Land, Value, Community
Wayne Ouderkirk and 1 more
Not Available
Charles S Brown and 1 more
Robert Frodeman
For Love of Matter
Freya Mathews
John Dewey and Environmental Philosophy
H P McDonald
Hugh P McDonald
Reinhabiting Reality
With Respect for Nature
Joseph Claude Evans
An Ontology of Trash
Greg Kennedy
Nature's Edge
The Incarnality of Being
Frank Schalow
Understanding Gregory Bateson
Noel G Charlton
Rachel Carson
Lisa H Sideris and 1 more
The Incompleat Eco-Philosopher
Anthony Weston
Brett Buchanan
Elemental Philosophy
David Macauley
Hans Jonas's Ethic of Responsibility
Theresa Morris
Emplotting Virtue
Brian Treanor
Philosophizing Ad Infinitum
Marcel Conche
Mountains, Rivers, and the Great Earth
Jason M Wirth
A World Not Made for Us
Keith R Peterson
Ecology on the Ground and in the Clouds
Andrea Nye
Wild Diplomacy
Baptiste Morizot
Gerard Kuperus
Toward Environmental Wholeness
Patrick H Byrne