Young People's Quality of Life and Construction of Citizenship
Graciela Tonon de Toscano
Not Available
The Biology of Happiness
Bjørn Grinde
Happiness in Children
Mark D Holder
Quality of Life and Mortality Among Children
Thomas E. Jordan
An Anthropological Journey Into Well-Being
Melania Calestani
Studies in the Quality of Life in Victorian Britain and Ireland
Human Suffering and Quality of Life
Ronald E. Anderson
Flourishing Children
Laura Lippman
The Pursuit of Happiness and the Traditions of Wisdom
Vincenzo Giorgino
The Transitory Nature of Parent, Sibling and Romantic Partner Relationships in Emerging Adulthood
Avidan Milevsky
Child Street Life
G.K. Lieten and 1 more
Community Well-Being and Community Development
Seung Jong Lee and 2 more
Learning and Community Approaches for Promoting Well-Being
Youngwha Kee and 2 more
Ancient Views on the Quality of Life
Alex C. Michalos
The Nature and Function of Intuitive Thought and Decision Making
Lauri Järvilehto
The Autonomous Child
Ivar Frønes
Social Cohesion in the Western World
Georgi Dragolov and 5 more
Mindfulness Among Students
Atefeh Ahmadi
Supervising Child Protection Practice
Lynne McPherson and 1 more
An Empirical Investigation Into Child Abuse and Neglect in India
Sibnath Deb
Managing Motherhood
Janet L. Currie
Drugs and Child Maltreatment
David A. Joyce and 1 more
History and Politics of Well-Being in Europe
Wolfgang Glatzer
Measuring Youth Quality of Life in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima
Team Flow
Jef J.J. van den Hout and 1 more
Quality of Life and Early British Migration
Thomas Jordan
Well-Being Over the Life Course
Regina M. Bures and 1 more
Sexual Behaviours and Relationships of Autistics
Matthew Bennett and 1 more
Happiness, Technology and Innovation
Gaël Brulé and 1 more
Poverty and Quality of Life in the Digital Era
Nikolaos E. Myridis
Project-Based Leisure
Robert A. Stebbins