Our Monica, Ourselves
Lauren Gail Berlant and 1 more
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Lauren Berlant
Black Gay Man
Robert F ReidPharr and 1 more
Robert ReidPharr
Maria C Sanchez
The Explanation For Everything
Paul Morrison
Queer Globalizations
Arnaldo CruzMalavé
Queer Latinidad
Juana María Rodríguez
Juana Maria Rriguez
Boricua Pop
Frances NegrónMuntaner
Manning the Race
Marlon B Ross
In a Queer Time and Place
Jack Halberstam
Judith Halberstam
God Hates Fags
Michael L Cobb
Once You Go Black
The Delectable Negro
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The Exquisite Corpse of Asian America
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Not Gay
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A Taste for Brown Bodies
Hiram Pérez
The Color of Kink
Ariane Cruz
In Stock
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Archives of Flesh
A Body, Undone
Christina Crosby
The Life and Death of Latisha King
Gayle Salamon
Queer Nuns
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After the Party
Joshua Takano ChambersLetson
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Cruising Utopia
José Esteban Muñoz
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The Tragedy of Heterosexuality
The Sex Obsession
Janet R Jakobsen
Queer Childhoods
Mary Zaborskis
Bottoms Up
Xiomara Verenice CervantesGómez
Deviant Matter
Kyla Wazana Tompkins
Queer Lasting
Sarah Ensor
Extravagant Camp
Chris A Eng
Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings
Archiving an Epidemic
Robb Hernández
Arnaldo CruzMalavé and 1 more