Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Nanostructures
J. Shah and 1 more
Not Available
Physics of Transition Metal Oxides
S. Maekawa
Low-Dimensional Molecular Metals
Naoki Toyota and 2 more
Excitons in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors
Stephan Glutsch
Particle Penetration and Radiation Effects. Volume 2 Penetration of Atomic and Molecular Ions
Peter Sigmund and 1 more
Strongly Correlated Systems. Experimental Techniques
Adolfo Avella and 1 more
Theory of Heavy-Fermion Compounds
M. IA Amusia and 3 more
Transport Spectroscopy of Confined Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
Stephan Baer and 1 more
The Iron Pnictide Superconductors
Ferdinando Mancini and 1 more
Sound Topology, Duality, Coherence and Wave-Mixing
Pierre A. Deymier and 1 more
Principles of Magnetic Resonance
Charles P. Slichter
Phonon Dispersion Relations in Insulators
H. Bilz and 1 more
Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids
Peter Fulde
High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics III
Gottfried Landwehr
Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Fumiko Yonezawa
Products of Random Matrices
Andrea Crisanti and 2 more
Self-Trapped Excitons
K.S. Song and 1 more
Physics of High-Temperature Superconductors
Sadamichi Maekawa and 1 more
Electronic Properties of Polymers
Hans Kuzmany and 2 more
Site Symmetry in Crystals
Robert A. Evarestov and 1 more
Transport Phenomena in Mesoscopic Systems
Hidetoshi Fukuyama and 1 more
Electron Transport in Compound Semiconductors
B.R. Nag
Superlattices and Other Heterostructures
Eougenious L. Ivchenko and 1 more
Low-Dimensional Electronic Systems
Guenther Neubauer and 2 more
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII
Michael Meissner and 1 more
Electronic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors
Interatomic Potential and Structural Stability
Kiyoyuki Terakura and 1 more
Jagdeep Shah
Electron Spectrum of Gapless Semiconductors
J. Tsidilkovski
Electronic Properties of Fullerenes
Hans Kuzmany and 3 more
Correlation Effects in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems
Ayao Okiji and 1 more
Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals
Atsushi Fujimori and 1 more
The Physics of Elementary Excitations
S. Nakajima and 2 more
Optical Properties of III-V Semiconductors
Heinz Kalt
Elementary Processes in Excitations and Reactions on Solid Surfaces
Taniguchi Symposium and 3 more
Ayao Okiji and 2 more
Theory of Magnetism
Kei Yosida
Quantum Kinetics in Transport and Optics of Semiconductors
Hartmut Haug and 1 more
Relaxations of Excited States and Photo-Induced Phase Transitions
Keiichiro Nasu
Physics and Chemistry of Transition Metal Oxides
Physical Properties of Quasicrystals
Zbigniew M. Stadnik
Positron Annihilation in Semiconductors
R. Krause-Rehberg and 1 more
Reinhard Krause-Rehberg and 1 more
Satoru Sugano and 1 more
Computational Materials Science
Kaoru Ohno and 2 more
The Physics of Selenium and Tellurium
E. Gerlach and 1 more
Contact, Adhesion, and Rupture of Elastic Solids
D. Maugis
Contact, Adhesion and Rupture of Elastic Solids
Field Theories for Low-Dimensional Condensed Matter Systems
Giuseppe Morandi
Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors and Superfluids
R. P. Huebener and 2 more
R.P. Huebener and 2 more
The Quantum Hall Effect
Daijiro Yoshioka
Magnetism in the Solid State
Peter Mohn
Electrodynamics of Magnetoactive Media
Israel D. Vagner and 2 more
Quantum Transport in Submicron Devices
Wim Magnus and 1 more
Optical Response of Nanostructures
Kikuo Cho
Magnetic Bubble Technology
A. H. Eschenfelder
Fractal Concepts in Condensed Matter Physics
T. Nakayama and 1 more
Tsuneyoshi Nakayama and 1 more
S. Glutsch
Two-Dimensional Coulomb Liquids and Solids
IU. P. Monarkha and 1 more
X-Ray Multiple-Wave Diffraction
Shih-Lin Chang
