Social Banking and Social Finance
Roland Benedikter
Not Available
Supply Chain Finance Solutions
Erik Hofmann and 1 more
Mass Customization
Paolo Coletti and 1 more
Family Firms in Transition
Alan L. Carsrud and 1 more
Export Assistance : The Way Back and Forward
Anisur R. Faroque and 1 more
Taxation, Growth and Fiscal Institutions
Albert J. Lee
Switchpoints for the Future of Logistics
Ingo Wieck
Excel-Based Business Analysis
Ali Anari and 1 more
Mode 3 Knowledge Production in Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems
Elias G. Carayannis and 1 more
Financial Performance Measures and Value Creation: the State of the Art
Daniela Venanzi
Performance Measurement with the Balanced Scorecard
Stefano Biazzo and 1 more
Random Regret-Based Discrete Choice Modeling
Caspar G. Chorus
Hormones, Talent, and Career
Diana Derval and 1 more
Strategy for Action – I
Giorgio Gandellini and 2 more
Boundary-Spanning Marketing Organization
G. Tomas M. Hult
From Total Quality Control to Lean Six Sigma
Andrea Chiarini
Humanitarian Logistics
Alessandra Cozzolino
Social Innovation and New Business Models
Laura Michelini
Approaching Business Models from an Economic Perspective
Wei Wei and 2 more
Private Equity Targets
Francesco Baldi
Rock and Roll Fantasy?
Ronnie J. Phillips
Options in Alliances
Innovation Management in Knowledge Intensive Business Services in China
Shunzhong Liu
The Co-Creative Meeting
Christoph Mandl and 2 more
Family Firms
Malin Brännback and 1 more
Study on the Consensus Salary System for Modern Enterprises
Zhihong Li
Transnational Marketing and Transnational Consumers
Ibrahim Sirkeci
The Executor of Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy
Kwang-Yong Shin
Zhiqiang Zhang
Product Variety in Automotive Industry
Marco Guerzoni
CSR 2.0
Wayne Visser
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Its Impact on German Firms
Ralf Bebenroth
Understanding the Myth of High Growth Firms
Malin Brännback and 2 more
Reliance on Foreign Markets
Makoto Nakano and 1 more
Entrepreneurship Networks in Italy
Antonia Rosa Gurrieri and 2 more
Creating Conditions for Promising Collaboration
Edwin Kaats and 1 more
Top Down Innovation
Mary J. Cronin
Who Gets Funds from China's Capital Market?
Jiazhuo G. Wang and 1 more
The Rocky Road to Publishing in the Management and Decision Sciences and Beyond
Pekka Korhonen and 2 more
The Automatic Packaging Machinery Sector in Italy and Germany
Marco Fortis and 1 more
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Hanadi Mubarak Al-Mubaraki and 2 more
Risk-Pooling Essentials
Gerald Oeser
Italy's Top Products in World Trade
Marco Fortis and 2 more
Personal Knowledge Management, Leadership Styles, and Organisational Performance
Vissanu Zumitzavan and 1 more
Wine Queens
Mojca Ramsak
Complaint Management and Channel Choice
Stefan Garding and 1 more
Information Society Development Through ICT Market Strategies
Ermelinda Kordha Tolica and 2 more
The Smart City and the Co-Creation of Value
Nobuyuki Tokoro
Fundamentals and Principles of Artifacts Science
Masayuki Matsui
Integrity in the Business Panorama
Sebastian Vaduva
Mobile Marketing Channel
Mahmud Akhter Shareef and 2 more
Mapping Sustainability Transitions
Gerardo Marletto and 3 more
Digital Creativity Model and Its Relationship With Corporate Performance
Kun Chang Lee
Mind Genomics
Veljko MilutinoviÔc and 1 more
Moral Leadership in Business
Sebastian Vaduva and 4 more
Emergency Response Decision Support System
Siqing Shan and 1 more
Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) in the Marketing Context
Elvira Ismagilova and 3 more
Organisational Adaptations
Oluwaseun E. Adegbite and 3 more
Pop-Up Retailing
Gary Warnaby and 1 more
Agency Theory and Sustainability in the Global Supply Chain
Emanuela Delbufalo
American Shale Energy and the Global Economy
Andrew R. Thomas
HR Governance
Boris Kaehler and 1 more
Organizational Integrity
Carsten Stark
Artificial Intelligence for Business
Rajendra Akerkar
Capital Structure, Earnings Management, and Risk of Financial Distress
Pietro Gottardo and 1 more
Smart Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems
The Professionalization of Humanitarian Organizations SpringerBriefs in Organisational Studies
Günter Müller-Stewens and 4 more
Managing Future Enterprise
Friedrich Glauner
Market-Value Pricing
Gabriel Steinhardt
Theory, Formulation and Realization of Artifacts Science
Resilience Management for a Sustainable Aging Society
Shigeo Atsuji
Leadership and Change Management
Keow Ngang Tang
Sino-German Intercultural Management
Joanne Huang
Performance Evaluation
Harald Dyckhoff and 1 more
Website Quality and Shopping Behavior
Tereza Semerádová and 1 more
Effective Technology Transfer Offices
James A. Cunningham and 2 more
Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Networks in North America
Robert D. Tamilia and 2 more
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Mariella Pinna
Uninterrupted Knowledge Creation
Kaj U. Koskinen and 1 more
Organization Theory by Chester Barnard
Kazuhito Isomura
Success in the Bottom of the Pyramid Market in Africa
Philipp von Carlowitz
Intangible Asset Gap in Global Competitiveness
Eskil Ullberg and 2 more
Corporate Environmental Strategies and Value Creation
Rosita Capurro
The Impact of Corporate Culture and CMS
Kai-D Bussmann and 3 more
Mobility in Germany
Cordelia Friesendorf and 1 more
Management Theory by Chester Barnard
Knowledge Technology
Yoshiteru Nakamori
Unlearning at Work
Makoto Matsuo
Resilience and Digital Disruption
Aldo Geuna and 3 more
The Potential Impact of E-Mobility on the Automotive Value Chain
Kaan Y. Ciftci and 2 more
Managing Sustainable Business Relationships in a Post Covid-19 Era
Vijay Pereira and 2 more
Essence of the PET Radiopharmaceutical Business
Andrea Pecorale
Japanese Retail Industry After the Bubble Economy
Md. Arifur Rahman
When Do I Take Which Distribution?
Uwe Wehrspohn and 1 more
Collaboration Potential in Virtual Reality (VR) Office Space
Marko Orel
Working Environment and Digital Transformation
Eleonora Veglianti
Export Market Orientation
Mohammad Osman Gani and 2 more
Customer Behaviour in eCommerce
Šárka Zapletalová
Science Mapping of Digital Transformation in Business
Cristina Bota-Avram
Transformative Governance for the Future
Antonia Caro-Gonzalez
Government Performance Management
R. K. Mishra and 2 more