The Way of a Pilgrim
Gleb Pokrovsky
Not Available
Bhagavad Gita
Kendra Crossen Burroughs and 1 more
Jack Maguire and 1 more
Selections from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Swami Nikhilananda and 2 more
Daniel C Matt and 1 more
Ramakrishna and 2 more
The Gospel of Thomas
Stevan Davies
Hasidic Tales
Rabbi Rami Rabbi Rami Shapiro Shapiro
Rumi and Islam
Dr Ibrahim Gamard
The Hidden Gospel of Matthew
Ron Miller
The Hebrew Prophets
Rabbi Zalman M SchachterShalomi
The Book of Mormon
Jana Riess and 1 more
The Secret Book of John
The Divine Feminine in Biblical Wisdom Literature
Rev Cynthia Bourgeault PhD
The Gospel of Philip
The Lost Sayings of Jesus
Stephan A Hoeller
Philokalia—The Eastern Christian Spiritual Texts
Allyne Smith and 3 more
Tao Te Ching
Derek Lin
Ethics of the Sages
Rabbi Rami Shapiro
Sex Texts from the Bible
Theresa J Hornsby and 1 more
Gnostic Writings on the Soul
Stephen A Hoeller
The Qur'an and Sayings of Prophet Muhammad
Jane I Smith and 1 more
The Sacred Writings of Paul
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
George Long
The Art of War—Spirituality for Conflict
Marc Benioff and 1 more
The Infancy Gospels of Jesus
A Edward Siecienski
Stevan L Davies
Tanya the Masterpiece of Hasidic Wisdom
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Joseph T Kelley
Rev Barbara Cawthorne Crafton
Livia Kohn
Confucius, the Analects
Rodney L Taylor
Celtic Christian Spirituality
Mary C Earle and 1 more
John & Charles Wesley
Paul W Chilcote
Ghazali on the Principles of Islamic Sprituality
M Fethullah Gülen
Maimonides—Essential Teachings on Jewish Faith & Ethics
Rabbi Marc D Angel
Saint Ignatius Loyola—The Spiritual Writings
Mark Mossa
Saint Ignatius Loyola--the Spiritual Writings
Ignatius and 1 more
The Book of Job
Dr Marc Zvi Brettler
The Imitation of Christ
Thomas and 2 more
Desert Fathers and Mothers
Christine Valters Paintner
Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent
Rabbi Rami Shapiro and 1 more
Julian of Norwich
The Book of Common Prayer
The Rev Canon C K Robertson and 2 more