Sadamichi Maekawa and 5 more
Point-Contact Spectroscopy
Yu. G. Naidyuk and 1 more
Optics of Semiconductors and Their Nanostructures
H. Kalt and 1 more
Heinz Kalt and 1 more
Electron Scattering in Solid Matter
J. Zabloudil
Jan Zabloudil and 3 more
Physical Acoustics in the Solid State
Bruno Lüthi
Solitary Waves in Dispersive Complex Media
V. IU Belashov and 1 more
Vasily Y. Belashov and 1 more
Topology in Condensed Matter
M. I. Monastyrskii
Particle Penetration and Radiation Effects
Peter Sigmund
Quantum Chemistry of Solids
Robert A. Evarestov
Diffusion in Solids
Helmut Mehrer
Physics of Zero- And One-Dimensional Nanoscopic Systems
Sachindra Nath Karmakar and 2 more
Spin Physics in Semiconductors
M. I. Dyakonov
Mikhail I. Dyakonov
Optical Absorption of Impurities and Defects in Semiconducting Crystals
Bernard Pajot
Advances in Polaron Physics
A. S. Alexandrov and 1 more
Alexandre S. Alexandrov and 1 more
Organic Molecular Crystals
Edgar A. Silinsh
Introduction to Space Charge Effects in Semiconductors
K. W. Böer
Karl W. Böer
Studying Kinetics With Neutrons
Götz Eckold and 2 more
Electro-Optical Effects to Visualize Field and Current Distributions in Semiconductors
Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Materials
V. I. Anisimov and 1 more
Vladimir Anisimov and 1 more
Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism
Claudine Lacroix and 2 more
Theory of Electron Transport in Semiconductors
Carlo Jacoboni
High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors
N. M. Plakida
Nikolay Plakida
Full-Potential Electronic Structure Method
John Michael Wills
John M. Wills and 5 more
Coulombic Fluids
Werner Freyland
Bernard Pajot and 1 more
Fowler-Nordheim Field Emission
Sitangshu Bhattacharya and 1 more
Strongly Correlated Systems
Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities
Daniele Sanvitto and 1 more
Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals
Pierre A. Deymier
Topological Insulators
Shun-Qing Shen
Modern Theory of Magnetism in Metals and Alloys
Yoshiro Kakehashi
Physics of Quantum Fluids
Alberto Bramati and 1 more
Particle Penetration and Radiation Effects Volume 2
Relaxation of Elementary Excitations
R. Kubo and 1 more
Many-Body Approach to Electronic Excitations
Friedhelm Bechstedt
Miron Ya. Amusia and 3 more
Quantum Plasmonics
Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi and 2 more
Pierre Deymier and 1 more
The Role of Topology in Materials
Sanju Gupta and 1 more
G. Eilenberger
Topological Matter
Dario Bercioux and 3 more
Topology in Magnetism
Jiadong Zang and 2 more
Semiconductor Photonics of Nanomaterials and Quantum Structures
Arash Rahimi-Iman
Spin Ice
Masafumi Udagawa and 1 more
Flux Pinning in Superconductors
Teruo Matsushita
Introduction to Solid-State Theory
Otfried Madelung
O. Madelung
Theory of Nonlinear Lattices
Morikazu Toda
Mirror Symmetry
M. A. Wahab
Electronic Phase Separation in Magnetic and Superconducting Materials
Maxim Yu. Kagan and 3 more
Modern Crystallography II
Boris K. Vainshtein and 2 more
Point Defects in Semiconductors I
M. Lannoo
Physics in One Dimension
J. Bernasconi and 1 more
Physics in High Magnetic Fields
S. Chikazumi and 1 more
Fundamental Physics of Amorphous Semiconductors
F. Yonezawa
Elastic Media With Microstructure I
I. A. Kunin
Elastic Media With Microstructure. I One-Dimensional Models
Superconductivity of Transition Metals
S.V. Vonsovsky and 2 more
The Structure and Properties of Matter
Takeo Matsubara and 6 more
T. Matsubara and 6 more
Electron Correlation and Magnetism in Narrow-Band Systems
T. Moriya
Statistical Physics I
Morikazu Toda and 2 more
Statistical Physics II
Ryogo Kubo and 2 more
Quantum Theory of Magnetism
Robert M. White
Mixed Crystals
A. I. Kitaigorodsky
Phonons: Theory and Experiments I
Peter Brüesch
Point Defects in Semiconductors II
J. Bourgoin
Modern Crystallography III
