and 3 more
Black Hole Information and Thermodynamics
Dieter Lüst and 1 more
Emergence of Temperature in Examples and Related Nuisances in Field Theory
Tamás Sándor Biró and 1 more
Quantum Magnetism, Spin Waves, and Optical Cavities
Silvia Viola Kusminskiy
The Dirac Equation in Curved Spacetime
Peter Collas and 2 more
A Brief Introduction to Dispersion Relations
José Antonio Oller
Ultrafast Supercontinuum Generation in Transparent Solid-State Media
Audrius Dubietis and 1 more
Quantum Brownian Motion Revisited
Aniello Lampo and 2 more
Functional Analysis and Optimization Methods in Hadron Physics
Irinel Caprini
Small-Angle Scattering (Neutrons, X-Rays, Light) from Complex Systems
Eugen Mircea Anitas
Top-Down Design of Disordered Photonic Structures
Sunkyu Yu and 2 more
Trapping Single Ions and Coulomb Crystals with Light Fields
Leon Karpa
Pierre Fleury
Selected Special Functions for Fundamental Physics
Valeriya Akhmedova and 1 more
The Optical Clearing Method
Luís Manuel Couto Oliveira and 1 more
Applied Holography
Matteo Baggioli
Kepler Problem in the Presence of Dark Energy, and the Cosmic Local Flow
Alexander Silbergleit and 1 more
Aspects of Integrability of Differential Systems and Fields
Costas J. Papachristou
Discovery Beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics
Beyond Einstein Gravity
Jorge Ovalle and 1 more
Entropy and the Tao of Counting
Kim Sharp
Essential Classical Thermodynamics
Ulf W. Gedde
Theory and Simulation Methods for Electronic and Phononic Transport in Thermoelectric Materials
Neophytos Neophytou
Will We Ever Have a Quantum Computer?
Mikhail I. Dyakonov
Polarization Correlometry of Scattering Biological Tissues and Fluids
V. T. Bachinskyi and 3 more
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods in Quantum Field Theories
Anosh Joseph
Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes
Leonard Susskind
Tetrad Formalism for Exact Cosmological Observables
Ermis Mitsou and 1 more
Antihydrogen and Fundamental Physics
Michael Charlton and 2 more
Surface Science of Intercalation Materials and Solid Electrolytes
René Hausbrand
Introduction to Modified Gravity
Albert Petrov
General Model Independent Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Saranya Samik Ghosh and 3 more
Reheating After Inflation
Kaloian Lozanov
Optics Near Surfaces and at the Nanometer Scale
Wolfgang Bacsa and 2 more
Advanced Concepts in Quantum Field Theory
James M. Cline
Some Unusual Topics in Quantum Mechanics
Pankaj Sharan
Multi-time Wave Functions
Matthias Lienert and 2 more
The Weierstrass Elliptic Function and Applications in Classical and Quantum Mechanics
Georgios Pastras
The Physics of the Dark Photon
Marco Fabbrichesi and 2 more
Few Body Dynamics, Efimov Effect and Halo Nuclei
Vidya Sagar Bhasin and 1 more
Correlation and Autofluorescence Microscopy in Forensics Medicine: Time of Death Detection Using Polycrystalline Cerebrospinal Fluid Films
M.S. Harazdyuk and 3 more
The Photonic Hook
Oleg V. Minin and 1 more
The Development of the Action Principle
Walter Dittrich
Seven Fundamental Concepts in Spacetime Physics
Vesselin Petkov
Holography and Magnetically Induced Phenomena in QCD
Umut Gürsoy
Journey to the Bound States
Paul Hoyer
Lectures on the Mechanical Foundations of Thermodynamics
Michele Campisi
Andreev Reflection in Superconducting Junctions
Yasuhiro Asano
Passive Optical Resonators for Next-Generation Attosecond Metrology
Ioachim Pupeza
Ion Beam Induced Defects and Their Effects in Oxide Materials
Parmod Kumar and 3 more
Molecular Theory of Nematic (and Other) Liquid Crystals
Paul van der Schoot
Emergence in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gravity
George Musser
Covariant Techniques in Quantum Field Theory
Enrique Álvarez and 1 more
Quantum Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism
A. K. Kapoor and 2 more
Exact Space-Time Models of Gravitational Waves
Peter A. Hogan and 1 more
Nonclassical Effects and Dynamics of Quantum Observables
S. Lakshmibala and 1 more
What is the i? for the S-matrix?
Holmfridur Sigridar Hannesdottir and 1 more
Lorentz Symmetry Breaking—Classical and Quantum Aspects
Tiago Mariz and 2 more
Memristors and Memelements
Massimiliano Di Ventra and 1 more
The Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
Ralf Blossey
Variational Principles in Physics
Tamás Sándor Biró
Conformal Field Theory for Particle Physicists
Marc Gillioz
Physics of Gravitational Waves
Arun Kenath and 1 more
Color in QCD
Stéphane Peigné
Response of Complex Dynamical Systems to Complex Mechanical Energy Sources
John J. McCoy
Geometry of Minkowski Space-Time
Francesco Catoni
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