A.A. Chernov
Physics of Intercalation Compounds
L. Pietronero and 1 more
Anderson Localization
Y. Nagaoka and 1 more
Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy
T. Wolfram
The LMTO Method
Hans L. Skriver
Crystal Optics With Spatial Dispersion, and Excitons
Vladimir M. Agranovich and 1 more
Structural Analysis of Point Defects in Solids
Johann-Martin Spaeth and 2 more
Elastic Media With Microstructure II
Electronic Properties of Doped Semiconductors
B.I. Shklovskii and 1 more
Topological Disorder in Condensed Matter
F. Yonezawa and 1 more
Statics and Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems
Giorgio Benedek and 2 more
Magnetic Phase Transitions
Marcel Ausloos and 1 more
M. Ausloos and 1 more
Organic Molecular Aggregates
P. Reineker and 2 more
Fundamentals of Crystal Growth I
Franz E. Rosenberger
Multiple Diffraction of X-Rays in Crystals
Chung In-Hang
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter
W. Eisenmenger and 2 more
Superconductivity in Magnetic and Exotic Materials
T. Matsubara and 1 more
Two-Dimensional Systems, Heterostructures, and Superlattices
G. Bauer and 2 more
Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations
S.W. Lovesey and 3 more
The Theory of Magnetism II
Daniel C. Mattis
Polycrystalline Semiconductors
G. Harbeke
The Recursion Method and Its Applications
D.G. Pettifor and 1 more
Dynamical Processes and Ordering on Solid Surfaces
A. Yoshimori and 1 more
Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors
R. P. Huebener
R.P. Huebener
Excitonic Processes in Solids
Masayasu Ueta and 4 more
Localization, Interaction, and Transport Phenomena
Bernhard Kramer and 2 more
Theory of Heavy Fermions and Valence Fluctuations
Tadao Kasuya and 1 more
Electronic Properties of Polymers and Related Compounds
H. Kuzmany and 2 more
Symmetries in Physics
Wolfgang Ludwig and 1 more
Phonons: Theory and Experiments II
Phonons: Theory and Experiments III
Two-Dimensional Systems: Physics and New Devices
Günther Bauer and 2 more
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter V
Ansel Cochran Anderson and 1 more
Nonlinearity in Condensed Matter
Alan R. Bishop and 3 more
High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics
One-Dimensional Conductors
Seiichi Kagoshima and 2 more
Quantum Monte Carlo Methods in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Systems
Masuo Suzuki
Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Semiconductors
Marvin L. Cohen and 1 more
Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymers
Fermi Surface Effects
Jun Kondo and 1 more
Elementary Excitations in Quantum Fluids
Kohji Ohbayashi and 1 more
Solitons and Condensed Matter Physics
A.R. Bishop and 1 more
Core-Level Spectroscopy in Condensed Systems
Junjiro Kanamori and 1 more
Physics and Technology of Submicron Structures
Helmut Heinrich and 2 more
The Quantum Hall Effects
Tapash Chakraborty and 1 more
The Quantum Statistics of Dynamic Processes
Eugen Fick and 1 more
High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics II
Organic Superconductors
Takehiko Ishiguro and 2 more
Strong Correlation and Superconductivity
Hidetoshi Fukuyama and 2 more
Vladimir M. Fridkin
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Earlier and Recent Aspects of Superconductivity
J. Georg Bednorz and 1 more
Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymers III
Physics and Engineering Applications of Magnetism
Yoshikazu Ishikawa and 1 more
Takeo Fujiwara and 1 more
Electronic Conduction in Oxides
N. Tsuda
Electronic Materials
James R. Chelikowsky and 1 more
Electron Liquids
Akira Isihara
Localization and Confinement of Electrons in Semiconductors
Friedemar Kuchar and 2 more
Magnetism and the Electronic Structure of Crystals
Vladimir A. Gubanov and 2 more
Electronic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors and Related Compounds